
  • Array;Array;Array;Kitchen God Festival
小年 [xiǎo nián]
  • (1) [a lunar year in which the last month has 29 days]

  • (2) 指农历腊月是二十九天的年份

  • (3) 节日,腊月二十三或二十四日,旧俗在这天祭灶

  • (4) [off year]∶指果树结果少,竹木生长慢的年份

小年[xiǎo nián]
  1. 研究结果表明:促进植物生长或细胞分裂的IAA、GA3、和KT都是大年竹株含量高,小年竹株含量低。

    The results showed that growth-and-celldivision-promoting IAA , GA and KT in bamboos were high in on-years and low in off-years .

  2. 以15年生“本地早”(CitrusreticulataBlanco)为材料,研究了大、小年结果树3种激素含量的变化。

    The changes of three kinds of hormone in alternating bearing trees of 15-year-old mandarin " Bendizao "( Citrus reticulata Blanco ) were tested .

  3. 这些傲慢的小年青们自以为他们是什么?

    These young whippersnappers , who do they think they are ?

  4. 她矮小年幼,可能才十多岁。

    She was short and young , maybe still in her teens .

  5. 这篇论文是在太阳活动极小年臆想出来的。

    This paper was conceived in a deep solar minimum .

  6. 太阳黑子周极小年的统计性质&兼论第22周起始极小是否已经出现

    Statistical Characteristics of Solar Minima and the Beginning Minimum of the Solar Cycle 22

  7. 龙眼成花逆转被认为是造成龙眼大小年结果的主要原因之一,而小年产量往往不及大年的一半,成为龙眼生产上的老大难问题。

    Longan floral reversion is regarded as the major cause of longan poor production .

  8. 他们形容小年轻们买下他们自己的房子,然后把家填满。

    They describe people buying their first homes and filling them with many things .

  9. 今天小年,妈妈一大早就起床忙祭灶了。

    Today is small new year and my mother gets up early to make a sacrifice to the kitchen god .

  10. 等一年生或多年生草本植物为主,作为建群种的天山云杉不足1%,反映出2004年为种子小年。

    Which is the dominant species can hardly reach to only 1 % . It shows that 2004 is off year .

  11. 根据我们这里的风俗,小年夜家家户户都要祭灶。

    It is our custom to make a sacrifice to the kitchen god on the night before lunar New Year 's Eve .

  12. 小说是‘森林的城堡’描述了希特勒小年时期同时还探寻了善良,邪恶这一主题。

    The Castle in the Forest is a fictional chronicle of Adolf Hitler 's boyhood and explores themes of good and evil .

  13. 应用气相色谱仪分别测定了大年糯米糍荔枝树花芽和小年树营养芽在不同分化期的脱落酸含量。

    ABA contents in the buds of ' on ' and ' off ' year trees during floral initiation were measured by GC .

  14. 小年树年周期内根系与新梢各有3次生长高峰,二者呈交互生长;

    For year-off trees , both root system and new shoots have three growth peaks in yearly cycle , which alternate to each other .

  15. 所以今年一过完小年,他就对母亲说:“今年洗澡该在天云的屋子里了。”

    So , shortly before the New Year , he stated to Mother ," We should use Tianyun 's room as the'bathroom'this year . "

  16. 一月十八号是中国传统的小年,我们把烘制的面包送到了北山老年公寓。

    The18th January is the Chinese traditional " small year ", the children made European bread and gave it to a home for elderly .

  17. 结果表明:芽体较叶片更能反映出大、小年结果树间激素含量的差异。

    The results showed that the differences of hormone content in the bud between on-year tree and off-year tree were more significant than those in the leaf ;

  18. 其中我们对第24周极小年黑子数的预测值与2008年的实际年均黑子数相差在±1的范围内。

    The difference between the prediction result of the minimum year of solar cycle 24 and actual yearly sunspot number in 2008 does not exceed ± 1.3 .

  19. 结果表明,大年水青树种子的活力明显强于小年,随储藏时间的增加其活力的丧失速度也慢于小年;

    After stored at room temperature , the seed vigor would decrease even faster with the increase of storage time , compared with that stored at lower temperature .

  20. 我儿子们的小年,我和太太也买,请一些好朋友来放花火,还有吃饭。

    When my boys were small my wife and I used to buy fireworks and invite some good friends round to set them off and also to eat .

  21. 我在办公室里忙乱了一天。今天小年,妈妈一大早就起床忙祭灶了。

    I had a hectic day in the office . Today is small New Year and my mother gets up early to make a sacrifice to the kitchen god .

  22. 大年树和小年树春季根系生长高峰期与盛花期和营养枝全枝叶面积的生长高峰期一致。

    In spring , year-on and year-off trees had the first growth peak of root system consistent with full flowering and the peak of leaf area growth of vegetative shoots .

  23. 小年衰弱树有2次新梢生长高峰和1次根生长高峰,春季和秋季根系生长高峰消失。

    For weak year-off trees , new shoots have two growth peaks and roots have only one growth peak , with the other two peaks disappearing in spring and autumn .

  24. 秋梢停长后出现秋季高峰,但大年超负荷树秋季高峰消失,并影响次年(小年树)春季新根的发生。

    After autumn shoots stopped growing , the Autumn peak appeared , but for year-on trees it disappeared , which would affect root occurrence of next spring ( year-off trees ) .

  25. 不管怎样,小年也是年啊,祝家里人在这一年里可以健康,我们更幸福的生活在一起就好,不过分吧,一切都好。

    Anyway , off-year in ah , wish the family is in this year , we can health more happiness of life together is good , not too right , all right .

  26. 而小年树的营养芽在其整个发育过程中,细胞分裂素的含量保持在一个稳定的最低水平。

    Then it declined to a level lower than its original low level during pistil differentiation , whereas in the " off " year a stable low level cytokinin content was found in the whole developing period .

  27. 在结实大年结合采种收集球果,于结实小年释放寄生蜂,可提高害虫的天敌寄生率36.5%~38.2%,降低虫果率55.1%

    Collecting the damaged seed cones in the on year and releasing parasitoids in the off year can increase the parasitic rate to 36.5 % ~ 38.2 % and decrease the rate of damaged seed cones to 55.1 % .

  28. 采用基于最小年费用的变电站规划模型,模型中包含变电站及线路的建设投资费用、变电站运行费用以及线路的网损费用。

    The substation optimal planning model that is based on the minimum annual cost is adopted in the paper , which includes capital investment on substation and line , operation cost of substation and the network loss cost of lines .

  29. 结果表明,①材用林笋芽萌发率较高,出笋大年为4.1%,小年为3.4%,但出笋率较低,分别为24.9%和7.8%;

    It is shown that : 1 . The germination rate of shoots in on-year or off-year is high , 4.1 % and 3.4 % respectively , but the shooting rate is much low , 24.9 % and 7.8 % respectively .

  30. 结果:从太阳活动极大年后2~3年,经太阳活动极小年前1~3年,直到太阳活动极小年这一时段内,肝炎发病率较高。

    Result : From 2-3 years after the solar activity peak , through the 1-3 year before the solar activity valley till the solar activity valley , the hepatitis incidence has a higher level ( P < 0 . 05 ) .