
zī liào kù
  • database;databank;storage room for files/documents
  1. 他们维护着一个服务于商界女性的酒店资料库。

    They maintain a database of hotels that cater for businesswomen .

  2. 我在资料库里发现了一些新信息。

    I discovered some new information in the database .

  3. WEB的《教育技术学》资料库设计方案研究

    The Education Technology Resources Warehouse Design Scheme of WEB

  4. 关键词:原生型XML资料库、料结构。

    Keywords : native XML database , data structure .

  5. 微机机床夹具CAD资料库管理系统

    The management system of microcomputer & aided design database for machine tools and fixture

  6. 这对SOA资料库来说又是一个很好的补充。

    This is a good addition to the SOA library .

  7. IBM在支持站点和资料库提供了更新。

    IBM provides updates on support sites and in repositories .

  8. BLAST提供一个快速搜寻核甘酸与蛋白质资料库的方法。

    BLAST provides a method for rapid searching of nucleotide and protein databases .

  9. 然后使用IBMInstallationManager安装本地资料库中的软件包。

    You can then use IBM Installation Manager to install the software package from this local repository .

  10. 在您的分布策略中要考虑的另外的技术包括提供对共享资料库的基于Web的访问以及跨越地域的可靠副本及同步资料库。

    Additional techniques to consider in your distributed strategy include providing Web-based access to shared repositories and reliably replicating and synchronizing repositories across geographies .

  11. 基于Oracle的文献资料库全文检索技术

    Full - text search of document library based on Oracle

  12. 我们在植物园采集了你的DNA在资料库里搜查后,有匹配结果

    We collected your DNA from the botanical gardens . We ran it through our database , and we got a hit .

  13. 默认情况下,IBMInstallationManager搜索包具体指定的列表资料库和服务资料库。

    By default , IBM Installation Manager searches both the listed repositories and the service repositories that the packages specify .

  14. 这里所说的关键资源可以是网络设备、应用系统功能、数据库记录等等,本文的研究主要针对XML资料库。

    The sensitive resources mentioned above are multifarious , including network equipments , application functions , records in database and so on .

  15. 其众多目标包括:包含了序列、位置标记、基因和相似基因功能的DNA资料库;

    Among the many objectives , DNA databases that include sequences , location markers , genes , and the function of similar genes .

  16. 例如,拥有防火墙的企业可能需要防止用户访问Internet,因而,也就需要限制搜索列表资料库。

    For example , an enterprise with a corporate firewall that prevents users from accessing the Internet might want to limit the search scope to listed repositories .

  17. PEAR是用户提供的模块组成的资料库。

    PEAR is a repository of user-contributed modules .

  18. 您可以通过使用支持基于证书安全的标准协议,获取HTTP软件包资料库的使用权。

    You gain access to HTTP software package repositories by using standard protocols that support credential-based security .

  19. 蛋白质资料库是单一的世界性储藏库:提供处理与散布3-D生物性巨分子结构资料。

    The Protein Data Bank is the single worldwide repository for the processing and distribution of3-D biological macromolecular structure data .

  20. IBMPackagingUtility是一个为IBMInstallationManager以正确的格式建立和管理软件包资料库的包工具。

    IBM Packaging Utility is a packaging tool that creates and manages software package repositories in the correct format for IBM Installation Manager .

  21. 要获得Workspace对象,用户必须从惟一资料库中请求一个对象。

    To get a Workspace object , the user must request one from the repository singleton .

  22. 资料库中的每个实体都有惟一标识符,称为文档ID,惟一地表示该实体。

    Each entity in the repository has a unique identifier , called Document ID , that uniquely represents this entity .

  23. DominoDirectory提供了服务器相关信息和基于复制、路由与即时发送消息的服务器间连接信息的资料库。

    The Domino Directory provides a repository of server-related information and inter-server connectivity based on replication , routing , and instant messaging .

  24. VersionedObjectBase&一种用于存储开发过程中项目工件的多重连续版本的IBMRationalClearCase数据库资料库。

    Versioned Object Base & an IBM Rational ClearCase database repository for storing multiple , sequential versions of project artifacts under development .

  25. 在OSPF区域的每个路由器有相同的链路状态资料库。

    Every router in the OSPF area will have the same link-state database .

  26. Safari书店:访问此电子参考资料库可查找特定的技术资源。

    Safari bookstore : Visit this e-reference library to find specific technical resources .

  27. HES培训资料清单,进一步增加资料库的内容。

    According to the list of HES training materials , continued to enrich the database .

  28. 有了ORM,你可以操作代表资料的软体物件,然后ActiveRecord函式库将会处理与资料库的操作。

    With ORM , you can work with software objects that represent your data and let the Active Record library take care of communicating with the database .

  29. Windows文件系统,以及其它的操作系统的文件系统均支持AccessControlLists(ACLs),限制对包含资料库的目录的访问。

    File systems on Linux , AIX , Windows , and other operating systems support Access Control Lists ( ACLs ) to limit access to directories that contain repositories .

  30. 林火地理信息系统(GIS)是一种包含空间资料库管理的地理信息系统,它具有储存,处理,投影转换和取回与显示图形资料的能力;

    Geography information system ( GIS ) is a system which includes the management of interspace data , and it has the abilities of memory , settlement , projection transition and displaying graphs .