
  • 网络misguidance;misleading;misdirection
  1. 然而由于错误引导,很多企业对商誉概念的理解混乱,而商誉评估的方法、参数确定等方面也存在很多问题。

    But because of wrong direction , many enterprises mix up conception of goodwill .

  2. 现在,与其进行错误引导

    Now , instead of doing it like misdirection

  3. 提到错误引导,

    When we think of misdirection ,

  4. 有只是错误引导的感情及情绪。

    Only misguided feelings and emotions .

  5. 高丽大学的李敏硕博士是本论文的第一作者,他表示,“关于除菌皂的能力,广告的错误引导和消费者扭曲的认知都需要改改了。”

    The paper 's lead author , Dr Min-Suk Rhee , of Korea University , said ' advertisement and consumer belief regarding the effectiveness of antibacterial soaps needs to be addressed . '

  6. 由于他错误的引导,他们都迷失方向了。

    Thanks to his bad directions , they all got lost .

  7. 一百余年来,他的假象错误地引导了无数治史者和读史者。

    The false impression of him had misled thousands of historians and readers for a hundred years .

  8. 毁灭所有非难者和守望者之子的灵魂,因为他们错误的引导了人类。

    And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers , because they have wronged mankind .

  9. 这个逻辑预设不仅严重地阻碍了美学的研究,而且在一定程度上错误地引导了人类的文明进程。

    This presupposition not only holds down the research of aesthetics badly , but also steer the evolution of civilization of human beings by error .

  10. 甚至国内某些理论分歧还源于错误译文的引导。

    Some theoretic divarications are even caused by wrong translation .

  11. 但是,尽管手机被消费者接受了,其经历并非一帆风顺:有些用户碰到了十分可笑的事——视窗运行失败,屏幕显示一条错误信息,引导用户“插入视窗安装盘并重启电脑”。

    But although the phone was well received , it wasn 't all smooth sailing : Some Windows Phone 8 users ran into an amusing situation where Windows failed to start and the screen showed an error message which instructed them to " Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer . "

  12. 选择错误的指标会引导货币政策决策者误入歧途。

    A bad index will lead monetary policymakers dangerously astray .

  13. 在此种不完备、甚至可能包含错误的知识体系引导下,基于知识的推理机的泛化精度将降低,甚至导致产生误判、错判。

    Generalization accuracy , based on the deduction of knowledge , drops and even leads to erroneous or false judgments .

  14. 根据错误成因,这些搭配错误可被分为以下四种主要类型:语际错误、语内错误、基于交际策略的错误及引导性错误。

    These verb-noun collocation errors can be classified into four major categories in relation to causes . They are : interlingual errors , intralingual errors , communicative strategy-based errors and induced errors .