
  1. 被告不小心驾驶,撞到一根路灯柱上了。

    The defendant drove negligently and hit a lamp post .

  2. 下陡坡时总是要小心驾驶。

    Always take care when driving down steep hills .

  3. 小心驾驶!

    Drive with caution !

  4. 小心驾驶,别拿你的生命冒险。

    Drive carefully and don 't gamble with your life .

  5. 小心驾驶,以便大家都能长寿。

    Drive carefully so that everyone can enjoy a long life .

  6. 因为大家喜欢开快车而又不小心驾驶。

    People like driving fast and don 't drive carefully .

  7. 只要你保证小心驾驶,我就让你开我的车。

    You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully .

  8. 黄色灯号闪动时,要慢速及小心驾驶。

    Drive slowly and carefully when the flashing amber signal is on .

  9. 新的立法大概会鼓励人们小心驾驶。

    The new legislation will presumably encourage more careful driving .

  10. 这么多的车祸唤起注意小心驾驶的必要。

    The great number of automobile accidents emphasizes the need for careful driving .

  11. 他强调小心驾驶的重要性[小心驾驶很重要]。

    He emphasized the importance of careful driving / that careful driving was important .

  12. 警察强调了小心驾驶的重要性。

    Police entitle the importance of driving .

  13. 船长小心驾驶着轮船以防触礁。

    The captain steered the ship carefully in case the ship hits the underwater shelf .

  14. 在这些交通繁忙的路上要小心驾驶。

    Take care on these busy roads .

  15. 转弯这个标志提示前方道路有弯道,小心驾驶。

    Turning This sign indicates that the road is turning ahead , so be careful .

  16. 在覆盖着冰的道路上要小心驾驶。

    Drive carefully on those icy roads .

  17. 他因为不小心驾驶而受惩罚。

    He was punished for negligent driving .

  18. 只要你小心驾驶。

    If you drive carefully .

  19. 你必须小心驾驶。

    You must drive carefully .

  20. 有些居民对这种20厘米长的甲壳类动物相当有保护意识&小学生们会在道路上设置标语,号召人们小心驾驶,以免伤到红蟹。

    Some residents are also " quite protective " of the8-inch-long ( 20-centimeter-long ) crustaceans & schoolchildren put up signs encouraging people to drive carefully , she said .

  21. 的寓意:生命是宝贵的,请珍爱生命。请认真对待这一忠告,并把它传播给更多的人。请大家小心驾驶,注意安全!

    The moral of this story : Life is precious . Handle it with care . This is an important message ; please pass it along . Drive safely and carefully .

  22. 在另一个古怪郁闷实验中,研究人员在一个高档社区挨家敲门,试图让人们在各自草坪上竖起一个写着“请小心驾驶”的大布告牌。

    In another weirdly depressing experiment , researchers knocked on doors in a posh neighbourhood trying to get people to put a giant notice on their lawns saying " please drive carefully " .

  23. 道路治安负责人表示,“我会敦促路上的司机们格外小心驾驶。”大家开车出行时务必准备好保暖衣物,食物和水以及充足的燃料并记得给手机充电。

    The head of road policing said , ' I would urge drivers to take extra care on the roads for their journeys . Drivers should make sure they are prepared for their journey with warm clothing , food and drink , sufficient fuel and a charged mobile phone .

  24. 谨慎小心的驾驶者严格遵守交通规则。

    A careful driver is observant of the traffic rules .

  25. 我只得比平常还要小心地驾驶,穿过这座仍在沉睡的城镇。

    I compensated by driving more carefully than usual through the still-sleeping town .

  26. 这样,安全带法律为慢速和小心的驾驶减少了利益。

    Thus , a seat belt law reduces the benefits to slow and careful driving .

  27. 当增加的安全的利益高的时候,人们更慢速和小心的驾驶。

    The drive more slowly and carefully when the benefit of increased safety is high .

  28. 当你驾驶时,你会付税费,那样你会小心地驾驶。

    Because they assume that if you drive , you pay your taxes and you drive carefully .