
  • 网络Stony Coral;scleractinia
  1. 石珊瑚起源的形态学和分子系统学研究

    Morphological and Molecular Systematic Study on the Origin of Scleractinia

  2. 石珊瑚是现代最重要的造礁动物,在地质史的过去和现在都非常重要。

    Scleractinia , one of the most important builders of modern reefs , are important today and in the geologic past .

  3. 平盘形状的石珊瑚,通常独居。

    Flattened disk-shaped stony coral usually solitary .

  4. 每当提及珊瑚,我们便会联想到那些能建造珊瑚礁的石珊瑚。

    When talking about corals , people normally refer to stony corals that build fascinating reefs .