
dānɡ dài yì shí
  • modernism
  1. 传记文学的人文主体性与当代意识&兼论柳虬的史传理论

    Humanism and Sense of Contemporary in Biographic Literature Sports Literature

  2. 古典文献整理研究与当代意识

    Research Into Ancient Chinese Literature and Modern Consciousness

  3. 文人系列史剧表现出强烈的“当代意识”与“主体意识”。

    Guo Qihong 's historical dramas are rich in modern ideas and subject consciousness .

  4. 富于激情、善于用当代意识观照现实,这是电视剧艺术走向成功的关键。

    For a TV show to be successful , it has to be passionate and realistically revealing .

  5. 当代意识下的英雄乐章

    Hero Movement of Contemporary Consciousness

  6. 第四章笔者则选取悲剧意识、自然生命意识、当代意识这三个审美范畴来思考农民形象自身审美特征的演绎。

    The fourth chapter author demonstrated the esthetic characteristic from these three esthetic categories such as the tragedy consciousness , natural life consciousness , current consciousness .

  7. 面对中国文学批评史研究出现的迟滞沉闷局面,有必要从研究主体角度,提出当代意识的植入问题。

    Confronted with the stagnancy in the study of the history of Chinese literary criticism , it is necessary to put forward the issue of the introduction of contemporary consciousness from the perspective of research subject .

  8. 古代文学研究应具有当代意识,把握全球化脉搏,发掘民族文化特色,弘扬民族精神,抽绎出足以与主流话语对话的文学理论。

    So ancient literature research should The ancient literature research should have the contemporary consciousness , grasp the pulse of globalization , unearth the special features of national culture , carry forward the national spirit , abstract enough literature theories to have a conversation with mainstreaming words .

  9. 作为一种可再生的材料,硬木代表着可持续发展的未来,特别有益于让当代设计师意识怎样满足消费者的需求。

    As a renewable material , hardwoods contribute to a sustainable future , a benefit that helps contemporary designers meet the demands of conscious consumers .

  10. 同时,结合当前现状,分析当代阶级意识理论的影响和现实意义。

    Simultaneously , with the current status quo , to analyze the influence and practical significance of the theory of class consciousness in the contemporary society .

  11. 通过分析当代审美意识的软化、时代文化、先锋学科的技术支持以及当代主流建筑师的作品,探讨当今建筑造型中的“软化”倾向特征。

    By a series of studies on sense of beauty , contemporary culture , neo-sciences technology and architectural shape and form , the author believes that the form of architecture has the trend of soft .

  12. 新的人际关系伴随着矛盾、摩擦、冲突、竞争,于是,协调&这一自然法则也就产生了许多新的内容,使当代协调意识呈现出丰富多彩的全新面貌。

    The new human relationships follow various contradictions , frictions , impacts and competitions and therefore the natural law of coordination has bought out many new contexts that present a new colorful appearance of modern human relationships .

  13. 本论文试图从肤觉-躯体经验的角度,在肤觉躯体经验视觉意识的关系链中探讨审美意识、特别是当代审美意识的深层内涵。

    So my article try to discuss aesthetic consciousness especially the deep meaning of contemporary aesthetic consciousness on the basis of the corporeity experience going with the sense of skin and the connection of corporeity experience , vision and consciousness .

  14. 新手法结合在当代审美意识影响下形成的开放、生态、亲水等理水的新特征,要力求时代出新,但又在核心处秉持自己的特色。

    In conjunction with contemporary aesthetic awareness on open , pro-water , technology , and other new features of the water , new tricks , but we must seek to a new era in the heart of the unique Chinese and Italian .

  15. 当代大学生自我意识的形成及特点

    The formation and characteristics of self-consciousness of the present college students

  16. 本文拟就当代女性主体意识的表现形态及现实状况作一阐述。

    This paper studies the manifestation of the female subject consciousness .

  17. 略论当代大学生法律意识的形成规律

    Preliminary View on the Formation Regulation of University Students ' Law Consciousness

  18. 加强当代大学生法律意识教育的思考

    Thinking about the Education of Contemporary College Students Legal Awareness

  19. 当代报纸市民意识管窥

    A Restricted View of Current Citizen Consciousness for Newspapers

  20. 提出了当代大学生责任意识薄弱这一观点。

    Currently , the contemporary college students ' sense of responsibility are weak .

  21. 我国当代大学生公民意识教育研究综述

    Summary on the Awareness of Citizens in College Education

  22. 当代大学生安全意识与能力问题研究

    An Analysis of Contemporary Undergraduates ' Safety Consciousness

  23. 当代大学生节俭意识及行为的现状调查与对策研究

    Investigation and Countermeasures of Condition of Thrifty Consciousness and Behavior of Contemporary College Students

  24. 当代大学生健康意识和观念的调查分析&从我校学生健身状况谈起

    On the Concept of Health of University Students

  25. 试论当代大学生自我意识的重构

    Restructuring the Self - Consciousness of University Students

  26. 当代大学生法制意识淡薄的原因及对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures for Contemporary College Students ' Lack of the Awareness of Law

  27. 论当代大学生法律意识的培育

    On Cultivating Present University Students ' Legal Consciousness

  28. 当代大学生公民意识教育存在的问题及对策

    Research on the Problem and Counter-measures of Contemporary College Students ' Citizen Consciousness Education

  29. 当代大学生节能意识测评

    Evaluation on College Students ' Energy-save Consciousness

  30. 当代大学生感恩意识缺失归因及其培育探析

    Exploration into the Cause and Measure of the Loss of College Students ' Thanksgiving Consciousness