
  1. 中国今年发生幼儿三聚氰胺中毒案之后,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)已经禁止进口中国乳制品。三聚氰胺会引发肾衰竭。

    The European Commission has already banned the import of Chinese milk products after children were infected with melamine – which can cause kidney failure – in China this year .

  2. 美国工会正试图限制进口中国轮胎,此举将迫使巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)明确选择立场,即支持自由贸易还是支持工会。

    Us unions are trying to restrict Chinese tyre imports , a move that will force Barack Obama to take a firm free trade or pro - labour position .

  3. 美国几个州已禁止进口中国鲶鱼,同时美国监管部门也就进口中国安康鱼(monkfish)发出了警告。

    Several US states have banned imports of catfish from China , while US regulators have warned about imports of Chinese monkfish .

  4. 我们对进口中国丝绸领带感兴趣。

    We are interested in the import of Chinese silk neckties .

  5. 加拿大及拉美国家进口中国玩具总额增加

    Canada and Latin America record increment in import of China toys

  6. 一些进口中国轮胎的美国进口商也反对这宗诉讼。

    Some US importers of Chinese tyres also oppose the case .

  7. 原来你是来进口中国纺织品的,是么?

    So you come importing Chinese textiles , do you ?

  8. 附近,亨利·王销售进口中国的低成本的装饰和面料。

    Nearby , Henry Wong sells low-cost decorations and fabrics imported China .

  9. 欧盟禁止进口中国蜂蜜的应对策略及启示

    EU 's Banning of Honey Import from China : Response Strategy and Inspiration

  10. 本公司从我国驻贵国大使馆处得知贵方有兴趣进口中国的丝绸产品。

    We have learned from our Embassy that you are interested in importing Chinese silk product .

  11. 中国轮胎制造商与一些进口中国轮胎的美国公司都在对此案进行辩护。

    Chinese manufacturers have been joined by some US importers of Chinese tyres in fighting the case .

  12. 从我们的市场调研得知,你们对进口中国造纺织机械设备非常感兴趣。

    Our market survey informs us that you have a keen interest in the import of Chinese textile machinery .

  13. 美国商业部对进口中国的管类材料征收达99%的反倾销税。

    The US Commerce Department has imposed anti-dumping tariffs of up to99 % on imports of Chinese tubular goods .

  14. 剩下的唯一真正手段,就是单方面对进口中国产品征收关税,以补偿其所称的汇率低估损失。

    The only real route left is to unilaterally slap tariffs on Chinese imports to compensate for alleged currency undervaluation .

  15. 澳大利亚也将免除当前进口中国电子产品和白色家电的5%关税,这意味着澳洲民众将可享受更加廉价的中国制造。

    Australia will remove the existing 5 % tariff on Chinese electronics and white goods , meaning cheaper goods for Australian consumers .

  16. 布莱迪说,他不会追求允许美国限制进口中国产品的立法,因为那会低估中国的货币。

    Mr Brady also said he would not pursue legislation allowing the US to restrict Chinese imports because that would undervalue its currency .

  17. 这一计划将使那些获准进口中国纺织品的欧盟企业增加成本,因为它们需向欧盟的27个成员国一一申请许可证。

    The program will increase costs for the chosen European importers , who have to pay the EU's27 member countries for the licenses .

  18. 开发出多种质地优良、性能稳定的珍贵木材,于海外直接进口中国,加工成品。

    Develop a variety of good quality , stable performance of precious wood , in foreign direct imports from China , processed products .

  19. 他们更喜欢和那些通过迪拜进口中国商品的伊朗人打交道,以假装中国是向阿联酋出口货物,而不是伊朗。

    They prefer to work with Iranians who import goods to Iran through Dubai to pretend they export goods to UAE rather than Iran .

  20. 亚洲和东欧国家仍然希望扩大贸易关系,但美国对进口中国产品水平的担忧日益加深。

    Asian and eastern European countries still want to expand trade links but there is growing US concern about the level of imports from China .

  21. 作为美国废纸进口中国的第一单成功贸易的操作者,我,现在已是自惭形秽,深叹不如啊!

    As the operator of the first successful trading in America 's waste paper imported to China , now I feel ashamed and deep sigh better !

  22. 上周,美国全面暂停进口中国牙膏,因为此前有报道称在一些拉美国家销售的此类产品中含有一种有毒的化学物质。

    Last week , the US halted all imports of toothpaste from China after reports that products sold in some Latin America countries contained a poisonous chemical .

  23. 新德里与北京的关系也不和睦,一方面存在边界争端,另一方面是由于该国大量进口中国商品。

    New Delhi also has an uneasy relationship with Beijing , characterised by border disputes on the one hand and plentiful imports of Chinese goods on the other .

  24. 由于贵公司是中国电脑零部件行业主要生产商和出口商之一,我们非常想从贵公司进口中国计算机零件。

    We are very much interested in importing Chinese computer parts from you since you are one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of computer parts in China .

  25. 上个月的中美商业联会上,中国表示将要求所有在中国制造和进口中国的电脑都要预装合法的操作系统。

    At last month 's China-US Joint Commission on commerce and trade meeting , China said it will require all computers produced and imported to China to have legitimate operating system software pre-installed .

  26. 可以说,相对于中国自身而言,中国通胀的消息对于其它国家来说更加糟糕,因为它们进口中国产品的成本将上升,在进口商品的同时输入了通胀。

    Arguably , inflation in China will be worse news for the rest of the world than for China itself because the cost of imports from China will rise , importing inflation along with goods .

  27. 这就意味着中国将成为其他进口中国产品的国家和地区的通胀来源,而不是像过去一样是价格稳定甚至通货紧缩的来源。

    That means China will become a source of inflation for the rest of the world , which imports its goods , rather than a source of price stability or even deflation as it has been in the past .

  28. 西方发达国家为保护本国市场,打着保护人类生存的地球环境和保障人类及动植物健康安全的旗号,构筑起绿色贸易壁垒,对进口中国农产品进行严格限制。

    In order to protect domestic market , the western developed countries build GTB to carry out serious restrict for Chinese agricultural products export in the name of protecting earth environment and safeguarding health and safety of human being and animal .

  29. 今年1月,新德里以安全忧虑为由,宣布在6个月内禁止进口中国玩具。此前印度玩具制造商抱怨称,中国产品占据了该国25亿美元玩具市场的大部分份额。

    In January , New Delhi announced a six-month ban on the import of Chinese toys , citing concerns about their safety , after Indian toymakers complained that such playthings had grabbed the lion 's share of the country 's $ 2.5bn toy market .

  30. 之所以会这样,一方面是因为需求攀升,一方面也是因为开放大豆进口是中国加入世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization)的一项承诺。

    That 's because Beijing bowed to rising demand and opened its gates to soybean imports as part of its accession to the World Trade Organization .