
qǐ lai
  • get up;stand up;arise;sit up;rise to one's feet
起来 [qǐ lái]
  • (1) [stand up]∶站立

  • 你起来给老大爷让个座儿

  • (2) [get up]∶起床

  • 他们一起来就下地了

  • (3) [arise]∶拿起武器、发动攻击、起义或造反

  • 起来,不愿做奴隶的人们!

  • (1) [up]

  • (2) 向上;向高处

  • 把孩子抱起来

  • 中国人民站起来了

  • 拿起来

  • (3) 离开床,有时用于命令或号令

  • 起来,起来,我的朋友,放下你的书本

起来[qǐ lai]
起来[qi lai]
  1. 他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。

    He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing .

  2. 当心站起来时头别撞了横梁。

    Be careful not to bump your head on the beam when you stand up .

  3. 所有相关记录都在手边,用起来很方便。

    All the relevant records are easily available ready to hand .

  4. 校长进来时,所有的人都立刻站了起来。

    Everyone sprang to their feet when the principal walked in .

  5. 汽车悬架经过改进,乘坐起来更平稳。

    The car 's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride .

  6. 温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。

    An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level .

  7. 狐狸朝树丛跑,想要躲藏起来。

    The fox was running for the shelter of the trees .

  8. 这辆车发动不起来了——你能修理一下吗?

    The car won 't start ─ can you fix it ?

  9. 我不得不把我的计划暂时搁置起来。

    I 've had to put my plans into cold storage .

  10. 他们叫到他的名字时他一下子就站了起来。

    He jumped to his feet when they called his name .

  11. 关于新机场的选址问题,讨论起来没完没了。

    Discussions rumble on over the siting of the new airport .

  12. 她突然大笑起来——她控制不住自己。

    She burst out laughing ─ she couldn 't help herself .

  13. 失事船只被英国皇家空军救援小组打捞起来。

    The wreck was salvaged by a team from the RAF .

  14. 开始尽兴畅饮时,聚会的气氛活跃起来。

    The party got livelier as the drink began to flow .

  15. 当地居民团体已联合起来反对这项计划。

    Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan .

  16. 太阳的光线使阴暗的下午亮了起来。

    A few gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon .

  17. 引擎用钢丝吊索吊了起来。

    The engine was lifted in a sling of steel rope .

  18. 我今天早上没法让这汽车发动起来。

    I couldn 't get the car to start this morning .

  19. 我对他的想法怎么也热心不起来。

    I can 't work up any enthusiasm for his idea .

  20. 她疯了,应该把她关起来。

    She 's crazy ─ she ought to be locked up .

  21. 我躲了起来,不能冒险出去。

    I stayed hidden ; I couldn 't chance coming out .

  22. 他们问到钱的问题时,她就警觉起来。

    Their questions about the money put her on the defensive .

  23. 她把毯子折叠起来给他做枕头。

    She doubled the blanket and put it under his head .

  24. 她把盒子一个个地摞起来。

    She piled the boxes one on top of the other .

  25. 她放声大哭,发泄出全部郁积起来的情感。

    She burst into tears , releasing all her pent-up emotions .

  26. 你应该把锻炼和健康饮食结合起来。

    You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet .

  27. 你得使这些木片像鱼鳞片似的搭叠起来。

    You will need to overlap the pieces of wood slightly .

  28. 我伸出一只手,把书捡起来。

    I stretched out a hand and picked up the book .

  29. 工作的压力使他烦恼起来。

    The pressure of work is beginning to get to him .

  30. 他对他们的造访明显地感到不安起来。

    He was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy about their visit .