
biān zi
  • whip;lash;scourge;strap
鞭子 [biān zi]
  • [whip;lash] 通常由一个柄和鞭绳构成灵活运动的软杆,一种用来抽打的工具

鞭子[biān zi]
  1. 骑手说他经常会用鞭子抽马。

    The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip .

  2. 他腰间别着生牛皮制成的鞭子。

    At his belt he carried a rawhide whip .

  3. 他们抓起鞭子,朝跌倒的人背上抽去。

    They snatched up whips and lashed the backs of those who had fallen .

  4. 在同一时期的威尔士,男孩们在操场上讲威尔士语是要吃鞭子的。

    In Wales in the same era , boys were caned for speaking Welsh in the playground

  5. 他用鞭子抽打马背。

    He lashed the horse across the back with his whip .

  6. 让他尝尝鞭子的味道。

    Give him a taste of the whip .

  7. 啪!鞭子一挥。

    Crack ! Went the whip .

  8. 他轻抽一下鞭子。

    He gave a flick of the whip .

  9. 他在狩猎中的事就是当狗跑散时用鞭子把他们赶在一起。

    His job in the hunt is to whip the dogs in when they scatter .

  10. 在《洛杉矶时报》的一篇报道中,一位员工将排行榜称为“数字鞭子”。

    In a Los Angeles Times article , one employee referred to the board as a " digital whip . "

  11. 一阵阵寒风像鞭子一样抽打着行人

    The chill wind whipped in and out in gusty breaths .

  12. 那个粗暴的人用鞭子抽马。

    The cruel man lashed the horse with his whip .

  13. 鞭子一响,猎狗发出一阵嗥叫

    A hound yelped briefly as a whip cracked .

  14. 鞭子不是用来打击他。

    The whip is not used to strike him .

  15. 一个人对自己不成器的儿子极为痛恨,常常用鞭子教训他。

    There was one person who disliked his son so much that he whipped him often .

  16. n.鞭子v.抽打那孩子因说谎而被鞭打。

    whip The boy was whipped for telling a lie .

  17. n.鞭打;鞭子v.鞭打囚犯被打十鞭。

    lash The prisoner received ten lashes .

  18. 有时你该得到到“升级”,这次使它成为一个EDC鞭子的顶端。

    Sometimes you deserve to " upgrade ", this time make it a EDC Whiplash .

  19. Blake你挥起鞭子真的很棒太疯狂了

    Blake you like whipping . I 'm , I 'm really , it 's really cool . It 's crazy .

  20. 然而研究显示消费者也不喜欢玩的时候外部鞭子天线,或不得不总是随身带着耳机(FM天线作为线)。

    Yet research shows consumers also dislike the hassle of external whip antennas , or having to always carry headsets ( which serve as an FM antenna wire ) .

  21. 拼图大师戴维特给自己最近发明的东西起了个名字叫作“齿轮鞭子(GearedWhiplash)”。这个类似于溜溜球的传动装置由一串相互连接的齿轮元件组成,元件可以紧紧盘绕起来,甩一下就变成一条长链。

    Puzzlemaster Oskar van Deventer has created is something he calls the " Geared Whiplash . " This yo-yo gearing contraption is comprised of a snake of interlinked gear elements , which can be coiled up compactly or whipped out into a long chain .

  22. 这个人进来了,手里拿着一个鞭子。

    The man came in with a whip in his hand .

  23. 你心情的变化就好像是给了我一鞭子。

    Your mood swings are kind of giving me a whiplash .

  24. 老人很少用鞭子抽他的马。

    The old man seldom used his whip on his horse .

  25. 你以为我只会用鞭子抽一抽?

    You thinking the whip is the best I could do ?

  26. 我想我是把鞭子忘在停尸房了。

    I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary .

  27. 持续地他不住地挥响着鞭子,吆喝牲口。

    He continually cracked his whip and shouted at the mule .

  28. 痛击骑士用鞭子重重地打了那匹疲倦的马。

    belabor The rider belabored his tired horse with a stick .

  29. 牧羊人用鞭子赶着他的羊向前进。

    The sheperd was urging his sheep along with a whip .

  30. 他把鞭子抽在马背上。

    He brought the whip down on the horse 's back .