
  • 网络Resource and Energy
  1. 西北水资源与能源工业可持续发展战略研究

    A strategic study on Northwestern China Water Resource and Energy Industry Sustainable Development

  2. 其中,固体废弃物对环境贡献值最高,其次为资源与能源消耗的影响。

    The contribution of solid waste was the highest , followed by resource and energy consumption .

  3. 用辐射化学促进资源与能源的开发

    Promoting Development of Material Resources and Energy Resources with Radiation Chemistry

  4. 加强资源与能源管理;

    Reinforcing the administration of energy and resource ;

  5. 资源与能源的无节制消耗,致使全球环境污染和资源枯竭。

    Plenty of resources and energy consumption , causing global environmental pollution and resource depletion .

  6. 能源资源与能源技术&中国21世纪可持续发展的关键环节之一

    Energy Resources and Energy Technology

  7. 以强调回收污水中资源与能源的可持续污水处理理念,使得分散式污水处理技术再次显出勃勃生机。

    The concept of sustainable wastewater treatment emphasizing recoveries of energy and resources makes the original decentralized wastewater treatment renewed .

  8. 目前的环境问题主要包括环境污染、生态破坏、资源与能源问题和全球性环境问题等几种类型。

    Current environmental issues , includings environment pollution , ecological damaging , resource and energy issues and global environmental problems .

  9. 但这种呼声并未考虑到印度和巴基斯坦可能产生的担忧,后二者亦从该河获取水资源与能源。

    The call comes despite the likely concerns of India and Pakistan , which access water and power from the river .

  10. 然而由于其发展的盲目性,造成了环境的污染以及地球资源与能源的过度消耗。

    However , the blindness in its development has resulted in environmental pollution as well as over-consumption of earth resource and energy .

  11. 水资源与能源、人口、生态环境等已成为世界各国普遍关注的重大问题。

    Energy , population , ecological environment and water resource have become the important issue that countries all over the world have generally concerned .

  12. 逆向物流绿色化是充分节约和利用资源与能源,保护生态环境、提高经济效益的重要途径。

    The environment of reverse logistics is a great way to save and use resources and energy fully , protect environment and increase economic benefit .

  13. 如此巨大的产量需求及持续不断增长趋势的同时,也伴生了许多问题,如不可再生自然资源与能源的巨大消耗和环境污染等。

    The incessant demand and tremendous consumption incurred concomitant problems , such as the enormous resource and energy consumption as well as severe environmental pollution .

  14. 因此,开发新能源同时解决水资源与能源问题,将极大地推动社会的发展。海洋温差能是海洋能的一种,储量丰富且较为稳定。

    Therefore it is important to develop new clean energies for desalination and ocean thermal energy is a good choice with abundant reserves and low cost .

  15. 开发利用可再生资源与能源,大力发展生物质能源及生物基化学品,减少经济发展对石油的依赖,具有十分重要的战略意义。

    It is significative to exploit regeneration resource and energy , such as biologic-energy and biologic-chemistry matter , to decrease the requirement of petroleum for economy development .

  16. 论述了我国石油和化学工业五大六低的矛盾,即:产量大,企业数量大,职工队伍大,资源与能源消耗大,环境污染大;

    There are lots of contradiction in China 's petroleum and chemical industries , among which " five big and six low ", are pointed out , viz .

  17. 政府补贴、资源与能源价格、排污收费等政策是影响企业实施清洁生产的重要因素。

    Policies of government subsidy , prices of resource and energy , pollution charge and so on are important factors for a company to carry out cleaner production .

  18. 金属腐蚀现象十分普遍,它给社会带来了巨大的经济损失,造成了许多灾难性的事故,耗竭了宝贵的资源与能源,严重地影响了社会的发展。

    It is aware that corrosion has consumed enormous economic cost , brought many disastrous accidents , exhausted the precious resource and even hindered the development of society .

