
dānɡ qián mù lù
  • current directory
  1. C开关使我们的当前目录不再相关。

    The-C switch makes our current directory irrelevant .

  2. 您当然了解cd命令用于更改您的当前目录。

    You 're certainly aware that the cd command changes your current directory .

  3. 如果没有这样处理,Shell将尝试使用当前目录中的文件名对其进行扩展。

    If not , the shell will attempt to expand them using file names in the current directory .

  4. 通过输入makemanifest,将当前目录和所有子目录中的所有文件都添加到MANIFEST中。

    By typing make manifest all files in the current directory and all subdirectories are added to the MANIFEST .

  5. 此目录的存在将告诉Eclipse当前目录是有效的工作空间。

    The presence of this directory tells Eclipse that the current directory is a valid workspace .

  6. 设置localfile变量为我们遍历到的本地文件,相对于我们的当前目录。

    Set the local_file variable equal to the path to the local file we 're looping over , relative to the current directory we 're located in .

  7. 注意,在DOS和Windows操作系统中,不会做出目标为当前目录的默认假设。

    Note that there is no default assumption of the target being the current directory as in DOS and Windows operating systems .

  8. tarcf-.对当前目录中的文件创建一个新的存档,输出到标准输出。

    Tar cf - . creates a new archive , to standard output , of the files in the current directory .

  9. 使用gitinit命令在当前目录中创建一个空的存储库

    Use the git init command to create an empty repository in the current directory

  10. 因此,`$var`产生中间字符串ls,它作为shell命令运行,生成当前目录的内容列表。

    Thus , ` $ var ` yields the intermediate string ls , which runs as a shell command to produce the contents of the local directory .

  11. 当你输入LS时,它会把你当前目录下的文件罗列出来,当前目录或者根目录。

    When you type LS it just lists what 's in your current folder , my current folder or my so-called home directory .

  12. 它将按顺序搜索当前目录(.,或者“点”)、您的home目录(~/)、父目录(,或者“点点”)、父目录的父目录目录(/)

    It searches , in order , the current directory ( . , or " dot "), your home directory ( ~ / ), the parent directory ( , or " dot dot "), and the grandparent directory ( / ) .

  13. 表示当前目录的子目录。由于您的主目录通常并不在(通常来讲也不应该在)PATH中,因此需要显式地为您希望从主目录中运行的任何可执行文件提供一个路径。

    Because your home directory is usually not on your PATH ( and generally should not be ), you will need to explicitly provide a path for any executable that you want to run from your home directory .

  14. 在前面的输出中,tar从当前目录创建存档,包括修改时间/权限;tar把存档发送到标准输出。

    In the previous output , tar creates the archives with the modifications times / permissions from the current directory ; tar archives this to standard output .

  15. 程序有很多其他的输入,比如当前目录、信号、内存映射、SystemVIPC、umask、文件系统状态。

    Programs have many other inputs , such as the current directory , signals , memory maps , System V IPC , the umask , and the state of the filesystem .

  16. 这将在您的当前目录中创建一个名为mochiweb的目录。

    This will create a directory called mochiweb in your current directory .

  17. 如果您使用一个快捷方式或者脚本来启动Eclipse的话,那么它就位于该快捷方式或者脚本所在的当前目录下一个被称作“workspace”的子目录中。

    If you are using a shortcut or script to launch Eclipse , then it will be under the current working directory of that shortcut or script in a subdirectory called " workspace " .

  18. 如果插件存储在当前目录中,那么在dbx启动时会自动地装载它。

    If the plug-in is stored in the current directory , it is loaded automatically when dbx is started .

  19. 代表我当前目录,/表明hi3位于此处。

    Dot is my current directory , slash means Hi3 is located here .

  20. Base目录必须是feedParserTest项目的目录,这样才能在当前目录下找到RSS文件(testData/developerworks.rss)。

    The Base directory has to be the feedParserTest project directory , so that the RSS file ( testData / developerworks . rss ) can be found from the current directory .

  21. 这通常仅限于能够设置某个静态字符串,或者对于KornShell,您通常可以设置某个动态值,例如当前目录。

    Normally this is limited to being able to set a static string or , in case of the Korn shell , you can normally set a dynamic value , such as the current directory .

  22. 当调用脚本时,Nautilus支持多个包含当前目录以及所选文件等内容的环境变量。

    Nautilus makes available a number of environment variables containing things like the current directory and the selected files when a script is invoked .

  23. 默认地,javac编译器将上述目录都认为是当前目录,而这并不是您所希望的。

    By default , the javac compiler thinks all of these are the current working directory , which is almost never what you want .

  24. 该命令列出当前目录中未跟踪的所有文件和目录,表示Git了解它们的存在但是没有指示跟踪该文件

    This command lists all the files and directories in the current directory as untracked , meaning that Git knows that they are present but has not been instructed to track the files

  25. 您可以使用dirs命令来显示当前目录堆栈,而不会压入或弹出新目录。

    You can use the dirs command to display the current directory stack without pushing or popping a new directory .

  26. 在本例中,-vojpeg选项告诉MPlayer在当前目录下提取帧为jpeg图像,然后将所有文件移动至该文件所在的贴片目录中。

    In this example , the-vo jpeg option tells MPlayer to extract the frames as jpeg images into the current directory , then all the files are moved to the tile directory for that file .

  27. 现在您已经生成了一张自签署的证书,它包含在jmskeystore中,您可以在当前目录下找到该证书。

    You have now generated a self-signed certificate contained in jmskeystore , which can be found in the current directory .

  28. 控制对话框在关闭之前是否恢复当前目录。

    Controls whether the dialog restores the current directory before closing .

  29. 随机播放当前目录下的音乐(不包含子目录)

    Play the present songs In the list ( subdirectory exclude )

  30. 显示当前目录的名称或更改当前目录。

    CD Displays the name of or changes the current directory .