
  • lash and call sb. to account
鞭责 [biān zé]
  • [lash and call sb. to account] 用鞭子抽打并责备询问

  1. 上主也这样鞭责我们,并不是为惩罚,乃是为警戒与他亲近的人

    It is by way of admonition that he chastises those who are close to him .

  2. 当小学生们行为不当的时候,为什么不鞭责老师呢?

    Why not whip the teacher when the pupil misbehaves ?

  3. 我父亲用鞭子责打你们,我要用蝎子鞭责打你们。

    My father scourged you with whips ; I will scourge you with scorpions .

  4. 我就要用杖责罚他们的过犯,用鞭责罚他们的罪孽。

    Then will I visit their transgression with the rod , and their iniquity with stripes .

  5. 我父亲使你们负重轭,我必使你们负更重的轭。我父亲用鞭子责打你们,我要用蝎子鞭责打你们。

    For whereas my father put a heavy yoke upon you , I will put more to your yoke : my father chastised you with whips , but I will chastise you with scorpions .