
  • 网络unicredit;UniCredit SpA
  1. 裕信银行在上周末发布的声明中表示,美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)也在展开调查。

    The US Department of justice is also investigating , UniCredit said in a statement at the weekend .

  2. 这是一家德国银行,2005年被裕信银行收购,现在以unicreditbankag的名义运营。

    HVB was a German bank acquired by UniCredit in 2005 that now operates as UniCredit Bank AG .

  3. 包括德国德意志银行(DeutscheBank,DB)和英国巴克莱银行(Barclays,BCS)意大利裕信银行(Unicredit)在内的欧洲大型金融银行股跌幅高达6%-8%。

    Big European financial companies , ranging from Deutsche Bank ( DB ) of Germany and Barclays ( BCS ) of the U.K. to UniCredit of Italy , saw their shares drop 6 % - 8 % .

  4. 上周随着意大利政坛震荡以及意大利最大的银行裕信银行(Unicredit)公布创纪录的亏损业绩,意大利占据了很多欧洲以外媒体的头条位置。

    Italy has dominated the headlines out of Europe this week as its government fell into chaos and its largest bank , UniCredit , reported a record loss .

  5. 也许想一想这笔钱原本还可能买到什么——比如法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)或意大利裕信银行(UniCredit)的一半市值——就会觉得这笔赌注似乎不算太糟。

    Perhaps by thinking about what else the funds could have bought ( half of Societe Generale or UniCredit by market capitalisation for example ) , the bet does not appear so bad .

  6. 在恐慌情绪中,意大利最大的两家银行&裕信银行(UniCredit)和联合圣保罗银行(IntesaSanPaulo)的股价都跌了10%,触发盘中停牌机制。

    UniCredit and Intesa sanpaulo , the two largest banks in Italy , saw their stocks fall 10 % in the panic , setting off circuit breakers , suspending trading .

  7. 意大利版《Vogue》与意大利时尚商会(CameradellaModa)也在想方设法帮助年轻设计师勇攀高峰,他们与意大利规模最大的银行集团裕信银行(UniCredit)签署协议,对年轻设计师的生存技能进行商业培训。

    Vogue Italia and Camera della Moda , the Italian fashion industry 's lobby , are also looking for ways to help young designers into the big time and have struck a deal with Italy 's biggest bank , UniCredit , to give designers the business training they need to even survive .

  8. 发股筹资的关键在于时机(只要问问裕信银行就会明白)。

    Equity raisings are all about timing ( just ask UniCredit ) .

  9. 虽然裕信银行至少在7个月前就首次披露了美国有关部门的调查,但此前媒体似乎从未报道。

    Although UniCredit first disclosed the investigation by US authorities at least seven months ago , it appears never to have been reported in the media .