
  • 网络Special police
  1. 特种警察库马尔是星期六死亡的最后一人。

    The special police officer Naresh Kumar was the last to die on Saturday .

  2. 在跟特种警察交火时,这个人与另外一名该党的支持者受伤,另外一人显然因为伤势过重死亡。

    He and another party supporter were injured during a shootout with special police , and one apparently died of his injuries .

  3. 有关官员说,4名激进分子在交战中被打死,两名政府军人和一名特种警察也被打死。

    Officials say four militants have been killed in the fighting so far while two troops and a special police officer have also been killed .

  4. 美国警察机构复杂多样,同时存在着联邦警察、州警察、城市警察和县(郡)警察及特种警察、私人保安机构等不同层级。

    Police systems in US are rather complicated including various levels of police organs such as federal police , state police , city police , county police , special police and private security guard .

  5. 执行特种任务的警察可以携带武器。

    Policemen on special duties may carry arms .