
  • 网络Letter of Determination
  1. 小贴士:要估量下你所知的那个人从而来决定信该如何写。

    Tip : Gauge your knowledge of the person to determine how formal the letter should be .

  2. 其结果正如这位设计师发表在《女装日报》(Women'sWearDaily),解释自己决定的信中所说:“商业的限制以及推出系列的疯狂步调让我不得自由,也没有时间去革新、寻找新的创意。”

    As a result , said the designer in a letter to Women 's Wear Daily explaining his decision , " Commercial constraints , as well as the frenetic pace of collections , don 't leave any freedom , nor the necessary time to find fresh ideas and to innovate . "

  3. 当邮局收到这封写给上帝、美国的信,他们决定把信转给布什总统。

    When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to God , USA , they decided to send it to President Bush .

  4. 但阿里巴巴集团发言人FlorenceShih说,决定阻止微信相关应用的唯一原因是确保淘宝和天猫购物者的交易安全。

    But Alibaba spokeswoman Florence Shih said that the sole reason behind the decision to block the apps is to ensure secure transactions for shoppers on Taobao and Tmall .

  5. 或是一个女孩的故事,她决定把情信

    Or a girl who decides that she is going to leave love letters

  6. 后来,他决定写封信向上帝索要这50美元。

    Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $ 50 .

  7. 所以,我决定写封信给您并想知道您是否安好。

    So I decided to write you and find out how you are doing .

  8. 如果你决定接受录取信,请按照录取信中规定的交付保证金。

    If you decide to accept the offer , please pay the deposit as stated on the Letter of Offer .

  9. 上层模型由饱和路段的排队延误最小,同时网络系统中的其他延误最小来决定信号绿信比。

    The upper level problem is to determine signal splits to optimize the queuing delay in the saturated roads and the other delay in the system networks .

  10. 他认为,知识是一种解释,知识之真是一种文化满足,真理是在某种境况决定下不得不信的理论。

    He viewed knowledge as one kind of interpretation , regarded truth of knowledge as cultural satisfaction , as the theory with the feeling of self-convincement in the situational determination .

  11. 经过分析,发现各参数对传感器的转移灵敏度的影响不是非常明显,而磁芯长度和导线直径是决定传感器输出信噪比的两个主要参量。

    After analysis , we found that the impact of every component is not apparent on its transfer sensitivity , while core length and wire diameter are two important ones on its signal-to-noise ratio .

  12. 可可轻松一刻154.写给上帝的信有个小男孩非常需要50美元,他为此祷告了数周但是什么也没发生。后来,他决定写封信向上帝索要这50美元。

    Keke Funny Moment 154.Letter to God A little boy needed $ 50 very badly and prayed for weeks , but nothing happened . Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $ 50 .

  13. 我知道我以后的领导工作非常繁忙,但正是这份工作中的挑战吸引了我,我才决定写申请信。

    I know that my future boss have lots of work each day , however , it is exactly the challenge inherent in my perspective job that attracts me and makes me to submit this application to you .

  14. 我正是为了这些人而决定写这封信。

    It is for them that I decided to write this letter .

  15. 分析结果表明光子散粒噪声决定了系统的信噪比。

    Findings indicate that the photon shot noise primarily determines the SNR .

  16. 我之所以决定写这封信给你是因为我认为我们之间的友谊深厚,不应该为了一些误解而受到影响。

    The main reason . I decided to write you this letter is because our friendship is too valuable to lose over a mistake .

  17. 该公司说,其决定暂停与微信相关的应用,原因是接到在淘宝和天猫上购物的消费者投诉,说他们在微信上收到的卖家促销信息数量过多。

    The company said it decided to suspend the WeChat-related apps because it received complaints from consumers shopping on its Taobao and Tmall sites that they were getting an ※ excessive § number of promotional messages on WeChat from sellers .

  18. 又一个四年过去了,他又写来一封信,这次他解释说,在获得学士学位后,他决定继续深造,信里还解释说她还是他最好的、最喜欢的老师,但是这时他的署名有些长了。

    Then four more years passed and yet another letter came . This time he explained that after he got his bachelor 's degree , he decided to go a little further . The letter explained that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had . But now his name was a little longer .

  19. 高更项目的运营商、持有该项目50%股权的美国石油集团雪佛龙(chevron)尚未正式决定推进该项目,不过,作为最后一块里程碑的“最终投资决定”,据信在几周内就会作出。

    Chevron , the US oil group that is 50 per cent owner and operator of Gorgon , is yet to sign off officially on the project , however , a " final investment decision " , the last remaining milestone , is thought to be only weeks away .