
  • 网络Progressive;progressive party;Progress Party
  1. 他和JacquelineSteiner为老的音乐填词,支持美国进步党候选人竞选马萨诸塞州波士顿市长。

    She and Jacqueline Steiner took old music and wrote new words a Progressive Party candidate for mayor of Boston , Massachusetts .

  2. 同时,联邦选举委员会仍然没有批准三个克钦政党包括克钦邦进步党(KSPP)登记竞选2010年的大选。

    Meanwhile , the UEC is still sitting over the approval of three Kachin political parties including the Kachin State Progressive Party ( KSPP ) to contest the2010 general election .

  3. BinguwaMutharika寻求连任,希望他所代表的民主进步党能够占据议会的大多数。

    President Bingu wa Mutharika is seeking a second term and a majority in parliament for his Democratic Progress Party .

  4. 国会解散与进步党的分裂瓦解

    The dissolution of the Parliament and the disintegration of Progress Party

  5. 其他克钦政党,包括杜嘉博士领导的‘克钦邦进步党’,至今尚未注册。

    The rest of the Kachin parties including the Kachin State Progressive Party led by Dr.

  6. 克雅民族进步党成立于1957年,作为克伦尼军政治组织。

    The KNPP was set up in1957 as the political wing of the Karenni Army .

  7. 前几天,欧洲中左翼齐聚奥斯陆,绘制进步党执政的未来。

    The European centre-left tipped up in Oslo the other day to chart the future of progressive governance .

  8. 挪威右翼党派“进步党”的领导人詹森表示,布雷维克的作法“令人作呕”。

    The leader of Norway 's Progress Party , Siv Jensen , called his acts " repulsive . "

  9. 进步党是挪威第二大党,占据了议会169个席位中的41席。

    The progress party is the second-biggest party in Norway , holding 41 out of 169 seats in Parliament .

  10. 塞尔维亚进步党赢得了超过60%的选票,也就是250个议会席位中的190个。

    The Serbian Progressive Party won over 60 % of the vote , or 190 seats in the 250-seat parliament .

  11. 进步党党员进步党党员或其支持者这种侠义的精神未能得到党内其他党员的支持。

    A member or supporter of a Progressive Party . This chivalrous attitude was not endorsed by their followers in the party .

  12. 除了一两个例外,那些仍在执政的进步党同样身陷困境想想希腊、西班牙和葡萄牙。

    With one or two exceptions , those progressives who are still in government are also in difficulties think of Greece , Spain and Portugal .

  13. 评论结论“杜嘉博士成立代表克钦各族人民的‘克钦邦进步党’建设克钦邦光明的未来”。

    " Dr Tuja will build a brighter future for Kachin State by forming the Kachin State Progressive Party representing the Kachin nationals ," it concluded .

  14. 不丹繁荣进步党候选人在首次国民议会选举中赢得了压倒胜利。

    Candidates from the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa , also known as the Bhutan Prosperity Party , won a lopsided victory in Bhutan 's first-ever national election .

  15. 克钦邦进步党两个月前已在克钦邦开展竞选活动,现在已经停止了竞选活动,等待被推迟的联邦选举委员会的批准。

    The Kachin State Progressive Party ( KSPP ), which has been campaigning a lot in Kachin State , stopped campaigning over two months ago with the approval being delayed .

  16. 第二,共和党的分裂和进步党的产生。这是进步运动时期美国两党政治变动的重大事件。

    The second , the abruption of Republician party and the appearance of the progressive party , which is the important event of political alteration of the twoAmerican parties during the progressive movement .

  17. 有些种族政党,包括克钦独立组织的前领导人杜嘉博士领导的克钦邦进步党、仍然在等待军政府选举委员会对他们的申请开绿灯。

    Some ethnic political parties , including the Kachin State Progressive Party led by Tuja , a former leader of the KIO , still await a green light from the election commission over their applications .

  18. 在此期间,克雅民族进步党与其他反政府争取自治的民族武装结成盟军,比如南掸邦军,克伦民族联盟。这些少数民族武装团体沿泰缅边境设有根据地。

    In the meantime , the KNPP allied itself with ethnic armed opposition groups such as the Shan State Army South and the Karen National Union , which are fighting for various levels of autonomy .

  19. 清术立宪派和民初的进步党、研究系一脉相承,作为关键性的力量参与了全过程。

    The Progress Party and Constitutional Studies in the Early ROC shared the same political ideas with the Constitutionalists in the Late Qing , and as a critical force , they took part in the whole process of this movement .

  20. 预计,繁荣进步党领袖吉格梅.廷里将成为不丹总理。他曾经两次担任总理职务,但由于不丹国王结束了长达一个世纪的王朝统治,吉格梅.廷里这次将担负起领导国家的职责。

    DPT President Jigmi Thinley is expected to be the country 's next prime minister , a post he has held twice before . But this time , he will lead the country as Bhutan 's king ends a century of dynastic rule that has been largely peaceful .

  21. 促进科技进步保持党的先进性

    Promoting the Development of Science and Technology and Maintaining the Advantage of CPC

  22. 加拿大进步保守党

    The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada

  23. 一方面,科技进步催生了党的产生和发展,巩固了党的执政基础,发展了党的先进性;

    In one hand , it promotes CPC 's birth and growth , reinforces the foundation and develops Party 's progress .

  24. 作为现代进步的保守党的化身,他承诺将保护医疗卫生预算,并通过其他方面的一些昂贵的改革。

    In his incarnation as a modern , progressive Conservative , he promises to ring-fence the health budget and enact costly reforms elsewhere .

  25. 这些都是党内生活的伟大进步,对于党和人民的事业将起巨大的促进作用。

    All this represents marked progress in our inner-Party life and will give a big impetus to the cause of our Party and people .

  26. 特别是在党的事业发展的重大转折时期、全党面临新的形势和任务的重大关头,党的建设的进步对推动党的事业的发展尤其具有关键性的意义。

    The progress of it has an important meaning of compelling the cause of the party , especially during the significant turning point of the growth of the cause of the party and the crucial moment when the party faces with new situation and tasks .

  27. 这些经验主要包括:不断赋予党的先进性新的科学内涵,使党的先进性始终具有鲜明的时代性;在推动社会历史进步中实现坚持党的先进性;

    These experiences mainly include : continuously endowing the Party 's progressiveness with new scientific meanings , promoting social development to practice the Party 's progressiveness , establishing scientific evaluation system and criterion to insure the Party permanently maintaining progressiveness , etc.