
biān tà
  • scourging;lash;castigate;whip;flog lash
鞭挞 [biān tà]
  • [whip;flog lash;castigate] 鞭打;驱使

  • 受到他那种特有的决心的鞭挞

鞭挞[biān tà]
  1. 它们一代代的命运就是套上枷锁,接受鞭挞。

    Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash . ' '

  2. 小说鞭挞了僵死的社会规范对人性的压抑,歌颂了追求自由人性的信心和力量,引发了人们对文明机制与人之间关系的思考。

    The two novels lash the oppression of the rigid social codes on humanity and extol the confidence and strength in pursuing free humanity , and lead to people 's reflection on the organic relationship between civilization system and individuals .

  3. 影片对旧社会进行了无情的鞭挞。

    The film mercilessly castigates the old society .

  4. 船长怀特无情地鞭挞船员。

    Captain White scourged his crew without mercy .

  5. 当然,在公开场合,辩论聚焦于美联储(Fed)推出定量宽松的罪恶,中国和德国对此大加鞭挞。

    In public , of course , debate has focused on the sins of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve , with China and Germany voluble in condemnation .

  6. 即使并不以鞭挞华尔街闻名的蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)也在提问,是否出现了“感知”问题。

    Even Tim Geithner , who is not known as a scourge of Wall Street , wonders if there is a " perception " problem .

  7. 在工业革命早期,人均收入增长缓慢,工人阶级的苦难与富有制造商的奢华生活形成鲜明对比,这招致了猛烈抨击,查尔斯狄更斯(charlesdickens)在《艰难时世》(hardtimes)中就对此大加鞭挞。

    In the early years of the industrial revolution , average per capita incomes were slow to rise and the contrast between the plight of the working population and the lifestyle of rich manufacturers prompted savage diatribes such as that of Charles Dickens in hard times .

  8. 因为谁愿忍受人世间的鞭挞和嘲笑

    For who would bear the whips and scorns of time

  9. 法庭判处她8年监禁及500下鞭挞。

    The court sentenced her to eight years in jail and500 lashes .

  10. 鞭挞被认为是在萎缩和消瘦的案件有帮助。

    Flagellation is thought to be helpful in cases of atrophy and emaciation .

  11. 过去,穷人常遭受地主的鞭挞。

    In the pat , the poor people were often flogged by the landowners .

  12. 挨打鞭挞甚至更糟

    a beating , a whipping , even worse

  13. 近距离的鞭挞与远距离的哲思

    On Close Castigation and Far Philosophical Thought

  14. 鞭挞的方法是当时常用的一种说服方式。

    The baculine argument was used as a common mode of argument in those days .

  15. 你是否害怕狂风的鞭挞?你是否畏惧暴雨的抽打?

    Do you fear the force of the wind , The slash of the rain ?

  16. 精神鞭挞铭文:现将降低速度调整为10%,代替移除其效果。

    Glyph of Mind Flay : Now sets snare to10 % instead of removing it .

  17. 从它的极猛烈的鞭挞中产生出一种对人类的爱抚。

    From its most terrible blows there comes forth a caress for the human race .

  18. 心灵专注:现在正确作用于精神鞭挞,精神凋零和忏悔。

    Inner Focus : Now works properly with Mind Flay , Mind Sear , and Penance .

  19. 科幻是他用来鞭挞社会丑恶现象的一个得心应手的工具。

    For him , science-fiction is a very good tool to disclose the diseases of the society .

  20. 接着,劲风骤起,鞭挞道路,尘土飞扬。冷飕飕的,警示着即将发生的一切。

    Then a gust of windwhips the dust along the road , chill warning of what is tocome .

  21. 当时先进的知识分子从自由和平等的高度对封建贞操观进行了猛烈的抨击与鞭挞,具有着鲜明的时代特色。

    The progressive intellectuals forcefully deprecated and castigated the feudal view of virtue in terms of liberty and equality .

  22. 台风一路鞭挞了菲律宾并导致那里千余人不得不离家出走躲避台风,进而于周三早上朝着香港方向进发。

    After ravaging through the Philippines and displacing thousands of residents , Typhoon Utor turned towards Hong Kong Wednesday morning .

  23. 事实上,在发生了问题后辞职,然后鞭挞行政机构,这是否解决问题的方法或态度?

    Is resigning after the occurrence of problems and then chastising the executive the way or the attitude to solve problems ?

  24. 诗人通过写这一事件,鞭挞了唐玄宗和杨贵妃骄奢淫逸的生活和他们不顾国家、人民的荒唐、荒淫的做法。

    This poem condemns the extravagant and dissipated life of the Emperor Xuanzong and his concubine disregarding the ordinary people 's life .

  25. 第一,小说体现了批判现实主义思想,无情地揭露和鞭挞了资产阶级的虚伪和丑恶;

    Firstly , the long novel embodies some social criticism views , which mercilessly exposes and castigates the hypocrisy and ugliness of bourgeoisie .

  26. 甚至在我以自信的语调讲话时,我能预先感觉到不久即将打在我们裸露的皮肉的鞭挞。

    Even while I spoke in confident tones I could feel in anticipation the lashes which were soon to score our naked flesh .

  27. 他计划全面修订全国的教育课程,提高教学标准,并修正他认为是自我鞭挞的历史观。

    Mr Abe plans to overhaul the nation-al education curriculum , im-prove standards and correct what he regards as a self-flagellating view of history .

  28. 近代,西方在大加鞭挞中国的同时,也不自觉的将市民社会的理念带入中国这片贫瘠的土壤。

    Modern times , West while Canada whips China , also unconscious leads the residential society 's idea Chinese this piece of barren soil .

  29. 海勒的《第二十二条军规》运用讽刺暴露等手法,无情地揭露和鞭挞了战争的荒谬和不道德以及美国社会的黑暗和罪恶。

    《 The22th Military Discipline 》 by Heller employs sarcastic technique , reveals the war 's absurdity and abnormality and the evil of American society .

  30. 如果说,没有对生命的悲悯与敬畏,没有对战争机器的鞭挞和否定,也就不可能在生命语境的角度来解读战争和反思战争。

    It is impossible to interpret and reflect the war in the context of life without compassion of life and fear , whipping the war machine .