
  1. 论台湾的乡土教育

    On Local Education in Taiwan

  2. 视媒体中之乡土教育课程对学生所生成的影响。

    We should pay attention to the effect of the homeland education curriculum from the media on students . 7 .

  3. 但是近年来,中国大陆地区对于乡土教育和乡土教材的研究相对较少。

    Even so , the research of the local teaching materials and the local education is relatively little in the mainland area during the recent years .

  4. 因此,有效地开发和利用我们身边的乡土教育资源,在实践中探索提高德育的针对性和实效性,是学校德育的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , it is important that a school should effectively exploit and make use of its local educational resources , and strengthen in practice its objectivity and effectiveness of moral education .

  5. 第一小节介绍国外国家乡土教育的现状,发达国家日本对乡村伦理的重视和非洲发展中国家喀麦隆的乡村教育化改革对我国乡村教育的启示。

    The first section introduces foreign countries the status of the local education , how does the developed country Japan obsess with education and the rural education reform in the developing country Cameroon in Africa enlightens native rural education .

  6. 有关农村中小学乡土音乐教育的若干思考

    Several Considerations of Primary and Middle School Country Music Education

  7. 农村乡土地理教育的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice in Countryside 's Local Geography Education

  8. 论乡土美术教育资源的开发利用

    The Exploration & Utilization of Local Fine Art Education Resources

  9. 浅析乡土历史教育的作用

    An superficial Analysis of the Function of Local History Education

  10. 教师们对于如何更好的进行乡土地理教育还存在很多困惑。

    Teachers have a lot of confusions about how to improve the local geography education .

  11. 泉州地域文化影响下的高中乡土历史教育研究

    Study on the Education of Local History in the High School Influenced by Quanzhou Regional Culture

  12. 立足草原民族文化传统,探索中学乡土美术教育乡土建筑中的传统文化印记&以临沣寨为例

    Based on Grassland Folk Culture Tradition to Probe the Contemporary Fine Arts Education in Middle School

  13. 通过乡土美术教育来传承民族文化具有深远的意义和丰富的教育教学内涵。

    It has profound significance and plentiful education connotation to propagate national culture by local art education .

  14. 文章的目的是为了探索乡土地理教育的规律,为乡土地理教育寻找一条切实可行的途径。

    This article aims to study the law of local geography education and the practical approaches to it .

  15. 因此,应如何进行和开展乡土地理教育就很值得探索与研究。

    Therefore it 's very necessary and well worth probing and studying how to carry out local geography education .

  16. 新课标实施中乡土地理教育改革探讨秩序与生产:新区土改中的政策表达

    Discussion on local geography education revolution within the latest curriculum standard ; Order and Production : Policy Expressions During the Land Reform in the Newly Liberated Areas

  17. 因此,积极创造条件发展农村中小学乡土音乐教育,也应是基础音乐教育课程改革的一项重要内容。

    Therefore , to develop country music education for primary and high schools should be one of the important contents of reform in the basic music education courses .

  18. 文章首先从教育的目的入手阐述地理教育、尤其是乡土地理教育的重要性,联系学习的相关理论,归纳和总结了自我教育的重要性和必然性。

    This thesis expounded the importance of the geographical education and local geographical education based on the educate aim , utilize some learning theory , concluded the importance and inevitability of self-education .

  19. 乡土地理的教育实践研究

    A Practical Research on Local Geography Teaching

  20. 乡土教材既是教育领域的问题,同时也是本土文化和传统文化的有机组成部分。

    Local teaching material is not only belonging to educational region , but also an organic part of local and traditional culture .

  21. 通过坚持以人为本,重视观众调研和教育活动推广,实现博物馆作为观众乡土学习和教育基地的教育功能;

    Through paying attention to survey and analysis to the museum 's audience , and the publications of the educational and service activities , realize museum 's educational function as the base of the audience 's local study and education ;

  22. 论证分析了中学地理教学中乡土人文精神教育的基本途径和教学方法,从理论和实践中探讨中学地理教学中乡土人文精神培养的对策。

    This paper also has discussed and analyzed f basic approaches and concrete methods of local humanistic spirits cultivating of geography teaching in middle school and probing into the countermeasures of humanistic spirits cultivating of geography teaching in middle school from the theories with practice .

  23. 关于乡土地理研究与教育的几个问题

    On a few matters of local geographical study and its education

  24. 在上述分析研究中发现并指出,中学地理乡土人文精神的教育问题还有待更加深入的研究和实践。

    In the foundation of the analysis and research above , this paper point out that it is still a question for treating in further study to cultivate humanistic spirits in middle school geography teaching .

  25. 近些年来乡土美术教学在美术教育中越来越重要且不可或缺,但是在实际上乡土美术教育开展的深度和广度均十分有限。

    In recent years , the education of local art becomes more and more important and indispensable . But in fact , the scope and depth of development of local art education are not enough .

  26. 清末江苏乡土志的编纂与乡土史地教育

    The Compilation of Local Records and the Education of Local History and Geography in Jiangsu Province During Late Qing Dynasty

  27. 《1号检察官》中人物形象与乡土文化关系之思考有关农村中小学乡土音乐教育的若干思考

    The Relationship between the Characters in No.1 Procurator and Local Culture ; Several Considerations of Primary and Middle School Country Music Education

  28. 乡土地理教学质量的高低直接影响着乡土地理教育和爱乡爱国教育的好坏,因此探究在新课程标准下如何进行乡土地理教育具有重要意义。

    The quality of local geography teaching affects directly local geography education and the education to love country and homeland . Therefore , research of local geography education has important meaning according to the new course standards .

  29. 乡土地理教学是中学地理教学的重要组成部分,地理课程标准将乡土地理教育作为综合性学习的载体,作为新一轮基础地理教育改革的实施的重要途径。

    Local geography teaching is an important component of middle school geography teaching . Geography curriculum standard uses local geography education as the carrier for the integrated learning .