  19. 现代农业在迅速提高生产力的同时,也付出了诸如资源与能源的过度消耗,农业环境的破坏等巨大的代价。

    Modern agriculture rapidly improves productivity ; in the meanwhile , it pays heavy prices such as over consumption of resources and energy and damages to the agricultural environment .

  20. 为降低水泥生产时的环境负荷,节约生产混凝土的资源与能源,满足混凝土可持续发展的要求,生产绿色混凝土势在必行。

    In order to decrease the environmental load and save the energy and resource , meet the requirement of sustainable development , it is urgent for the green concrete .

  21. 目前,主要有资源与能源、基础设施、旅游、科技领域、农业、劳动密集型制造业六大领域有利于中国企业进入朝鲜。

    Presently there are six main areas favoring Chinese enterprises entering into North Korea , namely resource and energy , basic facility , tourism , technical region , agriculture and labor intensive manufacturing .

  22. 但是当前以性能为基础的材料学研究资源与能源高消耗、环境大污染的特性已无法满足21世纪循环经济发展的要求;

    Based on performances , the present material study which focuses on the great consumption of resource & energy , and the severe environment pollution cannot meet the demand of sustainable development of economy .

  23. 中国工业现有的普遍低下的生产水平和中国资源与能源的相对贫乏、生态环境的严峻形势决定了中国的工业必须实行清洁生产。

    The general low industrial production level , the relative shortage of resources and energy and the severe situation of ecological environment in China determine that the industries of China have to practise cleaner production .

  24. 论文分四部分,一是对贵州能源资源与能源产业进行分析,二是对贵州能源发展评价,三是建立贵州能源需求模型并进行应用研究,四是制定贵州能源经济可持续发展的对策。

    The first part analyses the energy resources and the energy industry in Guizhou . The second part evaluates the development of energy in Guizhou . The third part sets up an energy-demand model and studies its application .

  25. 绿色逆向物流管理的主要目的是充分节约和利用资源与能源,保护生态环境,提高经济效益,最终实现可持续发展的战略方针。

    Green reverse logistics mangement is aimed at the saving and efficient utilization of resources and energy . as well as protecting the ecological environment , improving economic efficiency , and finally attaining the strategic goal of sustainable development .

  26. 当前,我国正处于经济高速发展阶段,土地资源与能源非常短缺,所以开展对水平移动立体货架控制技术的研究与水平移动立体货架系统的推广应用显得尤为重要。

    Nowadays , our country is under rapid development of economy but in bad lack of land resources and energy , in this situation , researching on and widespread use of Horizontal Mobile Rack become more and more important .

  27. 如地球圈层的形成与演化,大陆伸展与裂谷,资源与能源等,均为深部物质运移和物理学、化学效应及地质构造耦合的产物。

    For example , formation and evolution of spheres and layers of the earth , continent extension and rift as well as mineral and energy resources , etc. all are the coupling products among deep substances migration , physical chemical effects and geological structures .

  28. 氧化物矿直接还原冶炼工模具钢,可以省去铁合金生产过程,减少环境污染,节约资源与能源,是经济效益显著的炼钢工艺,符合可持续发展战略。

    Making tool and die steels by direct reduction of oxide ores is to eliminate the process of making ferrous-alloys , to decrease the environmental pollution and to economize resources and energy , which is of a steelmaking technology with sustainable development and substantial economical benefit .

  29. 但是,所有物理化学方法均有其消耗一定资源与能源弱点,目前的研究重点仍然集中在消耗能源较低的生物处理方法上。

    Mainly , they are interested in two methods which are micro-biological degradation and physicochemical treatment . However , all physicochemical treatments have weaknesses of consumption of energy and resources . So the current researches still focus on micro-biological degradation that has advantage of lower energy consumption .

  30. 辽宁省农业科学院环境资源与农村能源研究所,辽宁沈阳;

    Institute of Environmental Resource and Agricultural Energy , Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Shenyang , Liaoning ;