
  • 网络Jang Sung-taek
  1. 现年67岁的张成泽是朝鲜最高决策机构国防委员会(NationalDefenseCommission)副委员长。

    Mr. Jang , 67 years old , was vice chairman of North Korea 's highest decision-making body , the National Defense Commission .

  2. 其中主要的便是他的妹夫精明的政坛老手张成泽(changsungtaek)。

    Chief among these is his brother-in-law , the canny political veteran , Chang Sung-taek .

  3. 他还提拔了自己的妹夫、精明的政界老手张成泽(ChangSungTaek)。人们普遍把张成泽视为金正云的导师。

    He has also promoted his brother-in-law , Chang Sung-taek , a canny political veteran largely seen as Jong-woon 's mentor .

  4. 没有人不受猜疑,多数高级官员,包括他权势显赫的妹夫张成泽(changsung-taek)在内,都曾花费很长时间接受“再教育”。

    No-one is above suspicion and most senior officials , including his influential brother-in-law , Chang Sung-taek , have spent periods undergoing " re-education " .

  5. 不久之后,他的姑父、关键助手张成泽(JangSong-taek)访问了中国,讨论经济合作。

    Soon after , his uncle and key aide , Jang Song-taek , visited China to discuss economic co-operation .

  6. 他的妹夫张成泽(jangsong-taek)已在帮助管理国家,而其长子金正男最近则以含混的说辞,将外国媒体戏弄了一把。

    His brother-in-law Jang Song-taek has minded the store , while eldest son Kim Jong-nam recently teased the foreign press with cryptic comments .

  7. 曾经在莫斯科接受教育的金敬姬个性极强,甚至敢反抗自己的父亲&朝鲜政权创始人金日成(Kimil-sung),与当时还只是一个乐队领奏的大学生张成泽(ChangSung-taek)谈恋爱。

    Moscow-educated Mrs Kim has shown a strong personality , even defying Kim Il-sung , her father and the founder of the Pyongyang regime , to carry on a student romance with Chang Sung-taek , then only the leader of a music group .

  8. 报道未透露张成泽是否将受到进一步惩罚。

    The report didn 't say whether Mr. Jang would receive further punishment .

  9. 他们认为,张成泽的提升是为了促使世袭政权的顺利交接。

    They say Jang 's promotion is intended to facilitate a hereditary succession of power .

  10. 韩国情报机构官员认为,张成泽的几名手下已经被杀。

    South Korean intelligence officials believe some of Mr. Jang 's aides have been killed .

  11. 对于清洗张成泽是否是朝鲜政权更加不稳的迹象,分析人士意见分歧。

    Analysts are divided on whether the purge of Mr. Jang signals wider instability in the regime .

  12. 首尔一家由脱北者运营的电台报道说,张成泽已被处死。

    One report from a radio station in Seoul run by North Korean defectors said he had been executed .

  13. 一些朝鲜分析人士暗示,与金正日相比,张成泽可能是一个相对可以接受的选择。

    Some North Korea analysts suggests that Mr Jang might emerge as a more palatable alternative to Mr Kim .

  14. 情报官员无法证实这则消息,但表示,张成泽有可能访问过欧洲。

    Intelligence officials were unable to confirm this but said it was possible Mr Chang had been in Europe .

  15. 他表示,愿在张成泽被处决后继续同朝鲜保持经贸关系。

    He said China will continue its economic ties with North Korea in the wake of Jang 's downfall .

  16. 中国对朝鲜处决张成泽做出回应,表示希望朝鲜保持政治稳定。

    China has responded to the execution of North Korea 's Jang Song-Thaek by expressing hope that the country will remain stable .

  17. 张成泽一度短暂失宠,二人的女儿2006年在巴黎自杀后,他们夫妇吸引了公众的关注。

    He had been briefly in disgrace and the couple attracted unwelcome publicity when their daughter committed suicide in Paris in 2006 .

  18. 外界的普遍看法是,张成泽与金敬姬这对权力经纪夫妻将帮助年轻的金正银大将站稳脚跟。

    Mr Chang and Mrs Kim are widely seen as the power-broking couple who will help the young general find his feet .

  19. 当他视察全国并高调出访中国时(访华本来是张成泽的分内事),平壤的报纸进行了密切的追踪报道。

    His travels around the country and his high-profile diplomatic trips to China-once duties of Mr. Jang-are closely tracked by Pyongyang 's newspapers .

  20. 在一篇2700多字的声明中,朝鲜的官方媒体详细罗列了张成泽的罪状。

    In a statement running over 2,700 words , North Korea 's state media laid out in detail the accusations against Mr. Jang .

  21. 北韩领导人金正日星期一主持召开最高人民会议特别会议。他的妹夫张成泽在会议上被提拔出任政府高级职位。

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has presided over a special parliamentary session in which his brother-in-law was promoted to a senior government position .

  22. 分析人士认为,张成泽事件意味着在高层长期酝酿挑战,即使并非如此,也将加剧政局动荡。

    The suggestion of a long-brewing challenge to that at a senior level , even if not true , could foster instability , analysts say .

  23. 张成泽私底下是否是一个改革者,以及是否赞同中国式的开放政策,日后或许能够揭晓。

    Whether or not Mr Jang was a closet reformer , sympathetic to a Chinese-style opening , is likely to be revealed by future developments .

  24. 朝鲜分析人士表示,现年61岁的张成泽机智善变,喜欢饮酒,手风琴也拉得很好。

    Mr Jang , 61 , is a mercurial character who likes to drink and plays the accordion well , according to North Korean analysts .

  25. 韩国间谍机构12月3日曾告知议员,张成泽可能已被革职,这引发了朝鲜国内局势可能出现动荡的担忧。

    South Korea 's spy agency told lawmakers on Dec. 3 that it suspected Mr. Jang had been deposed , raising concerns of instability in the North .

  26. 韩国国防部多次表示,在张成泽被戏剧化逮捕并处决之后,没有发现朝鲜有任何不寻常的军事调动。

    Seoul 's defense ministry has repeatedly said it hasn 't seen any unusual military movements in the North following the dramatic arrest and execution of Mr. Jang .

  27. 现在在大多数场合,张成泽都会出现在金正日的身边,而且他似乎已被指定为金正日最小儿子的辅佐者。

    Mr Chang now appears at Mr Kim 's side on most occasions and he appears destined for the role of regent to Mr Kim 's youngest son .

  28. 分析人士研究了朝鲜国家电视台播放的视频,以寻找清洗张成泽之后朝鲜政坛是否有其他变化的迹象。

    Analysts studied the footage , shown on North Korean state television , for indications of other changes in the regime hierarchy following the purge of Mr. Jang .

  29. 3年前,张成泽从朝鲜政坛消失,接受政治再教育。显然,原因在于金正日担心他的权力过大。

    Three years ago , Mr Jang disappeared from Pyongyang to undergo " political re-education ", apparently because of Mr Kim 's concerns that he was becoming too powerful .

  30. 仅在2009年,张成泽就从其小金库拿出至少460万欧元,用于在海外赌场挥霍享乐。

    ' He took at least 4.6 million Euro from his secret coffers and squandered it in 2009 alone and enjoyed himself in casino in a foreign country . '