
jué cè jī ɡòu
  • decision-making body;policy-making body;decision-making organ;strategy decision organ
  1. 赋予中央银行独立的货币政策制定权和执行权;调整货币政策委员会的委员构成使其成为真正的货币政策决策机构。

    Finally , this article provides three suggestion : implementing single objective of monetary policy , guaranteeing the PBC make and execute monetary policy independently , adjusting the composition the the Monetary Policy Committee to become a separated decision-making organ .

  2. 该部门对阿布扎比酋长国负责,并不是联邦决策机构。

    The Department is answerable to the emirate of Abu Dhabi and is not a federal policy-making body .

  3. 中央委员会是该党的决策机构。

    The Central Committee is the party 's policymaking body

  4. 现年67岁的张成泽是朝鲜最高决策机构国防委员会(NationalDefenseCommission)副委员长。

    Mr. Jang , 67 years old , was vice chairman of North Korea 's highest decision-making body , the National Defense Commission .

  5. 与总统一同遇难的还有波兰央行行长斯克希佩克(SlawomirSkrzypek)、他的死亡可能意味着央行利率决策机构货币政策委员会(MonetaryPolicyCouncil)内的力量平衡将发生改变。

    Traveling with the president was the governor of the central bank , Slawomir Skrzypek , whose death may mean a change of the balance of power in the rate-setting Monetary Policy Council .

  6. 转折点出现在利率决策机构联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)去年8月份的会议上。

    The crunch point came at the August meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee ( FOMC ) , which sets interest rates .

  7. 该地区拥有世界上最严苛的一些数据保护规定。在Facebook今年宣布了一项新的隐私政策之后,法国、德国和比利时的决策机构正在调查它是否违反了欧洲的法律。

    The region has some of the world 's toughest data protection rules , and policy makers from France , Germany and Belgium are investigating whether Facebook broke Europe 's laws after the company announced a new privacy policy this year .

  8. 消费与批发价格双双放缓,支持了美国利率决策机构联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的观点,增加了委员会继续暂停升息的几率。联邦公开市场委员会认为,美国经济在降温。

    The slowing of both consumer and wholesale price rises supports the view of the Federal Open Market Committee , the US interest rate setting body , that the economy is cooling , and increases the chances that the pause in the two-year cycle of interest rate rises may continue .

  9. 决策机构的系统模型及其运行机理研究

    A Study on System Model of Policy-making Bodies and Operational Mechanism

  10. 决策机构表决形式和有效结果;

    Voting form and valid voting result of the decision-making body ;

  11. 最高苏维埃是前苏联的最高决策机构。

    The Supreme Soviet was the highest decision-making body in the former ussr .

  12. 文科研究直接面向社会现实问题,为决策机构服务。

    Research into liberal arts direct confronts social problems and serves decision-making bodies .

  13. 决策机构的勾检职能。

    The cancels examines function of the policy-making organ .

  14. 联合国的其它决策机构也好不了多少。

    The other decision-making organs of the UN are not faring much better .

  15. 美国决策机构在采取行动时,应记取这些教训。

    These lessons should be remembered in the actions being undertaken by US policymakers .

  16. 欧洲理事会成立于1974年,是欧盟最高的决策机构。

    The European Council was founded in 1974 , now it is the highest decision-making institution .

  17. 毕业生将会为健康医疗组织,学术机构,和政府决策机构做研究工作。

    Graduates do research for managed health care organizations , academic institutions , and government policy-making bodies .

  18. 总理事会:世贸组织中继部长会议之后的最高决策机构,定期举行会议。

    General Council : The WTO 's top decision-making body other than the Ministerial Conference ; meets regularly .

  19. 它规定了政府决策机构如何设立和实施国内贸易立法与法规的主要契约性义务。

    It provides the principal contractual obligations determining how governments frame and implement domestic trade legislation and regulations .

  20. 它是“决策机构”,即完成协调指挥整个计算机系统的操作。

    It is a policy-making body that accomplishes the harmony and command of the whole computer system operation .

  21. 今天,美联储决策机构联邦公开市场政策委员会在华盛顿展开为期两天的会议。

    The Federal Reserve 's policymaking Federal Open Market Committee began two days of meetings in Washington today .

  22. 部长级会议:世贸组织的最高决策机构,至少每两年开一次会。

    Ministerial Conference : The WTO 's top level decision-making body ; meets at least once every two years .

  23. 阿萨德说,这项决定不是由中央决策机构做出的,而是由操纵防空炮的那名士兵做出的。

    That decision wasn 't made centrally but by the soldier operating the antiaircraft gun , Mr. Assad said .

  24. 决策机构在进行社会保险税的制度设计时应考虑留有一定的弹性空间。

    The decision-making organization should pay attention to leaving elastic space in the design of the social insurance tax .

  25. 主要阐述了行政决策机构及其体制的科学化,行政决策程序的科学化和行政决策的方法与技术的科学化。

    It mainly deals with the administrative institutions and the scientific process of its procedures , methods and technology .

  26. 现代公司的治理权力是决策机构、监督机构与执行机构之间权力相互制衡的关系。

    The modern company 's governance right is to balance relations between policy-making institution and supervise institution and executive institution .

  27. 世界卫生大会作为世卫组织的决策机构,每年在瑞士日内瓦召开一次大会。

    The World Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva , Switzerland and is the decision-making body of the WHO .

  28. 建立共同的决策机构和相对完善的决策机制是区域经济一体化最本质的体现。

    To build up common decision-making body and relatively improved decision-making system is the most basic reflection of regional economic integration .

  29. 地方决策机构应对区域经济自组织进行控制,把系统引向决策者所希望的有序结构。

    The local policy-making department should control the self-organization of the regional economy and lead the system to an orderly structure .

  30. 这位新任金管会主委同时表示,该机构需要加强由9位委员组成的决策机构,作为一种反腐败的防护措施。

    The new FSC chief also said it needed to strengthen its decision-making body of nine commissioners as a safeguard against corruption .