
  1. B:让石磊慢下来?

    B : Anything to make Benji slow down ?

  2. B:我对自己很有信心。从我小时候,我的父母总是说,BenJi(石磊),你可以成为你想成为的任何人,你可以做你想做的任何事。

    B : I 've always had a lot of confidence in myself , and ever since I was young , my parents always said , Benji , you can be whoever you want to be , you can do whatever you want to do .

  3. 导演石磊说,这本小说令他深受感动。

    Director Shi Lei says he was impressed by the book .

  4. S:你好,石磊,欢迎来到我们的节目。

    S : Hi BenJi , welcome to our show .

  5. S:如果有什么能让石磊慢下来的话,会是什么呢?

    S : If there is any possibility that can make Benji slow down , what is it ?

  6. 石磊,我非常希望将来的某一天,我们可以坐在一起畅谈梦想,如果你再来武汉,希望我能够提前知道。

    Benji , I really hope that we could chat about our dreams someday in the future , please inform me before you take a trip to WuHan again .

  7. “企业债券一直没有出现过任何违约事件,因此所有人都认为,债券不可能违约,”石磊表示,“投资者对于信用风险太过掉以轻心了。”

    " There have been no defaults , so everyone thinks that bonds cannot default , " Mr Shi said . " Investors are far too relaxed about credit risk . "

  8. 但我必须强调的是你的确做得很好,你把自己最好的一面展现给了所有石头和观众,石磊,我们真的为你感到骄傲!

    I must emphasize that you really did good job , and showed the best of you to all your rocks and audiences , benji , we really did proud of you !

  9. 但是我希望人们更多的认为石磊是一个艺人,他唱歌、跳舞、他表演,他真的全心全意的和中国观众分享他的艺术和音乐。

    But what I hope they can see more in Benji is an artist , that he sings , he dances , he performs and he really puts his whole heart into sharing his art and sharing his music with Chinese audience .