
  • 网络lighting;lighting effects;I-EFCT;Caustics;lux
  1. 在上述应用领域,往往需要对LED光源进行二次光学设计,得到特定的照明效果。

    In the above applications , they often need a second optical design of the LED light source to receive a specific lighting effect .

  2. 保健护眼:LED均采用低压直流供电,无频闪、无眩光、亮度均匀,照明效果在视觉上更接近自然光;

    Health Eye : LED are used low-voltage DC power supply , no flicker , no glare , brightness uniformity , lighting effects visually closer to natural light ;

  3. 光线跟踪是一种可以实现高质量全局光照明效果的算法。

    Ray Tracing is a rendering algorithm for global illumination effects .

  4. 光与景&庭院亮化追求月光的照明效果

    Light and scene-to get lighting result of moonlight in courtyard

  5. 这可在转弯时提供最佳道路照明效果。

    This provides optimal illumination of the road during cornering .

  6. 三种非照明效果光的表现功能和应用特点

    The Representing Function and Applying Characteristics of Three Un-illuminated Lights

  7. 如何保持良好的通风和照明效果?

    How to maintain good ventilation and lighting performance ?

  8. 照明效果及照度标准在设计中的应用

    Application of illumination effect and light standard in design

  9. 反射罩采用抛物线面形状,反射率高、照明效果好;

    The reflection cover adopts parabola structure featuring high reflection performance and high light efficiency .

  10. 其主要内容包括光源建模、自由曲面反射器的设计和前照灯照明效果模拟三大部分。

    It mainly included : light source modeling , freeform reflector design and headlamp illuminating effect simulation .

  11. 同时,考虑到棚洞自身通风照明效果,认为可在棚洞形式上进一步优化。

    At last , when considering the ventilation and lighting , there are some further optimization of arch-wall shed-tunnel .

  12. 并通过对不同背景亮度等级的划分,确定了不同背景亮度等级下不同照明效果的亮度值。

    Moreover , according to divide different background luminance ranks , provides luminance values in the different lighting effects .

  13. 鸟巢及水立方立面照明效果评价

    The Effect Evaluation of Facade Lighting for " Bird 's Nest " Stadium and " Water Cube " Arena

  14. 我想这个房间如果既有台灯又有顶灯的话会有更好的照明效果。

    I think this room would be better lit if it had overhead lighting , as well as table lamps .

  15. 整个灯具设计美观简洁、大气豪华,既有良好的照明效果,又能给人带来美的感受。

    The lighting design Elegant , luxurious atmosphere , both good lighting effects , but also brings the feeling of beauty .

  16. 尽管在很多交互应用中都需要全局光照明效果,但过高的计算代价还是使得其一直局限于离线应用中。

    While global illumination is desirable in many interactive applications , the computational expense has been limiting its use to off-line applications .

  17. 由于两个光束相互平行且不是聚于一点,因此道路照明效果更好。

    The road is illuminated even better because the two light beams lie side-by-side and do not focus their light on one point .

  18. 特点:光效高,体积小,容易使用,安全,远或近照明效果佳。

    Characteristics : small size , high lighting efficiency , easy for use , safety , lighting is very good for far or close .

  19. 密封可靠,可调节投光角度、位置,使之处于最佳位置,达到最满意的照明效果。

    Characterized by reliable sealing effect , project light angle and position is adjustable , so it can be best placed to get most satisfy lighting result .

  20. 城市滨水空间夜景照明效果是以照明技术为手段对城市滨水空间景观的艺术再创造,为人们提供舒适宜人的夜间游憩场所。

    The effect of city waterfront space landscape lighting is recreating on city waterfront space landscape by means of lighting technology , and providing a comfortable night recreational places for citizens .

  21. 结果初步得到在低亮度光环境下,不同光色、不同亮度和亮度比等物理量对照明效果的影响趋势和影响程度。

    We obtain the influencing tendency and the influencing degree of the illuminating effect on different color appearances , different luminances , and luminance ratio in the lighting environment of low luminance .

  22. 全局光照明效果为用户提供了虚拟场景中的物体形状、材质以及相互位置关系的重要信息,从而能够大大提高计算机生成图像的真实感。

    Global illumination provides viewers with important cues that enhance understanding of shapes , materials and spatial relationships in a virtual scene and can significantly improve the realism of computer synthesized images .

  23. 因此需要研究光照对整个园区生态环境的影响,找出解决办法,既要确保园林夜景照明效果,又要保护园区生态环境。

    Therefore we need to study the influence of the whole park district ecosystem environment , we need find out the solution that insure the park lighting quality , and protect the park area ecosystem environment .

  24. 具体通过对设计过程、电耗测算、照明效果3个方面的8个二级参数、24个三级参数及5个四级参数的研究,明确界定了整个系统的层级框架及参数关系。

    By analysis 3 aspects : the design process , the electric power consumption and the lighting effects , which including 8 secondary parameters , 24 third parameters and 5 fourth parameters , the set of parameters ' hierarchical framework and relationship are clearly defined .

  25. 通过对比分析,改造后LED路灯照明节能效果明显。

    Through contrastive analysis , the LED street lights have remarkable energy conservation effect .

  26. 目前观众对参观国内博物馆的普遍印象是:陈列照明视觉效果单调,参观过程中极易产生视觉疲劳现象,这显然与我国蓬勃发展的博物馆事业极不相称。

    What impresses most domestic museum visitors at present is that the display lighting is generally monotonous , which easily causes the visitors to feel visual fatigue when they are visiting museums . Obviously it is not commensurate with the thriving development of the museums in our country .

  27. 显微摄影中照明方法及其效果的探讨

    Study on the Illumination Method and Its Result in Photomicrography

  28. 室外泛光照明光照效果仿真系统

    Imitation System of Lighting Effect of Exterior Flood lighting

  29. 研究还表明,面向地质目标优化地震波照明与接收效果也是需要重视的问题。

    In addition , more attentions should also be paid to target-oriented optimization of seismic wave illumination and visibility .

  30. LED照明有着节能效果好、发光效率高、寿命长、绿色环保等特点,是未来最主要的照明光源。

    LED lighting has many advantages , such as energy conservation , high luminous efficiency , long life , green environmental protection .