
cuò wù xìn xī
  • error message
  1. 如果无法找到唯一的匹配名称,则link发出错误信息。

    If it cannot find a unique match , link issues an error message .

  2. Word为什么不能意识到它接收到了坏的数据,并发出一条错误信息呢?

    Why can 't Word recognize when it 's received bad data and simply put up an error message ?

  3. 很明显,总统身边的人在不断向他传递错误信息。

    It was quite clear the President was being given false information by those around him

  4. 虽然你会容忍你的智能手机有时出点小差错,但是如果你的门锁出现错误信息时,你可能就没有那么多的耐心了。

    And while you may forgive your smartphone an occasional fault , you probably have less patience for error messages from your door lock .

  5. NET以更为细致的显示错误信息?

    NET to show more detailed error messages ?

  6. 如果WAR文件无法部署,脚本部署工具也提供了错误信息。

    The scripted deploy tool also provides an error if the WAR file cannot be deployed .

  7. 它给web冲浪者扔下路障、错误信息还有太多的弹出窗口。

    It threw up road blocks , error messages , and way too many pop-up windows for web surfers .

  8. SOAP允许您使用SOAP传递错误信息。

    SOAP lets you communicate error information using the SOAP .

  9. 这可以帮助您避免必须找到一个相关的资源,或者从Problems视图中复制并粘贴一个错误信息以修复一个缺陷。

    This helps you avoid having to find a related resource or to copy and paste an error message from the Problems view to attach to a defect .

  10. 如果XML文档中有一个字符与编码属性不匹配,你就会收到这个错误信息。

    You will get this error message if a character in the XML document does not match the encoding attribute .

  11. 两种最受欢迎的返回错误信息的方式就是使用SOAPfault或者定制化错误消息体。

    The two most popular choices for returning error information are use of SOAP fault or custom error payloads .

  12. SOAP故障消息的部分可以用于传递特定于应用程序的错误信息。

    The section of the SOAP fault message can be used to pass application-specific error information .

  13. 如果指定为null,则返回整个批处理的错误信息。

    If NULL is specified , the error information for the entire batch is returned .

  14. MySQL协议会传到一个带有错误信息的特殊数据包类型。

    The MySQL protocol returns a specific packet type with the error information .

  15. 如果使用就地显示或摘要显示选项,则您可以使用html设置错误信息文本的格式。

    If you use the in-place or summary display options , you can format the error message text using html .

  16. 任何一种DNA修复基因及其产物表达异常,都会引起细胞修复功能缺陷,使基因租不稳定,细胞内错误信息累积,以致细胞恶性转化。

    Any abnormal expressions of DNA repair gene and their products may lead to the absence of DNA repair functions , accumulating of incorrect information and malignancy of cells .

  17. 由于Coda没有有效地向用户报告错误信息,用户常常不知道问题在哪里。

    Coda does not effectively tell user what is wrong with it .

  18. 要确保能够接收到有效的数据,并且避免将错误信息写入XML,我们可以访问其参数并相应地设置ok变量。

    To ensure that you receive valid data , and don 't write bad information to the XML , you access the parameters and set the ok variable accordingly .

  19. 收集某制药公司SAS日志文件,获取日志文件中的错误信息,整理出常见代码的出错原因。

    Obtain and sort out the error messages caused by common code from log files of SAS programs . 3 .

  20. 但是,在将关于任何致命的服务错误信息发送到microsoft之前,应确认组织的安全策略允许发送此信息。

    However , before sending information about any fatal service error to microsoft , confirm that sending this information is permitted under your organization 's security policy .

  21. 如果使用静态JavaScript,用户在点击页面的时候很快就会看到错误信息。

    In the case where you use static JavaScript , the user is going to get an error as soon as they hit your page .

  22. 在PaaS中,如果超过了速率限制,你的用户会得到错误信息。

    In PaaS , if you exceed your rate limits , your users will get errors .

  23. 此错误信息仅仅在分析OLAP模型时产生,并且该模型的其中一维包含Boolean逻辑。

    The error message is only generated during an analysis of an OLAP model and one of the dimensions of the model contains Boolean logic .

  24. 与网络跟踪和其他LotusSametime日志信息相比,这些日志可用来收集错误信息的具体时间戳。

    Logs can be used to gather specific time stamps on error messages to compare to network traces or other Lotus Sametime log information .

  25. 本文对DOS操作系统下一些常见的错误信息提示做了分析,并给出了相应的解决办法。

    Some wrong information usually seen under DOS is analysed and the relevant methods for resolving these wrong information are provided in this paper .

  26. 给您一些参考资料,除了可能会出现刚才的错误信息之外,您可能还会在服务器的Console视图下出现异常现象

    Just for your reference , in addition to getting that error in your browser , you will also get the following exception trace in the server 's Console view

  27. 只有解决了所有问题(不再出现验证错误信息),SPT才会报告创建成功。

    Only when all issues have been addressed ( no validation error messages ) will the SPT report back success .

  28. 如果TRPTYPE不是TCP,将忽略数据且不发送错误信息。

    If the TRPTYPE is not TCP , the data is ignored and no error message is issued .

  29. 将显示一条错误信息,指示autosave已禁用。

    An error message appears indicating that autosave has been disabled .

  30. 从实践角度阐述在使用ILAS(图书馆自动化集成系统)中,错误信息文件的产生及处理方法。

    This article describes the reason of producing and the method of handling the systematic wrong information of using ILAS .