
  • 网络local species;indigenous species
  1. CIMMYT已经开始搜寻耐旱的野生小麦和“当地种”&已经适应了当地气候达数世纪的传统作物。

    CIMMYT has launched a hunt for drought tolerance in wild wheats and'landraces ' & traditional crops that have adapted to local conditions over centuries .

  2. 经鉴定阿尔泰山区锈菌的标本,发现该地区有46个当地种。

    Based on the identification of rust collections from the Altai , a list is given on the forty six species indigenous to that area .

  3. 57岁的王福英(音)以前在当地种庄稼,现在她在这个书屋担任图书管理员,尽管她几乎不认识什么字。

    Wang Fuying , 57 , who used to grow crops in the area , is now the librarian , even though she can barely read .

  4. 广东高州种源马尾松树高、胸径和材积是当地种源(湖北当阳)的1.6倍、1.5倍和2.91倍。

    And Dangyang ( in Hubei Prov . ) . Tree height , diameter at breast height and volume in the provenance of Gaozhou were as 1.6 , 1.5 and 2.91 times respectively as those in the provenances of Dangyang ( local provenance ) .

  5. 对当地3种以上主要病害具有中抗以上水平。

    Medium resistance to more than 3 main local diseases .

  6. 结果表明,当地5种小兽类体外共有6种寄生恙螨。

    A total 6 species of chigger mites were collected from 5 species of rodents and insectivores .

  7. 方法在东洞庭湖及长江各设1个观察现场,1998年8~9月,在当地4种不同水位,分别采用一组哨鼠进行常规感染性检测。

    Methods In the eastern Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River , one field was selected respectively .

  8. 一名记者说,村民们在桥上挤着扑捉当地一种可食昆虫。

    One report said villagers had crowded onto the bridge to catch a type of insect eaten locally .

  9. 食肉蚁也称行军蚁,是澳大利亚当地一种极具领土意识的动物。

    Meat ants , also known as gravel ants , are an incredibly territorial species native to Australia .

  10. 南澳大利亚州环境局日前宣布,当地一种濒危的鸟类&燕鸥已经回来筑巢。这是一个令人十分鼓舞的现象。

    The South Australian Environment Department says an endangered breed of bird has returned to nest at Danger Point .

  11. 在这个时期,中国汉朝持续不断地从费尔干纳得到汗血马,于是渐渐地,当地马种的质量也变得好了起来。

    Since this period , China has regularly received from Fergana valuable breed of horses that gradually improve the local horse breeding .

  12. 在卢旺达,一些艾滋病毒携带者利用当地一种类似棕榈油和鳄梨的材料制造肥皂。

    In Rwanda , a group of people living with H. I. V. / AIDS began making soap from local materials like palm oil and avocados .

  13. 乐施会指出,由于星巴克阻挠埃塞俄比亚政府为当地三种咖啡豆注册商标,它事实上每年从当地农民处掠夺了九千万美元。

    Oxfam says Starbucks is depriving farmers in Ethiopia of $ 90m a year by opposing the Ethiopian government 's efforts to trademark three types of local coffee bean .

  14. 在社会资本方面,用水者协会作为当地一种基层的农民用水自治组织,并没有有效的发挥作用。

    Water Users Association in terms of social capital , as a kind of local grassroots farmer water autonomous organization , but does not have a valid role to play .

  15. 一根绳子上搭着些胀大的膀胱,原本属于当地一种好像山羊的动物;膀胱正在太阳底下晒着,那股味儿也可能是它们的杰作。

    The distended bladders of some of the local goat-like things were hanging from a propped-up line drying in the sun , and the smell could have been coming from them .

  16. 天水流传着多种民间乐舞形式,羊皮鼓舞是其中保存较好,较有特点的一个类型,至今和当地一种被称为传神的古老文化仪式相依相存。

    Various folk musical instruments spread in Tianshui , one of which is sheepskin drum with good reservation and characteristic , and it coexists with an ancient ritual called " Chuanshen " .

  17. 美国西南部和墨西哥沙漠地区的一种灰绿色灌木,叶极疏,蓝紫色花成顶生穗状花序;为当地一种重要的蜜源植物,产生一种味道优良的淡色蜜。

    Grayish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States nd Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers ; locally important as source of a light-colored honey of excellent flavor .

  18. 《慢读》这本书的作者约翰把这个运动比作慢餐运动,即把你消耗的时间比做消耗的当地所种的食物。

    John Miedema , author of the book Slow Reading , likens the movement to the Slow Food movement , which is as much about taking your time as it is about consuming locally grown food .

  19. 13个参试的初选林分,绝大多数比当地商品种长得快,在优良种源中再进行优良林分选择的材积、胸径、树高平均遗传增益分别为:42.47%、20.42%和13.21%。

    Most of 13 selected experimental stands grew faster than local commercial stands . The mean genetic gains of volume , DBH and height of selected stands derived from excellent provenance region come to 42.47 % , 20.42 % and 13.21 % respectively .

  20. 伊卡里亚岛在比特纳先生的最新著作《解密蓝色区域》(TheBlueZonesSolution)中占据着十分重要的地位,该书深入探索了世界上的五个地区,当地人有种会忘记死亡的有趣习惯。

    Icaria has a key role in Mr. Buettner 's latest book , " The Blue Zones Solution , " which takes a deep dive into five places around the world where people have a beguiling habit of forgetting to die .

  21. 不过你也别高兴得太早,它用的实际上是ika,这是夏威夷当地的一种干货,调好味的墨鱼条(本质上就是很臭的鱿鱼干),该公司的员工精心地给它涂上了巧克力。

    Don 't breathe a sigh of relief just yet , though . It 's actually ika , a local Hawaiian snack of dried , seasoned cuttlefish strips ( basically , really stinky squid jerky ) , which the company 's employees painstakingly coat with chocolate .

  22. 当地有一种叫做鹿鼠的老鼠,体型非常小,喜欢以这种豆科植物的种子为食。

    Tiny deer mice have a taste for the seeds of the lupines .

  23. 带游客们观赏候鸟成了当地的一种礼仪。

    It became part of local etiquette to take visitors to see migratory birds .

  24. 当地人不种小麦。

    They don 't grow wheat there .

  25. 在肥沃的土地上,当地农民可以种庄稼谋生。

    On land with rich soil , local farmers can grow crops to make a living .

  26. 实际上,为赵春捉龟似乎成了当地的一种行当。

    As a matter of fact , catching turtles to sell to Zhao Chun became a local specialty .

  27. 当地的一种说法是那个幽灵女孩是14岁的简?

    There was local speculation that the girl was14-year-old Jane Churm , who accidentally started a disastrous fire in Wem in1677 .

  28. 南瓜是粮菜兼用作物,经济产值较当地坡梁地主种作物莜麦高7~8倍。

    Pumpkin can be used as both vegetable and food crop . Its economic value is 7 ~ 8 times more than naked oats .

  29. 人们从当地的一种仙人掌&龙舌兰的茎中煮出甜汁,然后再把甜汁蒸馏,得到龙舌兰酒。

    The alcoholic drink is distilled from sweet juices that form when stems of a native cactus , the blue agave , are cooked .

  30. 当地任何一种怪癖或者习俗(比如该国另类的水路交通法),他只要感兴趣,不管怎样都要查个究竟。

    Whenever a local foible or tradition grabbed his interest , such as the country 's idiosyncratic waterway laws , he would research it exhaustively .