
tè jì biǎo yǎn
  • aerobatic display;stunt
  1. 这部名为“载入史册的一劈”(EpicSplit)的广告片,是沃尔沃制作的系列汽车宣传片中的一部。该系列短片以特技表演为内容来展示其对汽车的设计创新。

    The ' Epic Split ' video is part of a series produced by Volvo Trucks that features daring stunts meant to illustrate innovations in its vehicles .

  2. 他在今天早晨开始这一特技表演,并尝试打破之前由美国魔术师、耐力艺术家DavidBlaine所创造的世界纪录。

    He began the stunt this morning in an attempt to break the record of American illusionist and endurance artist David Blaine .

  3. 来自塞尔维亚基金达的内曼贾·布拉奇克--以Tricky之名更为人所知--在他的社交媒体上分享了很多自己的特技表演,但是这次的这个上升到了一个新的层次。

    Nemanja Blazic , better known as Tricky , from Kikinda , in Serbia , shares many of his stunts on his social media but this one went to a new level .

  4. 上海汽车城管理总监为BG超摩特技表演引来的大群观众的热烈反应极为赞叹,并预邀BG团队在年底的其它汽车城活动中前来再一次表演。

    The Auto city management was so thrilled by the outcome of the spectators'response to the show so BG was invited back in Dec for another of their big auto events .

  5. BG最近都在马不停蹄的进行培训、特技表演和活动日,我们希望通过不断的努力,让中国越来越多地区的车友们对我们的品牌和产品有更深入的认识。

    BG , with our recent non-stop weekly training course , Stunt shows and track days , we have managed to spread our branding and products into more and more regions of China .

  6. 她在《Wonderland》杂志的采访中说,贝在片场就是一个暴君,和他共事简直就是噩梦,他会在给她导戏时说“你得性感一点”之类的话,还让两个主演做危险的特技表演。

    She told Wonderland magazine that Bay was a tyrant on-set and a nightmare to work for , giving her directions like , " Just be sexy , " and making the two leads do dangerous stunt work .

  7. 洛厄尔花钱请沃尔特・哈根(WalterHagen)和高尔夫特技表演大师乔・柯克伍德(JoeKirkwood)宣传和使用该器械。它在商业上获得了成功,到1925年获得专利之时,它已经取得了超过10万美元的销售额。

    He paid Walter Hagen and trick-shot artist Joe Kirkwood to endorse and use the device , and it was a commercial success , with more than $ 100000 in sales by the time it was patented in 1925 .

  8. 在飞机飞行时进行特技表演。

    The performance of stunts while in flight in an aircraft .

  9. 特技表演家在马戏团开始前做些练习。

    The acrobats got warmed up before the circus show .

  10. 我们喜欢看提姆倒立行走的特技表演。

    We enjoyed watching the spectacle of Tim walking on his hands .

  11. 艺人操作娴熟并有许多特技表演。

    The artists operating skill and have many stunt shows .

  12. 你这一次特技表演又得烧我多少钱

    How much is this little stunt gonna cost me ?

  13. 我可是特技表演的先驱,你这混蛋。

    I 'm a master of stunt , you bastard .

  14. 我被海豹的特技表演逗乐了。

    I was very much amused to see the seal perform its tricks .

  15. 在您的电影里,最难的特技表演是什么?

    What was the most difficult stunt you 've performed in a movie ?

  16. 开幕式,漂移赛道试乘活动及特技表演。

    Opening Ceremony , Four Wheel Drift Demonstration , Hotlaps & Stunt Show .

  17. 他最惊险的特技表演是在不安置安全网的情况下走钢丝。

    His most dangerous stunt was walking the tightrope without a safety net .

  18. 她爬这座悬崖作为资金筹集的特技表演,很勇敢。

    She was very brave to climb the cliff as a fund-raising stunt .

  19. 她的最新特技表演是骑摩托车钻火圈

    Her latest stunt be ride a motor cycle through a ring of flames

  20. 每次台湾的特技表演到镇上时,他总是去看。

    He always takes in taiwan 's acrobats whenever they come to town .

  21. 培训要求:你可以参加一所特技表演学校,进行3周的强化训练。

    Training : You can attend a stunt school for three weeks of intensive training .

  22. 希望你能同意我的看法,这是地球上最伟大的特技表演。

    And I hope that you will agree with me , it is the greatest stunt on Earth .

  23. 在10个月的时间里,吴永宁攀爬了中国各地的摩天楼并在楼顶上进行特技表演。

    In the space of 10 months , Wu scaled skyscrapers around China and performed stunts on top of them .

  24. 但这一精彩特技表演却失败了谷仓猫头鹰达西选择飞上房顶椽梁,在上面小睡了一阵。

    But the spectacular stunt failed when the barn owl , called Darcy , took to the rafters to enjoy an impromptu snooze .

  25. 成龙一生对于健身的热爱使他可以延续不断地在影片中展现特技表演和动作。

    Jackie 's lifelong devotion to fitness has served him well as he continues to do stunt work and action sequences in his films .

  26. 汤姆·克鲁斯将于2021年10月正式开始他有史以来最盛大的特技表演,飞到外太空去拍一部新电影。

    Tom Cruise will officially take on his biggest stunt yet in October 2021 when he travels to outer space to film a new movie .

  27. 吴永宁的女朋友告诉媒体,在完成这场特技表演的两天后,他就要向她的父母提亲了。

    Wu Yongning 's girlfriend told the media that he was due to ask her parents ' permission to marry her two days after the stunt .

  28. 八年抗战和解放战争时期,“凤台小戏”濒临灭绝,致使部分剧目及一些特技表演失传。

    Eight-year war and the War of Liberation ," Fengtai small theater " on the brink of extinction , with the result that part of the repertoire and some stunt lost .

  29. 他最有名的特技表演之一是在七月中旬完成的,当时在没有护具的情况下,吴永宁在张家界抓住1000米(3280英尺)高的栈道边缘做引体向上。

    One of his most famous stunts took place in mid July . In it , Wu did pull-ups without harness by grabbing to the edge of a 1000-metre-high ( 3280 feet ) walkway in Zhangjiajie .

  30. 据说卡达方面为打造出一场精彩绝伦的开幕式而专门投入了2.5亿美元的钜资,但面对当天强风夹杂暴雨的恶劣天气,组委会不得不取消了原定的某些特技表演。

    Qatar is said to have spent some $ 250 million ( 127 million pounds ) on the spectacular opening ceremony alone , but organisers had to cancel some stunts because of high winds and a major downpour .