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qǐ jū shì
  • lounge;keeping room;living room
起居室 [qǐ jū shì]
  • [living room] 住宅中住户从事一般社交活动的房间

  1. 他当时在客厅,或者说是在起居室,或者在叫什么都行的房间里。

    He was in the front room , or the lounge or whatever you want to call it .

  2. 一天早上,他妈妈Lisa正在起居室给一个较年长的孩子放录像。

    One morning , his mother Lisa was in the lounge putting a video on for her older child .

  3. 这张桌子曾一度为公爵的起居室增色不少。

    The table had once graced a duke 's drawing room .

  4. 我们的起居室里需要铺新地毯了。

    We need new carpeting in the living room .

  5. 你把起居室擦一擦好吗?

    Could you dust the sitting room ?

  6. 他在起居室里翻看着杂志。

    He was flipping through a magazine in the living room

  7. 楼下是两个小房间:一个厨房和一个起居室。

    Downstairs are two small rooms : a kitchen and a sitting room

  8. 大理石门厅通往起居室。

    A marble entrance hall leads to a sitting room .

  9. 起居室里到处都是书和衣服。

    The front room was strewn with books and clothes

  10. 他跷着腿坐在起居室里。

    He was sitting there in the living room with his legs crossed .

  11. 可以的话,我想用一下你的起居室。

    I 'd like the use of your living room , if I may

  12. 原来那间起居室成了她的客厅兼书房。

    The old drawing room serves her as both sitting room and study .

  13. 这些书架占了起居室的大部分墙面。

    Bookshelves occupied most of the living room walls .

  14. 王妃的起居室挨着客厅。

    The Princess 's sitting-room leads off the drawing room

  15. 你要知道不可以在起居室里剪脚趾甲。

    You have to learn not to cut your toenails in the living room

  16. 埃德娜·斯温森把他推进了起居室。

    Edna Swinson nudged him into the sitting room

  17. 他飞快地跑过起居室,却发现前门锁上了。

    He raced through the living room , only to find the front door closed .

  18. 他咕哝了些什么,然后食物丝毫未动就进了起居室。

    He murmured something , then , food left untouched , went into the sitting-room .

  19. 他在起居室睡着了,我便给他盖上了羽绒被。

    He fell asleep in the front room so I covered him up with a duvet .

  20. 每栋别墅都有一间独立的起居室。

    Each villa has a separate sitting-room

  21. 我喜欢起居室那深色的木构件、东方地毯和厚重的家具。

    I love the living room , with its dark woodwork , oriental rugs , and chunky furniture

  22. 他们在起居室里听收音机。

    They listened to the radio in the livingroom .

  23. 汤姆感激地接受了那舒适的起居室,连带几张摆满了装饰品的小桌。

    Tom gratefully took in the comfortable sitting room , with its little tables crowded with ornaments .

  24. 乔在起居室里严厉地惩罚他的玩具小狗熊

    Jo was chastising his teddy bear in the living room .

  25. 我的起居室的墙上挂着一块壁毯。

    The wall of my living room was hung with a tapestry .

  26. 我们的击弦古钢琴是放在起居室里的。

    Our clavichord is kept in the living room .

  27. 他匆匆忙忙地走进起居室。

    He hurried into the living12 room .

  28. 在起居室里目击丈夫被血腥地谋杀,这可不是你每天都能碰到的情景

    It isn 't every day that you see your husband bloodily murdered in the living room .

  29. 她走进起居室说:“我准备好拉小提琴给您听了。”

    She went to the living11 room and said . " I 'm ready to play for you , Daddy . "

  30. 其中大多数主播是女孩儿或者年轻女性,直播地点不乏最私密的空间,比如卧室,浴室和起居室。

    Most are girls and young women broadcasting from the most private spaces of their bedrooms , bathrooms and living rooms .