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qǐ shì
  • start armed struggle;rise in rebellion
起事 [qǐ shì]
  • [rise in rebellion;start armed struggle] 发动武装斗争;起兵

起事[qǐ shì]
  1. 你们一组人,个个团结,干起事来,马到成功。

    You have good unity in your group , and success will be yours for the asking .

  2. 5..叛乱的,起事的n.叛乱分子经过长时间包围之后,这个小镇已被起义军攻克。

    insurgent adj After a prolonged siege , the town was rendered up to the insurgents . bandit n rally n.

  3. 只会让执法官办起事来碍手碍脚。

    Just make the work of law enforcement officers more difficult .

  4. 他办起事来就像老板似的。

    He carries on as if he were the boss .

  5. 说不定你处理起事情来比我还高明。

    You will perhaps manage things better than I could .

  6. 我和吉姆对起事的意见从来不一致。

    Jim and I have never seen eye to eye on this matter .

  7. 达席尔瓦干起事来比我还强硬。

    Dasilve is tougher then me while working .

  8. 他经验丰富,办起事来总是游刃有余。

    He is quite experienced and always does a job with skill and ease .

  9. 纵观起事始末,白朗起事队伍也没有提出明确的政治纲领。

    Throughout the Bai Lang uprising , he did not offer a clear political program .

  10. 来这儿还不到一周,你做起事儿来就像是个老油条。

    Not even a week in here and you 're already working it like an old con .

  11. 请你放心,我办起事来既勤快又小心。

    Send back your answer as soon as you can , and be careful to write explicitly .

  12. 中国的特点是又大又落后,办起事情来不容易。

    It is difficult for us to get things done , because China is a big and backward country .

  13. 广西“匪患”对于金田起事的影响并非学术界从前认为的那样有利。

    Evil of banditry in Guangxi was not so conducive to Jintian Rise as it was thought to be .

  14. 比起事后被迫灭火,及早的探测问题为您提供了选择的自由。

    Early detection of problems provides you a freedom of choice versus being forced to do fire-fighting after the fact .

  15. 但苏联领袖约瑟夫.斯大林不想起事成功,否则苏联占领波兰会有障碍。

    The Soviet leader Joseph Stalin , however , wanted the uprising to fail so that the Soviet occupation of Poland would be uncontested .

  16. 大量的研究结果表明,对于切削力和切削温度的测量对金属切削研究起事半功倍的作用。

    A lot of investigation indicates that measuring the cutting force and cutting temperature rapidly and exactly can help to research the metal cutting better .

  17. 在起事后期,白朗与革命党人保持着暖昧的关系,并且采取了保护传教士的政策。

    Maintained an ambiguous relationship in the late Bai Lang uprising with revolutionaries , and to take the protection of the policy of the missionaries .

  18. 清方剿捕重点的转移使拜上帝会于起事后不久便面临着重兵围困,形势相当险峻。

    As the new extermination object of the Qing troops , the Society of God Worshipers was soon heavily besieged and in a vulnerable position .

  19. 随着社会的发展和权利意识的增强,人们也逐渐认识到事前防范比起事后救济更具优越性。

    With the social development and the enhancement of awareness of the rights , people have gradually recognized that prevention of relief after more than superiority .

  20. 这支起事队伍的绝大部分成员甚至不知革命为何物,更不要说向革命队伍转变。

    This uprising most of the team members do not even know the revolution what it is , not to mention the change to the revolutionary ranks .

  21. 对于具有统一多个民族有经验的儒家文化、满清文化的全盘否定,使得农民起事领导集团失去了借鉴经验渠道。

    Total negation had experienced the Confucian culture , integration of a plurality of ethnic Manchu culture , which made the uprising leadership group loose experience channel .

  22. 然而由于白朗起事队伍采用了蹚将的组织方式,只是一个松散的联盟,白朗不能对起事队伍进行有效的控制。

    Bai Lang uprising team used TangJiang organization in a manner , however , is only a loose alliance , Bai Lang can not revolt team for effective control .

  23. 农民起事领导集团未对宣传动员体系进行完善和提升,未能提出超越性、整合性价值理念使得动员纲领满足最多庶众的最大利益。

    The uprising leadership did not improve and enhance the propaganda and mobilization system , and failed to put forward transcendence , integration of value ideas to meet the most common interests .

  24. 这从三个方面可以得到证明:第一,咸同贵州号军的名称乃沿袭历史上民间教门起事的传统而来;

    Accurately , it is a Folk Sects uprising , there are three reasons : First , the name of " Hao Army " is followed the tradition of the Folk Sects uprising ;

  25. 从整支队伍的思想、组织方式以及活动内容来看,白朗起事不是一次反帝反封建的农民起义,只是一场带有辛亥革命时期历史印记的土匪运动。

    From the whole team thinking , organization and activities , Bai Lang uprising was not a peasant uprising against imperialism and feudalism , is just a bandit movement with a mark on the history of the Revolution .

  26. 在起事过程中,梅花拳领袖赵三多是领导拳民积极反教、英勇抗官,还是始则被迫领导起事,继而力图退出并配合官府劝散拳民?

    In rebellion , whether Zhao San-duo led Boxers to attack churchs and to resist government soldiers or was he forced at first to lead the rebellion , then tried to quit and help government to persuade Boxers dismiss ?

  27. 尼泊尔反政府武装自1996年2月起事至今已发展成为一支重要的政治和军事力量,其明显的暴力倾向已严重地影响了尼泊尔政治经济的发展和社会稳定。

    Nepal 's anti-government force has been an important political and military power in the nation since its rise in February 1996 . Its apparent violent tendency has been seriously affecting the political and economic development , and social stability of Nepal .

  28. 清朝统治者认为伶人演戏败坏民俗,坏人心术,很多时候民间又利用演剧看戏作为起事的途径,因而皇帝及各级官府都对伶人的演出剧目和演戏地点进行管理,加强对伶人活动的管制。

    The Qing Dynasty rulers think that actors acting corrupt customs , ill attempt , many times by acting in theatre as a folk ways , so the emperor and government cast productions and acting location management , strengthen the actor activity controls .

  29. 他的具体打算我无从知道,可是看他那么痛苦万状,就知道他办起事来决不会十分稳妥,而弗斯脱上校明天晚上就得回白利屯。

    What he means to do , I am sure I know not ; but his excessive distress will not allow him to pursue any measure in the best and safest way , and Colonel Forster is obliged to be at Brighton again tomorrow evening .

  30. 但是随着越来越多其他少数民族的加入,有些农民起事的宣传动员方式越来越不适应战争形势的发展和战争环境的变化,甚至导致了农民起事的失败。

    But as more and more other minorities took part , some insurgent propaganda and mobilization mode were not more and more adapt to the changes in the development of the war situation and circumstances of war , and even led to the failure of the uprising .