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xiānɡ shì
  • provincial examination
  • the imperial exam at the provincial level;triennial examination
乡试 [xiāng shì]
  • [the imperial exam at the provincial level;triennial examination] 明清两代在省城举行每三年一次的考试,考中的称举人

  • 举乡试。--《明史》

  • 那一年跟随他小主人入京乡试。--《二十年目睹之怪现状》

  1. 乡试是中国科举史上各级考试中最迟出现的一级考试,也是竞争最为激烈的一级考试,而且还是最早退出历史舞台的一级考试。

    Provincial examination , the most competitive of all levels of examinations , appeared latest but disappeared earliest in the history of China 's imperial examination .

  2. 其一生仕途坎坷,27岁中河南乡试第一,55岁才考中进士,58岁时授翰林院检讨,曾任会试阅卷官,67岁又致仕回乡。

    Career ups and downs of his life , 27 years old in the Henan Provincial Examination in the first , 55-year-old was sitting the Scholars , 58 years old been called to review the Imperial Academy , at 67-year-old has returned home .

  3. 李时珍读书应试,通过了乡试,但一直没能通过殿试。

    Li Shizhen studied for the exams and passed the country-level examination , but he was never able to pass the imperialexamination .

  4. 但这次乡试毕竟违背了他的初衷,使他高傲的灵魂受到伤害,不三年即抑郁而死。

    He was still hurt by the action against his will , and died of depression three years later .

  5. 同时,对于乡试人均中式率的省际差异进行了比较研究。

    At the same time , it makes a provincial comparison about admission ratio per capita in different provinces .

  6. 其实,应试者老是不经过童子试、科考的,也能参加乡试。

    In fact , the candidate always without a Boy trial , or scientific research , nor to participate in the provincial examinations .

  7. 以往的乡试研究更多是着眼于制度层面的,而关于直省乡试的系统研究则相对较少,基本上还是处于起步状态,具有广阔的拓展空间。

    The previous Imperial Examination study were basically about its " system ", and systematic study about provinces ' Provincial examination are very few .

  8. 然而有关这一事件的核心问题,即侯方域参加乡试是出于自愿还是被迫,迄今尚未有一致的看法。

    However , an agreement has so far not been reached on whether he took the examination from his own accord or under compulsion .

  9. 咸丰三年(1853)清廷允许各省捐输广额,各省乡试定额和中额因此有大幅的变动。

    XianFeng three years ( 1853 ) allow wide frontal share marked provinces , obtained quota in all provinces and therefore have a significant amount of change .

  10. 本文对清代乡试中的舞弊现象、防弊对策、防弊对策失效的原因进行了较为具体的探研。

    This article concretely inquires into cheating phenomena , gain and loss of the countermeasures to avoid cheating and the reasons why the countermeasures ceased to be effective .

  11. 乡试是各省人文教育活动的重大事件,对区域政治、文化、教育、民风等许多方面都产生过深刻的影响。

    Provincial examination was an important educational event in every province and deeply influenced such aspects as regional politics , culture , education , folk customs and so on .

  12. 人们一般都误认为王国维参加过两次“乡试”,事实上他只参加一次“乡试”。

    There is a general misunderstanding that Wang Guowei sat twice for the Provincial Examination ( a type of provincial official test regularly held in the Ming and Qing Dynasties ) .