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  • 网络flogging;caning;Whipping;whip
  1. 所以,综上所述,我认为鞭刑有利于我们的社会治安。

    So , in summary , I think caning has advantage for our society .

  2. 在这一天,一个美国青年将要在新加坡被实行鞭刑。

    On this day , an American youth was sentenced to caning in Singapore , in this day implement .

  3. 他因违犯国家的酒法而被当众处以鞭刑。

    He was publicly flogged for breaking the country 's alcohol laws .

  4. n.鞭打村民们判一个男人5下鞭刑,因为他偷了一个邻居的火腿。

    lash The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbor .

  5. 我还写道,在毛拉FM公布时间后,人们成群结队去欣赏鞭刑,而无论在哪里,都看不到警察的身影。

    I also wrote about people going to watch the floggings announced on Mullah FM , and the fact that the police were nowhere to be seen .

  6. 据计大概有14000人被送进S-21监狱,接受日常惯例的电击,水刑和鞭刑,直到在附近的“杀人场”被断头处决——用铁锹或铁锨击打头部。

    Perhaps 14000 people were sent to S-21 for a daily routine of electrocution , water-boarding and flagellation before being carted off for execution - a shovel or spade to the head - at the nearby " killing fields . "

  7. 据新加坡副总理张志贤(TeoCheeHean)说,按照拟议中的新法,法庭将有权酌情对被判毒品犯罪的部分人员处以终身监禁加鞭刑,而不是死刑,不过条件是他们给予当局实质而有效的合作,或者是有智力缺陷。

    The proposed new law will give courts the discretion to sentence some people convicted of drug-related crimes to life in prison with caning , rather than to death , provided they cooperate with authorities in a " substantive way , " or provided they have a mental disability , said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean .

  8. 他会没事的。鞭刑是什么?

    He 'll be all right . what 's a flogging ?

  9. 鞭刑可以减少犯罪,采用新加坡的经验。

    Spanking will reduce the crime & a Singapore experience .

  10. 我亲眼见到过尝试学习的奴隶同胞受到鞭刑

    I have seen my fellow-servants whipped for trying to learn

  11. 被判决鞭刑,或者发往审判

    or sentenced lashing , or sent to a trial ,

  12. 所以今天我们将要讨论我们对于鞭刑的看法。

    So today , we are going to talk about something about it .

  13. 伪造支票可处以公开鞭刑,最多打100鞭。

    Check forgery can be punished with public flogging up to 100 stripes .

  14. 他被判处当众受鞭刑。

    He was sentenced to receive a public flogging .

  15. 罪犯过去常常受到鞭刑。

    Criminals used to be flogged as a punishment .

  16. 鞭刑有利于维持社会的秩序。

    My opinon is caning is good for keeping order of our society .

  17. 如果这是战时,我会处你鞭刑。

    If this was a time of war , I would have you flogged .

  18. 每人被判了7000下的鞭刑,

    were sentenced to 7000 lashes each ,

  19. 威海鞭刑制度与香港及英国鞭刑制度有直接的血缘关系。

    The flogging system at Weihai stemmed from that of Hong Kong and Great Britain .

  20. 因为如果他们抓到我们的小辫子,就会对我们施以鞭刑,甚至会像杀死莎芭娜那样屠杀我们。

    If they had caught us they would have flogged or even slaughtered us as they had Shabana .

  21. 法律文本的矛盾&从英租威海卫时期的一份鞭刑文件说起

    Contradictions in Legal Text & A Study of the Document Concerning Flogging During the British Lease of Weihai

  22. 法兹鲁拉的舒拉所宣判的刑罚包括公开的鞭刑,在此之前,我们从来没有听过这种处罚方式。

    The punishments decreed by Fazlullah 's shura included public whippings , which we had never seen before .

  23. 那些被逮捕的人将面临最高达5年的监禁,而且在被驱逐出境之前还要接受6下鞭刑。

    Those detained face up to five years in jail and six strokes of the cane before being deported .

  24. 他们违反了保守之地亚齐省严格的伊斯兰法律,每人将会接受85次鞭刑。

    The men were found guilty of violating strict Islamic laws in conservative Aceh and will receive 85 lashes each .

  25. 到处都有坏消息:这个人的家被炸了,这间学校被毁了,某某在众人眼前被处以鞭刑等等。

    The bad news was everywhere : this person 's place bombed , this school blown up , public whippings .

  26. 根据新的法令,非法移民与雇用他们的老板,将面临半年刑期,以及多达六下的鞭刑。

    According to new derees , illegal immigrants and their employers may face half-year imprisonment and as much as 6 flogs .

  27. 一名妇女因违反本国对女性司机的禁令,沙特阿拉伯法院对其判决处以鞭刑。

    A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a woman to be flogged for breaking the country 's ban on female drivers .

  28. 鞭刑过程中,她的罩袍一度滑脱,他们短暂停手,把罩袍移回原位,继续鞭打。

    At one point during the flogging her burqa slips and they stop for a moment to adjust it then carry on beating her .

  29. 我明白在新加坡逾期逗留或者非法工作是严重罪行,将会被处以入狱关押以及鞭刑。

    I am aware that overstaying or working illegally in Singapore is a serious offence and on conviction , the penalties may include mandatory imprisonment and caning .

  30. 新加坡当局将这起事件定性为“持危险武器参与骚乱”,一旦被定罪,将面临最高10年监禁和鞭刑等惩罚。

    Authorities classified the violence as ' rioting with dangerous weapons , ' an offense that carries penalties including up to 10 years ' jail , as well as caning .