
zhōng wài hé zī
  • Sino-foreign joint venture
中外合资[zhōng wài hé zī]
  1. WTO框架下中国证券公司的制度创新&中外合资

    Institutional Innovation of China 's Securities Corporations under WTO 's Framework ── Sino-foreign Joint Venture

  2. JV公司是于1999年在四川成都组建成立的一家中外合资企业,主营业务是优质肉牛屠宰加工及销售。

    Being a Sino-foreign joint venture founded in 1999 and located in Chengdu city Sichuan province , JV owns the main business of slaughtering and processing high-quality cattle , as well as selling the products concerned .

  3. 第八十五条中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业使用土地的,适用本法;

    Article 85 This law applies to the use of land by Sino-foreign joint and cooperative ventures , and wholly foreign-owned enterprises .

  4. 企业工会:能动的行动者&以北京中外合资企业B有限公司工会实践为例

    Enterprise Union : the Dynamic Actor & Taking union practice of a joint venture in Beijing , B Co. Ltd. , as an example

  5. 同时,AB公司是一家国有法人控制下的中外合资企业。

    At the same time , AB is a joint venture under the control of state-owned legal person shares .

  6. 无锡感芯半导体有限公司是一家新兴的MEMS传感器设计,生产以及制造的中外合资企业。

    Consensic is high tech company originally started from Silicon Valley , which designs and produces MEMS pressure sensor and humidity sensor .

  7. 管理咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)称,三分之二的中外合资企业是亏损的。

    Two-thirds of Sino-foreign ventures are loss-making , according to McKinsey , the management consultancy .

  8. 他参与了两起外国投资者对国内上市商业银行的收购,并为在中国加入WTO后成立的第一家中外合资的证券公司的设立提供了服务。

    He has advised two foreign investors in acquiring stakes in two listed Chinese commercial banks and the first joint venture securities company since China 's entry into the WTO .

  9. 在过去两年里,包括德意志银行(deutschebank)与瑞信(creditsuisse)在内的欧洲投行也获准成立了中外合资证券公司,但经营业务只限于承销ipo。

    European banks including Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse have been granted approval to launch mainland securities joint ventures in the past two years , but these have been restricted to IPO underwriting .

  10. 麦格理(Macquarie)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)出售了它们的中国信托业务,令人对剩余的中外合资信托企业能否维持下去产生疑问。

    Macquarie and Morgan Stanley have sold out of their Chinese trust businesses , raising questions about the viability of the remaining joint-venture partnerships between foreign and domestic institutions in China .

  11. 在中国AA银行未控股前,A寿险公司为一家区域性、中外合资、小型寿险公司,现正在向全国性,国有企业,大中型寿险公司转变进程中。

    Before it is controlled by AA Bank , A is a regional , small-sized life insurance joint-venture . Now A is in a transition to a nation-wide , middle to large-sized , state-owned enterprise .

  12. 看看爱多VCD和一些中外合资等显赫一时的民企,他们今安在?

    Love to see more Sino-foreign joint ventures , such as VCD and a number of prominent private enterprises of the time , in their current security ?

  13. 本文选取8833家中外合资企业和合作企业,运用OLS和二元Logistic回归对外商的投资违约行为进行实证研究。

    This paper uses OLS and Binary Logistic regression to carry out empirical study on foreign investment breaking contract in 8833 Sino-foreign equity joint ventures and Sino-foreign contractual joint ventures , and educes involved empirical conclusions .

  14. 中国加入WTO之后,中国市场将吸引更多的国外跨国公司来华投资,中外合资企业是我国引进国外直接投资的主要形式,它在创造经济奇迹的同时,也将会面临管理上的困惑。

    As China entered WTO , the market in China will attract more and more foreign companies to invest in China . Joint venture is the main approach to attract foreign direct investment in China , they will create economic miracle and also management dilemma at the same time .

  15. 之所以选择中外合资企业AB公司作为研究对象,一方面是因为AB公司的主要业务是为客户提供全套的交钥匙工程服务,其中包括硬件、软件设计,生产线工艺调试和售后服务。

    One of the reasons to choose JV AB Company as the research subject is that the scope of supply of AB is complete set of customized turn-key engineering project which include hardware & software design , technology commissioning and after-sales service .

  16. 介绍了危险性和可操作性(HAZOP)研究的理论和中外合资上海赛科(SECCO)石油化工有限责任公司0.9Mt/a乙烯联合装置工程项目中对公用设施进行HAZOP研究的结果。

    Research theory of hazard and operability ( HAZOP ) as well as its research result in the utility and facilities of 0.9 Mt / a ethylene complex project in SECCO Petrochemical Company Limited is expounded .

  17. 普华永道(PwC)最近对25家中外合资基金管理公司中的19家进行了一项调查。调查结果显示,在华外国基金管理公司担心,中国的沪深两市可能没有足够多的优质上市公司。

    Foreign fund managers in China fear there might not be enough good quality companies listing on the country 's two stock markets , according to a survey by PwC of 19 of the 25 joint-venture fund management firms operating in the country .

  18. 专业研究机构Z-BenAdvisors编纂的数据显示,去年12月底,24家中外合资公司管理的资产,约占内地共同基金资产总额的40%,高于去年初的25%。

    Figures compiled by Z-Ben Advisors , a specialist research firm , show that the 24 Sino - foreign joint ventures accounted for almost 40 per cent of total domestic mutual fund assets at the end of December , up from a quarter at the start of last year .

  19. IMC-YY是一家中外合资的修船新企业,2006年建成投产,销售产值以每年超过100%的增长速度发展。

    IMC-YY is a joint venture new ship repair yard which put into operation in 2006 ; Sales revenue was growth more than 100 % per year from 2006 to 2008 .

  20. 签订中外合资经营企业合同中的几个问题

    Some Points for Attention in Signing Contracts for Joint Venture Enterprises

  21. 中外合资企业建立有效员工培训体系研究

    A Study on Building Effective Employee Training System In Joint Venture

  22. 第七条设立中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构,应依法向拟设立企业住所地省级外经贸

    To set up job referral agencies of Chinese-Foreign joint ventures and

  23. 这些项目体现出中外合资企业员工在工作行为方面的差异。

    These items embody the behavioral differences among joint venture employees .

  24. 中外合资企业中文化冲突与融合问题的研究

    The Study of Sino-foreign Joint Venture on Culture Conflict and Syncretism

  25. 相应地,外商独资企业、中外合资企业等跨国公司所面临的管理问题也日益突显。

    Accordingly , management problems of multi-national companies are gradually discovered .

  26. 从中外合资企业公司治理谈中石化对外合资策略

    Research on Strategy of Sinopec Foreign Joint Investment through Corporation Governance

  27. 完善中外合资企业的组织领导体制

    Improvement of the organization & leadership system in Sino-foreign joint ventures

  28. 刘小姐受雇于一个中外合资公司。

    Miss Liu is employed in a Chinese-foreign joint company .

  29. 中外合资基金何时叩开中国门

    Sino-foreign Joint Fund : When Will it Knock at China 's Door

  30. 论中外合资经营企业注册资本制度的完善

    On Perfecting the Capital Registration System of Sino - foreign Joint Ventures