
jìn xíng
  • have;carry on;conduct;be in progress;run;proceed;go on;did;prosecution;be underway;enact;put up;go ahead;pursuance
进行 [jìn xíng]
  • (1) [proceed]∶向前行走

  • 工作在灯光照耀下进行着

  • (2) [conduct]∶引申为推动或从事某项工作

  • 进行科学实验

进行[jìn xíng]
  1. 这是因为,对于EIS2中价格信息的更新,可能是由其他应用程序持续进行的,而您需要保证看到的是一致提交的价格数据。

    This is due to the fact that updates to EIS2 pricing information could be in progress via other applications , and you need to make sure that you are seeing consistent , committed pricing data .

  2. 设计生产的是顾客化商品,需要进行感知和顾客参与;

    Designs the customers ' commodities , needs to be in progress sense perception , and the customers participation .

  3. 政府已承诺对这次灾难进行全面调查。

    The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster .

  4. 这支乐队目前正在法国进行九天的巡回演出。

    The band is currently on a nine-day tour of France .

  5. 这桩离婚案是在舆论的密切关注下进行的。

    The divorce was conducted in the full glare of publicity .

  6. 她在最后一场比赛中进行了顽强的防守。

    She put up a spirited defence in the final game .

  7. 她进行了一场家庭生活美德方面的说教。

    She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life .

  8. 赛跑进行到一半时尚难分胜负。

    At its mid-point , the race had no clear winner .

  9. 对该队在比赛中的差劲表现进行了检讨。

    An inquest was held on the team 's poor performance .

  10. 我们参观了那所学校,并跟校长进行了交谈。

    We looked around the school and talked with the principal .

  11. 我们学校与法国的一所学校进行交流。

    Our school does an exchange with a school in France .

  12. 对所有捐献的血都要进行艾滋病病毒和其他传染病病毒检测。

    All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections .

  13. 看来两位领导人正在进行密谈。

    It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks .

  14. 血样要送往实验室进行分析。

    The blood samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis .

  15. 要确保在签收货物之前进行检验。

    Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them .

  16. 按这两个键就可以在屏幕上的文件之间进行切换。

    Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen .

  17. 随机抽选出部分学生进行了采访。

    The interviews were given to a random sample of students .

  18. 有必要对儿童进行吸毒危害的教育。

    Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking .

  19. 每个公司有十分钟时间进行推销宣传。

    Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch .

  20. 这场辩论当着现场观众的面进行电视转播。

    The debate was televised in front of a live audience .

  21. 选举正在暴乱的情况下进行。

    The elections are taking place against a background of violence .

  22. 这个研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。

    The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates .

  23. 讨论限于在本部门内非正式地进行。

    Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department .

  24. 他们的工作是在秘密掩护下进行的。

    Their work is carried out behind a veil of secrecy .

  25. 公司的拓展计划正顺利进行。

    The company is forging ahead with its plans for expansion .

  26. 在进行安全检查期间生产暂停。

    Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out .

  27. 对死亡原因进行了调查。

    An inquest was held to discover the cause of death .

  28. 对那场火灾及其可能的起因进行了讨论。

    There was discussion about the fire and its likely cause .

  29. 美国总统正在对莫斯科进行回访。

    The US president is making a return visit to Moscow .

  30. 他强烈反对已进行的变革。

    He strongly disapproved of the changes that had been made .