
  • 网络The New Normal;New Normalcy
  1. 高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的老板拒绝将在家办公视为新常态,而是称其为“反常态”。

    The boss of Goldman Sachs rejected working from home as a new normal – labelling it an ' aberration4 ' instead .

  2. 能不能适应新常态,关键在于全面深化改革的力度。

    The intensity of our endeavor to comprehensively deepen reform will determine whether we will successfully adapt ourselves to the new normal .

  3. 随着口罩成为新常态的一部分,眼妆和眉妆产品在封锁期间销量大增。

    As face coverings become part of the new ' normal ' , sales of eye and brow make-up have soared throughout lockdown .

  4. 香港&在中国,遭遇麻烦似乎成了苹果公司(Apple)的新常态。

    HONG KONG & For Apple in China , trouble seems to be the new normal .

  5. 香港——在中国,遭遇麻烦似乎成了苹果公司(Apple)的新常态。

    HONG KONG - For Apple in China , trouble seems to be the new normal .

  6. 现在,中国官员在宣布自全球金融危机以来最低的GDP季度增长数据时表示,要对较低增长的“新常态”做好准备。

    Now though - Chinese officials said as they announced the slowest quarterly GDP growth rate since the global financial crisis - we should prepare ourselves for a " new normal " of slower expansion .

  7. 拜Facebook、Twitter等社交媒体所赐,个人不服从行为在全球范围的蔓延为似乎根深蒂固的精英和潜在反叛者创造了一个“新常态”。

    Thanks to Facebook , twitter , et al , the global scalability of individual acts of insubordination creates a " new normal " for seemingly entrenched elites and potential rebels alike .

  8. 十年来一直担任洛克菲勒基金会总裁的罗丁撰写了一本名为《应变力的红利》(TheResilienceDividend)的书,讲述公司和城市如何应对被其称为“令人遗憾的新常态”的威胁。

    Ms Rodin , the foundation 's head for 10 years , has written a book , The Resilience Dividend , on how companies and cities can deal with the threats that she calls " regrettably , the new normal . "

  9. 前世界银行首席经济师兼高级副行长林毅夫称,随着中国经济进入新常态,今年以及未来二十年GDP仍有潜力增长8%左右。

    With economic expansion having moderated to a " new normal " pace , potential GDP growth will still be about 8 percent this year and in the next 20 years , said Justin Yifu Lin , former chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank .

  10. 目前,虽然中国在全球半导体市场上只占有3%的份额,但中国希望增加这一比例,并将这作为其全新服务产业(即“新常态”计划)的一部分,从而提高GDP水平。

    At present , China commands just 3 percent of the global semiconductor market share but Beijing is hoping to increase that figure as part of its plan for new services industries , dubbed " New China , " to bolster gross domestic product ( GDP ) .

  11. 对于25岁的RupiKaur来说,这已成为一个见怪不怪的新常态,他的诗迷们急切地想要告诉别人,RupiKaur的作品何以改变了他们的人生。

    Jeffrey Brown : It 's become a strange new normal for 25-year-old Rupi Kaur , fans eager to share how her work has changed their lives .

  12. 我们正在经历并购行业的新常态?

    Are we experiencing a new normal for mergers and acquisitions ?

  13. 因此,为潜在的大灾难做好准备,正是这种“新常态”的一部分。

    And preparing for potential catastrophes is part the new normal .

  14. 新常态是慢速增长加上通缩吗?

    Is the ' new normal ' slow growth plus deflation ?

  15. 这些都只是一种新常态我认为这主要是

    They are just a new norm and I think ...

  16. 但新常态对中国人意味着什么呢?

    But what does new normal mean to the Chinese ?

  17. 其他一些数据也表明,父母要工作是新常态。

    Other data also show that working parents are the new norm .

  18. 然而近年出现一种新常态;

    Yet in recent years a new normal emerged ;

  19. 在这种“新常态”经济下,西方将与繁荣无缘。

    The West will not thrive in this " new normal " economy .

  20. 引领经济发展新常态

    guide the new normal in China 's economic development

  21. 我们正面临将一段崎岖的旅程引入一种新常态的挑战。

    We face the challenge of navigating a bumpy journey to a new normal .

  22. 银行自由借贷在新常态市场下会得到更严格的监管。

    The banks'freedom to borrow will be regulated more tightly in the new normal .

  23. 有些经济学家越来越多地谈到了关于疲软的就业增长的“新常态”。

    Economists increasingly talk of a " new normal " of weak job growth .

  24. 对现在我们很多人来说,这样的行为正在慢慢变成新常态。

    For many of us , this behaviour is slowly becoming the new normal .

  25. 2011年,银行将受到“新常态”的考验。

    In 2011 , banks will be tested by the " new normal " .

  26. 我们已经走上一条漫长而崎岖的道路,朝着“新常态”迈进。

    We are already on a lengthy and bumpy road to a new normal .

  27. 这种用药的新常态不符合女性动态的生物学属性;

    The new , medicated normal is at odds with women 's dynamic biology ;

  28. 该报告的作者指出,营养不良已是“新常态”。

    Being malnourished is " the new normal , " the report 's authors said .

  29. 别以为“新常态”就会安安稳稳的。

    Just do not expect the " new normal " to be free from drama .

  30. 移动领域的新常态似乎也在渗入移动游戏市场。

    The new normal in the mobile space also appears to be infiltrating the mobile-gaming market .