
  • 网络photographic gelatin
  1. 采用大孔型树脂除去照相明胶中微量Fe~(3+)的研究

    The study on iron removing from photographic gelatin by macroporous resin

  2. 凝胶过滤-原子吸收光谱法在研究照相明胶中的应用

    Gel filtration - flame atomic absorption spectrometry in studying photographic gelatin

  3. 以三种照相明胶为研究对象,用陈丽娟等改进的SDS-PAGE(+二烷基磺酸钠一聚丙烯酢酰胺凝胶电泳)法探讨了在干燥过程中温度对照相明胶分子量及其分布的影响。

    With the aid of the improved SDS-PAGE method 3 photographic gelatins is researched .

  4. Na2S2O3对照相明胶影响的研究

    The Affection of Doped Na 2S 2O 3 on Photographic Gelatins

  5. 照相明胶研究及应用的一些最新进展

    Some New Progress of the research and applications on Photographic gelatin

  6. 照相明胶在卤化银感光乳剂中的作用

    The Effect of Photographic Gelatin in Silver Halide Sensitive Emulsion

  7. 照相明胶钙结合配体的研究

    Study on the Feature of Ligands Combined with Calcium in Photographic Gelatin

  8. 照相明胶后处理用硅藻土的电子显微术研究

    An electron microscopy study of siliceous earth used in photographic gelatin production

  9. 照相明胶中铁的化学形态研究

    Study on chemical forms of iron in photographic gelatin used in color film making

  10. 照相明胶物理抑制性的研究和应用

    Research and Application of Physical Restraining Photographic Gelatin

  11. 干燥温度对照相明胶分子量及分布的影响

    The Effect of Drying Temperature on the Molecular Weight and its Distribution of Gelatin

  12. 含钙照相明胶的物理性能与结构特征研究

    A Study on Physical Properties and Structure Characteristics of Photographic Gelatin Containing Dopper Calcium

  13. 硅藻土是当代照相明胶生产的后处理工序中愈来愈广泛使用的一种过滤剂。

    Siliceous earth is now widely used as filtering agent in post-processing of gelatin production .

  14. 照相明胶的改性

    The Modification of Photographic Gelatin

  15. 本文用该技术研究了照相明胶中S原子与Ag+相互作用的本质。

    The nature of interaction between the S atom in protein of photographic gelatin and Ag ~ + was studied by XPS .

  16. 利用凝胶层析-电热石墨管炉原子吸收光谱法对照相明胶中铁的化学形态进行了研究。

    Chemical forms of iron in photographic gelatin used in color film making were studied by means of gel filtration-atomic absorption spectrum method .

  17. 照相明胶中加入钙,导致其胶冻强度与粘度下降。

    Owing to calcium dopping in gelatin used to make silver halide photographic emulsion , the jelly strength and viscosity of the gelatin decreases .

  18. 鱼皮是鱼类加工的主要副产物之一,鱼皮中含有丰富的胶原蛋白,可制成高质量的照相明胶和食用明胶以及医用明胶,从而提高其附价值。

    Fish skin is a main by-product of fish processing , which contains large amount of collagen and can be produced good quality gelatin to enhance the value .

  19. 硅藻土是当代照相明胶大生产后处理工序中愈来愈广泛使用的一种过滤剂,它的功能是除去明胶中的非胶原蛋白和其它有色有机质。

    Siliceous earth is widely used as filtering agent in post-processing of gelatin production of contemporary era . Its function consists in removing noncollagenous protein and other staining substances .

  20. 照相明胶的自由体积空穴在电子密度空间限制了银离子还原为银原子的过程,并使得银原子的沉积生长以丝状的形式进行。

    The free volume holes in gelatin may restrain the process of the silver ion to be reduced to silver atom in the space of the different electron cloud density , therefor the production and deposition of silver atom occurred in filamentary form .