
kǎ shì lù yīn dài
  • Cassette tape;compact audio cassette
  1. 但在临死前,不知用什么方法,她把微型卡式录音带偷偷放进口袋,而凶手并不知道。

    But before she died she somehow slipped the microcassette into her pocket without her killer knowing it .

  2. 我把卡式录音机带了回家,发现它不灵了,我试着自己动手把毛病找出来。

    When I got home with the cassette recorder , it wouldn 't work . I tried to find the mistake myself .

  3. 卡式录音机和录音带。双卡便携式收录两用机

    The cassette player and the tapes . two-deck portable recorder-receiver

  4. 卡式录音机和录音带。能记录复制电话录音的录音机。

    A tape recorder that records and reproduces dictation .

  5. 卡式录音机和录音带。

    The cassette player and the tapes .