
  1. 该新生市场还没有可用的2014年官方估计销量数据。

    Official 2014 volume estimates are not yet available for the nascent market .

  2. 无载波振幅和相位调制正在成为事实上的标准,迄今已占了这个新生市场的大部分。

    Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation has emerged as the de facto standard , having captured most of the nascent market to date .

  3. 与谷歌和苹果主宰智能手机世界相比,为智能电视而设计的软件的新生市场已经呈现割据的格局。

    Compared with the smartphone world , which is dominated by Google and Apple , the nascent market for software for smart TVs has already become fragmented .

  4. 北京方面认为电动汽车是对中国汽车产业具有战略重要性的领域,并为支持这个新生市场向消费者和汽车制造商提供大量补贴。

    Beijing has identified electric vehicles as an area of strategic importance for the Chinese car industry and is offering generous subsidies to both consumers and carmakers to support the nascent market .

  5. 金融服务公司欧力士(orix)将成为首家在香港发行所谓的“点心债券”的日本公司,由此成为涉足新生人民币市场的少数外国银行和公司之一。

    Orix , a financial services company , is poised to become the first Japanese company to issue so-called " dim sum " bonds in Hong Kong , adding to the smattering of foreign banks and companies tapping the nascent renminbi market .

  6. 在这个新生寿命市场中,德意志证交所是一支新军。

    The stock exchange is the latest entrant to the nascent longevity market .

  7. 但是,自由的市场经济体制也带来了许多问题,要求扩大政府的经济职能。重商主义时期,政府的经济职能主要体现在两个方面:一是对内建立和保护新生的市场经济新秩序;

    But market economy system brought many problems , so that an enlarged government economy function was required .

  8. 作为一家从事市场调查的中国公司,北京新生代市场监测机构有限公司于2010年8月,在国内8个城市,针对4036名微博使用者展开调查。

    Sinomonitor , a Chinese company on market research , did a survey of4,306 micro blog users in eight cities in China in August , 2010 .

  9. 而在新生的市场经济部门,不仅阶层间收入不平等扩展迅速,而且体力劳动者的市场境遇也大大低于国有部门和集体部门。

    In the new market economic sector , not only has there been rapid growth in the class inequality of income , but manual workers ' situation in the labor market is much worse than that of their counterparts in the state-owned and collective sectors .

  10. 然而和其它新生事物一样市场经济也有它的利、弊两面。

    However , as with all the new-born things , market economy has two sides .

  11. 但无论是成功的经验抑或失误留下的教训,对于我们现代新生的证券市场和历时短暂的证券立法来说都是一笔宝贵的财富,值得我们认真加以研究。

    Both successful experiences and lessons are the wealth with valuable one for our emerging security market .

  12. 中国股票市场是个新生的证券市场,同其他发展中国家的证券市场一样,充满了活力和发展潜力,同时也充满了风险。

    As a newborn security market , China Stock Market is full of vitality , development potential , and especially risks .

  13. 在公司融资中占比超过90%的国有银行,将不会是唯一受到新生公司债券市场影响的领域。

    State-owned banks , which account for more than 90 per cent of corporate financing , are not the only sector that will be affected by the fledgling corporate bond market .

  14. 但公司仍为我国广大投资者所熟悉的组织形式,也便于发起人利用更快捷的程序发行种类更多的证券,这些对于中国这样新生的资本市场具有不可比拟的优势。

    However , the company still the configuration of organization which was familiar with for our country general investors , was also advantageous for the initiator to use quicker procedure release more type of securities .

  15. IPTV作为一个新生事物,在市场运作方面受到了多方面因素的制约,需要在商业模式、运营模式和业务提供方式方面进行探索。

    IPTV , as a newborn thing , is restricted on market operation by multiple factors . Therefore , exploration is needed in respect of its business , operations and service provision models .

  16. 作为波动较大、相对新生的运费期货市场上一名熟练的玩家,su还使自己的公司tmt成为一家油轮及干散货船的主要运营商。

    An adroit player of the volatile , relatively new paper market in freight futures , Mr Su has also turned TMT , his company , into a leading operator of real tankers and dry bulk ships .

  17. 然而,新生的创业板市场在过去两年多的运行时问里,IPO抑价现象尤为严重,企业上市首日收盘价屡创新高,市场投机气氛浓厚,大大阻碍了创业板健康有序的发展。

    Many scholars has studied this problem in depth However , the IPO underpricing phenomenon is particularly serious in GEM market in the past two years . The market speculation atmosphere is thick , which greatly hindered the healthy and orderly development of the GEM .

  18. 目前大多数主要市场都已实行了这项ISDA协议。由于它为复杂金融产品交易设定了根本标准,因此中国采用该协议也就提高了中国新生的金融产品市场的信用度。

    For the ISDA protocol , which has been implemented in most leading markets , essentially sets out standards for trading with complex financial products – thus making nascent Chinese markets in these instruments more credible .

  19. 微软正是通过这种方式进入新生的可穿戴市场。

    Which is how the company is approaching the nascent wearables market .

  20. 重获新生的房地产市场受到家庭收入增长和利率持续下降的推动,这会创造财富效应并拉动消费。

    The rejuvenated property market driven by rising household income and falling interest rates should create the wealth effects and drive consumption .

  21. 银行家和对冲基金经理正日渐转向新生的运费衍生品市场,以赚取利润。今日公布的数据显示,运费衍生品市场规模有望达到创纪录的1500亿美元&较去年上升200%。

    Bankers and hedge fund managers are increasingly turning to the nascent world of freight derivatives to make money , as figures to be published today show the market is on course to hit a record $ 150bn in value – a 200 per cent increase on last year .

  22. 新生代后期影人试图突破前期新生代孤芳自赏的市场局面,试图在主流意识和市场的认同下完成自我艺术理想的实现。

    The Cenozoic Era later period attempts breaks through the earlier period Cenozoic Era " to be narcissistic " the market aspect , attempts completes the self-artistic ideal in the mainstream consciousness and under the market approval realization .