
  • 网络Photo archives;photographic archives
  1. 照片档案的作用与利用

    Function of Photographic Archives and How to Making Use of Them

  2. 而对于44岁的怀尔德来说,他的路线比较传统,他曾在博物馆和照片档案机构工作多年。

    He had worked for a number of years in museum and photographic archives .

  3. 而建设基于Web的大容量、高速度、稳定安全的照片档案数据库是照片档案信息管理与开发利用的最佳解决方案。

    It is the best solution to manage and exploit the photo archives by building the database based on Web with large capacity , high speed and safe stability .

  4. 照片档案数据库建设的意义。

    The meaning of the construction of the photo archives database .

  5. 我去了一个叫薛定吉照片档案馆的地方。

    I went to a place called schottinger 's photo archives .

  6. 简论高校数码照片档案的科学管理

    Scientific management of digital photograph file of colleges and universities

  7. 环境保护声像照片档案管理初探

    Records Management of Sound , Video and Photo of Environment

  8. 照片档案损坏的理化因素及防护方法

    Physics and Chemistry Factors of Photo File Damage and Methods of Protection

  9. 浅谈高校数码照片档案管理

    On the Management of Digital Photos Archives in Colleges

  10. 对数码照片档案管理的思考

    Considerations about the Management of the Digital Picture Archives

  11. 规范管理数码照片档案

    On the Standard Management of Digital Picture Archives

  12. 新时期应强化照片档案的多界面管理

    Strengthen Management of photograph Files in new Period

  13. 关注照片档案的收集

    Pay Close Attention to Collecting Photo Records

  14. 浅谈医院照片档案的收集保管与利用

    Discussion on photo file collecting and utilization

  15. 高校数码照片档案科学管理的硬件和软件条件,应包括归档范围、鉴定、标注等。

    The hardware and software conditions of the mangement should include file coverage , identification and mark .

  16. 高校数码照片档案的科学管理有其必要性和紧迫性。

    It is necessary and urgent to scientifically manage the digital photograph file at college and university .

  17. 议照片档案的保护

    Conservation of Photo Files

  18. 本文从照片档案的收集、整理、保护三方面论述了强化照片档案管理的重要作用。

    Three aspects are expounded in this article : the collection , arrangement and protection of photograph files .

  19. 普通数字相机立体摄影技术在实物照片档案中的应用建议

    A Proposal on the Application of Stereography Technology Using Normal Digital Camera in the Photography of Archival Objects

  20. 让缤纷的记忆图片永不黯淡&加强照片档案管理的几点建议

    Let the Memory Pictures in Riotous Profusion Never to Dim & Several suggestions of Strengthening the Picture Archive Management

  21. 在众多馆藏资源中,以影像为表达方式的照片档案以其形象性、生动性、直观性等特点倍受用户欢迎。

    Among numerous collection resources , the photo archives taking image as expression way are welcomed by users for their vividness .

  22. 浅谈高校照片档案的收集、保管与开发利用行政档案〔又称内务档案〕

    On Collection , Preservation and Use of Picture Files in Universities ; administrative record [ also known as housekeeping record ]

  23. 照片档案的归档和保管照片档案应由底片、照片和文字构成。

    One , the file of photograph archives and custodial photograph archives should be formed by negative , photograph and character .

  24. 如要使用参考图书馆内的闭架图书、古迹及照片档案,有关人士必须在至少两个工作天前预约申请。

    Appointment at least two working days in advance will be necessary for viewing closed stack library collection , research and photos archives .

  25. 很多和我们课程相关的丰富信息;古文本和译文,很多给人深刻印象的遗址照片档案,许多第二手材料。

    A wealth of information relevant to our subject : Ancient texts and translations , extensive photo archives of an impressive range of sites , and plenty of secondary material .

  26. 分析了当前数码照片档案管理存在的问题及成因,提出了规范管理数码照片档案的主要措施及要点。

    This paper analyzes on the problems existing currently in the management of the digital picture archives and their causes , and puts forward some main measures for regulating the management of the digital picture archives .

  27. 本文以收集数码电子图像为着重点,从而阐述了数码照片档案的电子图像、纸质数码照片及光盘管理。

    This paper presents a discussion dealing mainly with the collection of digital electronic photos and thereafter , an elucidation of the management of digital photos archives including electronic images , digital photos on paper and photo-disks .

  28. 系统通过设置用户类型和密码,实现安全访问,并以不同的用户权限进行对应的档案功能操作,提高了照片档案的可管理性和查阅性。

    By setting the user types and passwords , the system will be able to realize a safe access . Meanwhile , the system takes various kinds of user permissions to correspond to the different functions , and it will make the photo archives more manageable and searchable .

  29. 这张照片在档案室中藏了40多年。

    The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years

  30. 这和fbi发出的照片和档案相符。

    Which matches with the photos and the files that the FBI sent over .