
  • 网络Chen Wei;alice chan;David Chen
  1. 北京一家投资顾问公司中投咨询集团的高级顾问陈炜,同意玉明的看法。

    Chen Wei , a senior consultant at the Beijing-based investment consultancy ChinaVenture Investment Consulting Group , agreed with Yu .

  2. 陈炜表示,这种一站式的服务模式可以帮助解决售后服务问题,并带来更多消费者,“但这种模式在中国的奢侈品电子商务行业仍然是少见的。”

    This kind of one-stop service model can help solve the after-sales service problem and bring in consumers , Chen said . " But this model is still rare in China 's luxury e-commerce industry , " he noted .