
  1. 裕民银行变为政府如意的财政工具。

    Third , Yuming Bank turned into the well of financial instruments .

  2. 黄泛平原区地下水资源调节&以裕民渠调蓄灌区为例

    Regulation of groundwater resources in Yellow River flooding area ─ - the example of Yumin irrigated canal through regulation and storage

  3. 内部核数师之死,令人意识到裕民财务向佳宁的贷款存在严重问题。

    The death of the internal auditor suggested that serious irregularities had occurred in the loan arrangements between bmfl and the Carrian group .

  4. 晋东南石灰岩中山区仁用杏经济林集雨补灌技术研究新疆裕民野巴旦杏林

    Study on the Supplemental Irrigation and Harvested Rainwater of Apricot in Middle-Mountain of Limestone Soil in Eastern South Shanxi Xinjiang Yumin Russian Almond Forest

  5. 裕民银行的建立和发展,是在江西地方政府的主导下进行的,其发展模式具有明显的“政府主导”特征。

    The establishment and development of the Yumin bank was carried through under Jiangxi local government 's leadership , its development model had obvious characteristics of government leading .