
  1. 卢佩斯库在20码处射门得分,接着巴林特将比分扩大为4比0。

    Lupescu scored from 20 yards and then Balint made it 4-0 .

  2. 为了检验超声波流量计的测流精度,特将国产的LCJ型与美国ORE公司的7500型两种超声波流量计进行对比实验。

    In order to detect the flow velocity measurement precision of ultrasonic flowmeter , the contrast experiment is made of LCJ-type ultrasonic flowmeter made in China and 7500-type ultrasonic flowmeter made in America ORE.

  3. 由于OMT技术与数据库结合的紧密性,本论文特将OMT技术应用于数据库的设计与实现方面。

    As a result of the union compactness of OMT technology and database , this discusses the cultural spy to apply the OMT technology in the database design and the realization aspect .

  4. 为取得更为可靠的结果,特将碳钢-萘热管在400℃左右工作温度下进行3000h寿命实验。

    Meantime , the life test of carbon steel-naphthaline heat pipe under wall temperature of the evaporator about 400 ℃ was performed for 3000 hours .

  5. 卢特将视察伊拉克和阿富汗的战况。

    Lute will 【 oversee 】 fighting in the Iraq and Afghanistan .

  6. 特将自己所遇到的一些问题提出来,希望能得到老师的指点。

    In order to change the statues I want to consult from teachers .

  7. 除非出现不可预知的情况,洛根和厄尼斯特将不会参加伦敦奥运会。

    Barring unforeseen circumstances , Logan and earnest will not compete in the London Olympics .

  8. 2015年季前赛,珍·维尔特将成为一名实习教练员,负责指导内线卫。

    Jen Welter will work as an intern with inside linebackers for the 2015 pre-season .

  9. 笔者出于对此方面的爱好,特将注册会计师的专家责任这一课题作为自己硕士毕业的研究课题。

    For such reasons , I chose this subject , professional liability , as my graduate study subject .

  10. 思嘉莉特将手放在马笼头上,心里怀着一种郁闷的感情。

    Scarlett stood with her hand on the horse 's bridle , a dull feeling at her heart .

  11. 为使你的信赖全托于上主,我今日特将道路指示给你。

    That thy trust may be in the Lord , wherefore I have also shewn it to thee this day .

  12. 为了加强本书的完整性,特将侯老师翻译的前言和导读也加了近来。

    In order to strengthen the integrity of the book , especially the translation of the foreword and Hou Guidance also added recently .

  13. 以上这些因素形成合力,驱动品特将疾病选作他的作品构件。

    All these factors have formed a kind of synergy to drive Pinter to choose illness as his key component in his works .

  14. 罗伯特胡特将错过德国队与美国队周中的友谊赛,因为切尔西提出需要他在足总杯服务于球队。

    Robert Huth will miss Germany 's midweek friendly with the United States after Chelsea stated his services are needed in the FA Cup .

  15. 而我,亚特兰提斯岛的透特将带你进入亚特兰提斯岛金字塔,这样你可以经验你是的全部。

    And I , Thoth the Atlantean , shall now take you to the Pyramid of Atlantis so you may experience all that you are .

  16. 为了更好的和朋友们交流,特将此吧作为影视、音乐和歌曲等免费下载的空间。

    For better and the friends exchange , takes especially the film and television , music and the song and so on free download space .

  17. 黑克斯与吉列特将新球场作为他们当前最关心的事,俱乐部期待在2009年迁入新球场。

    Hicks and Gillett have made the new stadium one of their top priorities and the club are hoping to move into their new home in2009 .

  18. 关于推特将要取消字符限制的这一传闻在社交媒体上引起了激烈的讨论,但是该公司到目前为止尚未对此进行确认。

    Twitter 's rumored plan to remove its character limit has been fiercely debated on social media , but the company has yet to confirm it .

  19. 实践中对这两种差异的处理不同,为方便教学,特将这两类差异加以分析总结。

    In practice , there are different ways to the two kinds of difference , so I want to summarise these differences to serve teaching and studying .

  20. 特将部分内容通过论文的形式进行了一次收集整理,具有实践基础。

    And so in here make a collection and arrangement of the part result and published in the form of paper , its has some practice basics .

  21. “我们与切尔西主教练穆里尼奥达成了共识,胡特将不会回国家队。”德国国家队主教练克林斯曼在周一的新闻发布会上说。

    " Under an agreement with Chelsea coach Jose mourinho , Robert will not join the squad ," germany boss Jurgen Klinsmann told a news conference on monday .

  22. 论刑事诉讼中的证人特免权为将这一制度界定清楚,特将其与辩诉交易,证人特免权以及国内减免刑罚制度进行了比较分析。

    Witness Privilege in Criminal Procedure In order to definite the system clearly , the third part compare it with some similar legal system , such as plea bargain .

  23. 为此,特将铁路旅客枢纽站的改造作为研究的内容,依据铁路旅客站的发展规律和趋势;

    For this reason , Specially regard the transformation of the railway station as the content studied . According to the rule of development and trend of the railway station .

  24. 本会特将「孩子眼中的地球」活动成果巡回展出,藉此提请大家共同关心我们的环境,采取行动,为改善我们的地球共尽一份心力。

    Through the exhibition tour " Earth in the Children 's Eyes ", we hope to invite the public attention to the environment , and further actions to care for our Earth .

  25. 另外,为研究纳米银杀菌效果与海参腐败微生物种类的关系,特将海参变质时的优势菌种分离出来,将其与纳米银单独作用。

    To research the relation between the sterilization effects of nano-silver and the microbial species , the dominant bacteria was isolated from the corrupt sea cucumbers and treated with silver nanoparticles alone .

  26. 奥巴斯特将宣布一项新的交通运输提案规划方案,我刊就此前往报道。

    As The Economist went to press on June18th James Oberstar , the chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee , was about to present a blueprint for a new transport bill .

  27. 考虑到我国转轨时期制度环境因素对企业生产的影响,特将市场化程度因素引入,拓展了柯布-道格拉斯生产函数。

    Take the impact of institutional and environment factors of transition period in China on corporate production into account , the paper particularly cites the factors of market degree into the Cobb-Douglas production function and has extended Cobb-Douglas production function .

  28. 你们要恒切祷告也要为我们祷告,求神给我们开传道的门,能以讲基督的奥秘叫我按著所该说的话特将这奥秘发明出来。

    Continue in prayer * withal praying also for us , that God would open unto us a door of utterance , to speak the mystery of Christ * that I may make it manifest , as I ought to speak .

  29. 此前已有报道称推特将提升推文字符数至140字符以上。140字符的限制是该公司于2006年创立时提出的。当时之所以要这么做,是为了方便用户在短信中接收推文——每条短信有160字符数的限制。

    The company has previously been reported to be raising the tweet limit above 140-characters , which was chosen when the service launched in 2006 to allow tweets and usernames to be received in a single text message , which had a 160-character limit .

  30. 由于波音公司对各项内容的预测结论有助于我国各民航企业分析和预测国际民航运输业未来的发展情况,本刊特将该展望的主要内容介绍如下。

    Has carried out a forecast for the global air transport demands and aircraft requirements , of which the conclusion will be helpful to various enterprises of civil aviation in our country to analyse and forecast the development in the future of the international civil aviation industry .