
  • 网络Bank of Italy;Banca d'Italia
  1. 金融稳定论坛在意大利银行马里奥.德拉基(MarioDraghi)的得力领导下,已开始着手处理这些问题。

    The Financial Stability Forum ( FSF ), ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy , has started to tackle these issues .

  2. 星期四,意大利中央银行说,意大利银行行长将不出席即将在英格兰召开的欧洲财政会议,原因是这位饱受困扰的官员拒绝辞职。

    Bank of Italy Governor Antonio Fazio will not attend a European finance meeting in England , the central bank said Thursday as the embattled governor continued to resist calls for his resignation .

  3. 本年度意大利银行业将进行大规模重组。

    This should be the year of a big shake-out in Italian banking

  4. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)的分析师注意到,本周,意大利银行势头强劲,完成了140亿美元的融资。

    Analysts at Goldman Sachs noted this week that Italian banks themselves appear strong , having completed $ 14 billion in capital raising .

  5. 尽管委员会表达了对意大利银行业体系的信心,但特雷蒙蒂定于今日前往卢森堡,与欧元区财长集团轮值主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)会面,讨论不断升级的危机。

    While the committee expressed confidence in the Italian banking system , Mr Tremonti is due to meet Jean-Claude Juncker , head of the group of eurozone finance ministers , in Luxembourg today to discuss the burgeoning crisis .

  6. 总部位于伦敦的国家经济社会研究院(NIESR)的院长乔纳森波特斯(JonathanPortes)表示:如果你是一个意大利人,在一家意大利银行有2万欧元存款,那么现在你不得不考虑自己该怎么办。

    Jonathan Portes , director of the London-based National Institute of Economic and Social Research , said : You now have to think about what you personally would do if you were an Italian with € 20,000 in an Italian bank .

  7. 戈蒂-特德斯奇表示,此案源于梵蒂冈银行和意大利银行creditoartigiano之间就一笔资金转移产生的“误会”。

    Mr gotti-tedeschi has said that the case arose from a " misunderstanding " between the Vatican bank and credito artigiano , an Italian bank , over a money transfer .

  8. 意大利银行的金融分析师mediobanca分析,较去年同期,今年前7个月的全球股票发行量跌至30%;在债券市场,基金发行量减少了约8%。

    Equity issuance worldwide dropped by about 30 % in the first seven months of this year from a year earlier ; in debt markets , bond issuance has fallen by about 8 % , according to analysts at Mediobanca , an Italian bank .

  9. 意大利银行准备解冻利比亚政府价值五亿美元的资产。

    Italian banks are to unfreeze Libyan assets worth more than $ 500 million .

  10. 与爱尔兰不同,意大利银行业仅受到危机的轻度影响。

    Unlike Ireland , Italian banks have been only moderately affected by the crisis .

  11. 意大利银行界忽现出局。

    Exits are sudden in Italian Banking .

  12. 其他交易员则开始抛售意大利银行股票,唯恐避之不及。

    Other traders then started to dump their Italian bank stocks and head for the hills .

  13. 自七月初以来,德国银行股跌36%,意大利银行股跌38%,法国银行股则暴跌43%。

    German banks are down by36 % since early July , Italian ones by38 % and French banks by43 % .

  14. 意大利银行存款总额近月来有所增加,而西班牙银行存款总额也只略微有所下降。

    Deposits at Italian banks have increased in recent months , while those at Spanish banks have only dropped slightly .

  15. 欧洲央行的结论是,25家银行(其中9家是意大利银行)需要填补总额为250亿欧元的资本缺口。

    The ECB concluded that 25 institutions , nine of them Italian , would need to add a total of € 25bn in capital .

  16. 其中下降幅度最大的是对希腊和西班牙银行的贷款,这延续了之前的趋势,但是,对意大利银行的贷款锐减却是新现象。

    The biggest reductions were in loans to Greek and Spanish banks , continuing an earlier pattern , but an Italian loan slump was new .

  17. 日本酒店可追溯到8世纪,德国啤酒厂的诞生于11世纪,而意大利银行起源于15世纪。

    There are Japanese hotels dating back to the 8th century , German breweries that hail from the 11th and an Italian bank with roots in the 15th .

  18. 当然,费罗尼错误地认为,在盎格鲁-撒克逊世界,人们普遍认为美第奇家族是意大利银行和金融业的顶峰。

    The Medici are generally regarded , certainly and , Felloni argues , mistakenly in the Anglo-Saxon world , as the summit of Italian achievement in banking and finance .

  19. 两周之前拟定的以新资本为西班牙银行注资的计划还没有完全落实,如今意大利银行也开始面临融资压力。

    An attempt two weeks ago to prop up Spanish banks with fresh capital funding has yet to be fully implemented and now Italian banks are starting to face funding pressures too .

  20. 分析师表示,改革将会对拥有大量投行业务的法国、德国和意大利银行造成超乎寻常的打击,迫使它们对大量衍生品持仓记入损失。

    Analysts say some French , German and Italian banks with large investment banking activities would be hit disproportionately by the changes , forcing them to book losses on large holdings of derivatives .

  21. 他的做法基本上是只要当地银行(主要是西班牙和意大利银行)能将相关资金用于购买主权债,欧洲央行就能为这些银行免费提供现金。

    He did this by basically making it free for local banks to borrow cash from the central bank – provided that the banks , mostly those in Spain and Italy , use those funds to buy up sovereign debt .

  22. 但是他们警告说,“意大利银行业与其他欧洲银行部门的紧密联系最终将带来相对较高的风险,该风险会加剧意大利主权债务和银行市场的动荡,从而为其他国家带来严重的后果”

    But they warned that " the high degree of interconnection between the Italian Banking and other European banking sectors * ultimately implies a relatively high risk that further tensions within the Italian sovereign and banking market could have severe consequences for other countries . "

  23. 意大利的银行也远比德国和英国银行更加谨慎。

    Italian banks have been much more prudent than their German or British counterparts .

  24. 这些闯入者开始可能就想收购或并购意大利资本银行。

    These interlopers may be setting themselves up for a merger or takeover of the Italian bank .

  25. 另外,银行家也估计称,意大利的银行在7月份失去了相当于价值400亿欧元的货币市场融资。

    Separately , bankers estimate that Italian banks lost the equivalent of € 40bn-worth of money market funding in July .

  26. 今年头几个月,西班牙和意大利的银行可以断断续续地进入公开债市。

    Banks in Spain and Italy had sporadic access to public debt markets in the first few months of the year .

  27. 长期再融资操作使西班牙和意大利的银行能够利用本国债券开展高利润、低风险的套利交易。

    The LTRO enabled Spanish and Italian banks to engage in very profitable and low-risk arbitrage in their own countries ' bonds .

  28. 承蒙意大利商业银行告知贵公司名称和地址,并告知贵方欲购进滚珠轴承。

    We owe your name and address to Italian Commercial Bank who has informed us that you are in the market for ball-bearing .

  29. 与此同时,保守的借贷文化就像意大利各银行展现的那样在经济繁荣期间可能受到批评,但在危机时刻却能带来回报。

    Meanwhile a conservative lending culture such as that demonstrated by Italian banks may be criticised during a boom , but it is rewarded in a crisis .

  30. 欧洲银行跨境并购的现状与前景&兼评意大利联合信贷银行兼并德国HVB

    European Banking Cross-border M & A : Present and Future