
kǎ chǐ
  • calipers;callipers;slide gauge;caliber rule;slide calliper rule
卡尺 [kǎ chǐ]
  • [calipers] 用来测量零件或工件的内外直径和厚度的量具,上面有带刻度的尺

卡尺[kǎ chǐ]
  1. 测量仪表/器具的常数游标卡尺的量具测径规

    Constant of a measuring instrument vernier callipers gauge

  2. 带有划线器的游标卡尺将形状改为线形标注1(带强调线)

    Vernier callipers with scriber Change Shape to Line Callout 1 ( Accent Bar )

  3. USB接口为基的游标卡尺计算机数据采集软件系统开发

    Computer data acquisition software system for vernier caliper base on USB interface

  4. 游标卡尺练习课件的Flash制作

    Make Caliper Exercise Courseware With Flash Software

  5. 游标卡尺测量瘤体大小;人眼球径活体CT测量及与离体尺测结果比较

    Tumor size was recorded . CT measurement of human ocular dimensions in vivo and comparison with enucleated eyes dimensions measured with vernier caliper

  6. 目的:比较用活体CT及离体游标卡尺两种不同方法测量人眼球径的结果,并探讨CT测量球径的意义。

    Objective : To compare ocular dimensions measured with CT in vivo and with vernier caliper for enucleated eyes , and the significance of ocular dimension measurement with CT was assessed .

  7. 精通各类检验测试仪器,如卡尺、千分尺、电子测试仪器、投影仪、CMM三坐标等。

    Familiar with various measure tools and instruments , such as calipers , micrometer , profile projector , CMM , etc.

  8. 方法选用40例扫描对称的正常CT片,观察颞下间隙及邻近结构的解剖学关系,利用游标卡尺及求积仪分别测量其径线和面积。

    Methods Infratemporal space and its adjacent of their anatomical relationship structures were observed in the selected 40 normal and symmetrical CT scans to measure in their diameters and their areas with vernier caliper and planimeter .

  9. 根据视觉测量图像质量较好及以高斯噪声为主的特点,提出采用简单的高斯滤波或者SUSAN去噪算法对图像在卡尺范围内进行滤波处理的方法。

    The simple GAUSS filter or SUSAN filter will be used to removal the noise in the calipers scope according the characteristic of image quality and GAUSS noise .

  10. 游标卡尺的精度符合国际标准和国家标准,也可按DIN标准供货。

    The accuracy of calipers meets ISO and GB standards or they can be supplied in accordance with DIN standard .

  11. 术中用游标卡尺测量眶移动前后的IOD;

    IOD were measured by vernier caliper before and after operation , IOD is the distance between lacrimonasal .

  12. 方法采用游标卡尺分别测量CABG患者术中IMA、RA长度及近远端外径各30例;

    Methods During CABG , the lengths , the proximal and distal external diameter of RA and IMA were measured with vernier caliper respectively in 30 cases .

  13. 所有的测量均是通过游标卡尺进行测量(精确度为0.1mm)。

    All the measurements were done with vernier caliper .

  14. 本文在光栅卡尺技术和力矩电机技术的基础上,把卡尺量程扩大到20m作成卡卷尺。

    In this paper , the principle and the design of grating caliper flexible rule are reported , which is based on grating caliper rule technique and torque motor technique .

  15. 本文通过一个游标卡尺仿真实验,介绍了FLASH动作脚本在多媒体课件制作中的应用,引深出在多媒体课件制作领域,Flash已成为教师和教育工作者首选的软件。

    This paper introduces the application of Flash Action Script in making Multimedia Courseware with a Simulation experiment of a vernier caliper , So as to cause the field of making Multimedia Courseware , Flash has become the ware the teachers and educators first select .

  16. 方法采用游标卡尺测量各牙位牙齿的冠长、根长、牙长、冠宽、冠厚、颈宽和颈厚;采用SPSS软件分析各指标间的相关性。

    Methods The Grown Length , Root Length , Tooth Length , Grown Width , Crown Thickness , Cervix Length and Cervix Thickness were measured with a vernier caliper and SPSS software was adopted for analyzing correlation between different indexes .

