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zhào yāo jìng
  • monster-revealing mirror;demon-detector;a mirror to show up monsters;evil-exposing looking-glass
照妖镜 [zhào yāo jìng]
  • [monster-revealing mirror] 传说能照出妖魔鬼怪原形的宝镜,比喻借以看穿阴谋诡计的事物

照妖镜[zhào yāo jìng]
  1. 照妖镜:你想要呀!

    Shine on a demon mirror : You want !

  2. 我认为这是检验公司是否是空壳的一面照妖镜。

    I consider that the true test of whether the company is a fraud .

  3. 照妖镜:还敢顶嘴,是不是想抢我的位子呀?

    Shine on a demon mirror : Return to dare to bicker , whether want to rob my seat ?

  4. 照妖镜:是!而且非常的妖!弄得我的心扑通扑通地乱跳!

    Shine on a demon mirror : BE ! And very of demon ! Make my heart plop plop the ground be disorderly to jump !

  5. 照妖镜:白痴!你以为投降她就会放过你们吗?今天说什么也要跟她拼了听到没有?

    Shine on a demon mirror : Idiocy ! Do you think that surrendering her pass you for the meeting ? Today say what also want with her put together have already hear ?