
yì wài shì jiàn
  • accident;fortuitous event
  1. 这个意外事件搅乱了我们的阵脚。

    This accident upset our plans and threw us into confusion .

  2. 他们把这意外事件归咎于我。

    They charged the accident against me .

  3. 警察必须随时准备应付意外事件。

    Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected .

  4. 当意外事件干扰了你的生活时,你会感到焦虑吗?

    Do you feel anxious when unforeseen incidents intrude on your day ?

  5. 在罗斯玛丽巷,一起严重的意外事件正等待着他们。

    A nasty surprise awaited them in Rosemary Lane .

  6. 罢工是中断了,但主要还是由于发生了一系列意外事件。

    The strike was broken , of course , but in the main by a series of adventitious developments .

  7. 这些意外事件使这本书变得更加个人化。

    The accidents make the book even more personal .

  8. 高敏C反应蛋白和心型脂肪酸结合蛋白对不稳定性心绞痛患者心脏意外事件的影响

    Serum high-sensitivity C-reaction protein and heart fatty acid binding protein level and cardiac accidents in patients with unstable angina pectoris

  9. 心血管意外事件发生率A组高于B组(P<0.05);

    The incidence of cardiovascular accidental events in group A was higher than that in group B ( P < 0 05 ) .

  10. 方法:对2500例CPB手术进行了回顾性分析。结果:发生CPB意外事件23例。

    Method To retrospectively review 2 500 patients under CPB operation .

  11. 目的探讨血液净化技术(BP)在小儿危重症治疗中的并发症和意外事件的防治方法。

    Objective To investigate the complications and incidences from blood purification ( BP ) for pediatric severe patients and their prevention and treatment .

  12. 到目前为止,FDA尚未发现由该产品引起的意外事件。

    So far , FDA has not found any incidents caused by the product .

  13. 结论:对于糖尿病肾病的患者,大剂量的使用B族维生素比之安慰剂,可以明显的减少肾小球滤过率,增加血管意外事件。

    Conclusion Among patients with diabetic nephropathy , high doses of B vitamins compared with placebo resulted in a greater decrease in GFR and an increase in vascular events .

  14. Andwe’vedealtwithourshareofsurprise.Dealwith,解决,处理问题。Shareofsurprises指代生活中两个人共同经历的意外事件。Madealotofsacrifices,牺牲了很多。但是,westayedtogether.我们患难与共。

    And we 've we 've dealt with our share of surprises , and made a lot of sacrifices , but we stayed together .

  15. 这次意外事件充实了她的种植理念,成就了她的新书《室内厨房园艺:把你的家变成四季菜园》(IndoorKitchenGardening:TurnYourHomeIntoaYear-RoundVegetableGarden,由CoolSprings出版)。

    The accident fed the philosophy behind her new book Indoor Kitchen Gardening : Turn Your Home Into a Year-Round Vegetable Garden ( Cool Springs Press ) .

  16. 这次意外事件充实了她的种植理念,成就了她的新书《室内厨房园艺:把你的家变成四季菜园》(IndoorKitchenGardening:TurnYourHomeIntoaYear-RoundVegetableGarden,由CoolSprings出版)。

    The accident fed the philosophy behind her new book " Indoor Kitchen Gardening : Turn Your Home Into a Year-Round Vegetable Garden " ( Cool Springs Press ) .

  17. 前不久,布鲁克林的糕点师坎农处理了一个意外事件,一名Facebook用户未经授权发布了普林斯顿等孩子的照片。

    Ms. Cannon , the pastry chef from Brooklyn , recently dealt with an incident in which a Facebook user posted photos of Princeton and other children without permission .

  18. 紧急事故或异常状况发生时,lng船应即依安全誓约书意外事件处置方法采取必要之紧急应变措施防范事故扩大。

    B.If emergency or abnormality occurs , the LNG carrier personnel shall take necessary countermeasures according to the safety pledge letter to prevent expanding the incident .

  19. 对危险责任,PHA与危险评估,以及意外事件起因进行问题讨论及课堂辩论。

    Discussion questions and in-class debate on responsibility for risk , PHA and risk assessment , causes of accidents ( PDF )

  20. 结论CRP定量测定对判断UAP患短期内发生心脏意外事件有重要的预报价值,且比CK&MB具有更高的敏感性。

    Conclusion The CRP quantative detection has important significance for the recent prognosis of heart-accident of patients with UAP , which is more sensitive than CK-MB .

  21. Kopp:这个控制台能够消除了某些意外事件。

    Kopp : The console eliminates certain surprises .

  22. 并抽取同期门诊健康体检者50例作为对照组。结果UAP组的心脏意外事件发生率为26.8%,高于SAP组的10.53%(P<0.05);

    Results The incidence of cardiac accidents was significantly higher in UAP group ( 26.8 % ) than that in SAP group ( 10.53 % , P < 0.001 ) .

  23. Henchard的生活经历是复杂的而且充满了意外事件。

    Henchard 's life experience was complicated and full of unexpected event .

  24. CKMB异常的UAP患者中40.0%在2周内发生心脏意外事件,CKMB正常的UAP患者心脏意外事件发生率为28.9%(P>0.05)。

    The heart-accident rate in patients whose CK-MB was abnormal was significantly higher than that in the patients whose CK-MB was normal ( 40.0 % vs 28.9 % , P > 0.05 ) .

  25. 目的:评估1,25-(OH)2D3对终末期肾脏疾病维持性血液透析病人心脏意外事件发生率的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of 1,25 - ( OH ) 2D3 on cardiovascular mortality among the patients with end-stage renal disease ( ESRD ) and on the treatment of supporting haemodialysis .

  26. 去年《儿科心理学杂志》(TheJournalofPediatricPsychology)发表的一项研究结果称,在发生不危及生命但的确需要赶到急诊室的意外事件之后,父母“告诫女儿要小心的可能性,比儿子高四倍”。

    According to a study in The Journal of Pediatric Psychology last year , parents are " four times more likely to tell girls than boys to be more careful " after mishaps that are not life-threatening but do entail a trip to the emergency room .

  27. 通往英国央行的路已经被关闭,因为在附近发现了一个可疑包裹。这次意外事件发生在G-20峰会两天前的英国首都。

    Roads leading to the area were closed after a suspicious package was found near the bank . The incident comes just two days before the G-20 summit begins in the British capital .

  28. 报上有一篇意外事件的报道。

    There was a write-up of the accident in the newspaper .

  29. 发生这一意外事件的实验室已经临时关闭。

    The laboratory where the accident occurred has been temporarily closed .

  30. 意外事件预示着战略和竞争性现实之间的差距。

    Unexpected events signal a gap between strategy and competitive realities .