  17. 方法:用精度为0.01mm的电子数显游标卡尺对50副完整股骨的下端关节面进行了26个项目的测量,数据用SPSS软件处理。

    Methods : 26 items regarding the morphology of distal poison of femur were measured on 50 sets of femurs . The data were processed by the SPSS software .

  18. 方法使用游标卡尺测量50例成人干燥颈椎的脊神经沟及相关数据,应用foxpro5.0建立数据库,EPI软件单因素分析。

    Methods Using sliding pages to measure 50 adult arid cervical spinal nerve grooves and related datas , using foxpro 5.0 to make up data base and apply the EPI software to do single factor analysis .

  19. 方法分别用电子游标卡尺和Digora数字影像系统测量20副前牙反(?)乳牙列模型,比较两种方法的各项测量值并作统计分析。

    Methods Vernier caliper and Digora digital imaging system were used to measure 20 sets of deciduous anterior cross-bite dentition respectively and the results were compared .

  20. 利用游标卡尺(精度0.02mm)和圆规,测量该区域手术入路相关的重要解剖结构。

    Use vernier caliper ( accuracy 0.02mm ) and compasses , measure related important anatomic structures in surgical approach in this region .

  21. 方法:对20具防腐成年尸体标本,共40侧依次选用不同平面,用游标卡尺测量L4,L5神经根前支与骶髂关节间的水平距离及L4神经前支到骶骨翼骨面的垂直距离;

    Methods : 20 adult cadavers , total 40 cases , fixed with formalin were dissected and the distances of lumber nerves L4,5 to the sacroiliac joint and to the surface of the sacral ala were measured with vernier caliper ;

  22. 用卡尺对桡管(RT)、旋后肌管(ST)和桡侧腕短伸肌腱弓(AECRM)的形态和大小进行了观测,并对ST入口和出口的体表投影定位。

    The dimensions and morphology of the radial tunnel ( RT ), supinator tunnel ( ST ) and the arcade of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle ( AECRM ) were observed and measured with caliper , and the surface projection of the entrance and exit of the ST were located .

  23. 方法对经10%福尔马林固定的100例山羊心脏进行Todaro腱的剥制,用游标卡尺(0.02mm)测量数据并进行统计学处理。

    Methods One hundred goats ' hearts with 10 % formalin-fixed were performed with stuffing of Todaro tendon . Related data were measured by vernier caliper ( 0.02 mm ) and conducted with statistical analysis .

  24. 用游标卡尺(精确度0.02mm),直尺(精确度1mm),圆规和量角器,以股骨内上髁水平为标志点对各神经肌支及其终支的位置、粗细和长度进行测量。

    The level of medial epicondyle of femur was taker as mark point to measure the position , thickness and length of all muscle nerves and their final branches with vernier caliper ( Accuracy is 0.02mm ), straightedge ( Accuracy is 1mm ), compasses and protractor .

  25. 用精确度为0.001mm游标卡尺测量各段的直径、长度、副神经及其分支与膈神经主干起始端的距离。

    The diameter , length of the accessory nerve and its branches , the distance between the accessory nerve and the main trunk of the phrenic nerve were measured adopting the slide gauge with precision of 0.001 millimeter .

  26. 方法:在60具成尸上,用精确度0.02mm的游标卡尺和直角规测量:①脊神经沟外口宽度及其沟内段脊神经前支横径。

    METHODS : Sixty adult corpses were measured with the vernier of 0.02 mm accuracy and straightedge : ① The external diameter ( E-diameter ) of sulcus of spinal nerve and the transverse diameter of anterior branch ( A-diameter ) of spinal nerve in its sulcus .

  27. 卡尺一种有来测量并调节机器部件的仪器;

    An instrument for gauging and adjusting machine parts ; a trammel .

  28. 用卡尺,测量滑环的直径。

    Using vernier calipers , measure the slip ring diameter .

  29. 块状导磁体在深度卡尺感应加热中的应用

    Application of Blocky Magnet in Induction Heating for Depth Callipers

  30. 数显游标卡尺每星期用来测量肿瘤体积。

    Tumor volume was also monitored weekly using digital calipers .