
tè bié wěi tuō
  • special entrustment
  1. 有很多方案可供选择,可以更改破产法让法官重组抵押债务,也可以授权特别委托人减低贷款账面价值,等等。

    There are plenty of ideas on offer , from changing the bankruptcy law so that judges can restructure mortgage debt to empowering special trustees to write down loans .

  2. 但如任何人持有特别委托书,委托其表决赞成向法院提出的要求委任其本人为清盘人的申请,则该人可使用该等委托书而据此表决。

    Provided that where any person holds special proxies to vote for an application to the court in favour of the appointment of himself as liquidator he may use the said proxies and vote accordingly .

  3. 诉讼代理人只有在有特别授权委托时才可以代替当事人行使回避申请权。

    The agent cannot substitute the his principal without special empowerment .

  4. 文章从契约经济学的相关理论,特别是委托&代理理论的原理出发,对审计的三方面关系进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes three aspects of audit from the related theories such as contract economics , especially trust-agent theory .

  5. 除非经双方协商一致同意,且合同约定中做了特别规定,委托方无须向与代理方开展业务往来的第三方支付任何佣金。

    Principal shall not be required to pay commissions to any third party involved in the business transaction with the Agent unless he is stated in the contractual agreement between both parties .

  6. 由于创业投资的高风险性,特别是因委托代理问题而导致的逆向选择风险和道德风险,尤其需要投资者加强自我保护,建立有效的投资者自我保护机制。

    Because of the high risks in venture investment , especially the risks called adverse selection and moral hazard which are caused by the problems of principal-agent relationship , it is very necessary for the investors to strengthen the self-protection mechanism .

  7. 如果没有法律特别规定这种权力委托,那么,法庭将对任何委托行为作非常严格的解释。

    If no statutory provisions specifically allow delegation of duties , courts will interpret any attempts at delegation very strictly .

  8. 爱德华会特别愿意接受这个委托的。拜托,贝基,我正与华特狂恋中。

    Edward will not be very unwilling to accept the charge . B : Please . Becky , I 'm madly in love with Walter .

  9. 香港特别行政区政府委托美国哈佛大学一个专家小组对香港的医疗制度作了一个全面评估,并就目前的融资安排(financialarrangement)提出改革方案。

    The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region commissioned a team of specialists from Harvard University to conduct a comprehensive assessment of health care system in Hong Kong and to propose options to improve the financial arrangement of the system .