
zhōng yè
  • middle period
中叶 [zhōng yè]
  • [middle period] 一个世纪或一个朝代的中期

  • 19世纪中叶

中叶[zhōng yè]
  1. 明中叶盐政问题分析

    Question Analysis in the Middle Period of the Ming Dynasty

  2. 清中叶陕西工商业的合伙经营

    Industrial and Commercial Partnership during Middle Period of Qing Dynasty

  3. 19世纪中叶标志着俄国历史的转折点。

    The middle decades of the 19th century marked a watershed in Russia 's history .

  4. 18世纪中叶食物的产量远远超过人口的增长。

    In the mid-eighteenth century the production of food far outstripped the rise in population

  5. 在19世纪中叶,多罗西娅·迪克斯开始发起为精神病患者争取人道待遇的运动。

    In the mid-nineteenth century , Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill .

  6. 科学社会主义创始于19世纪中叶。

    Scientific socialism originated in the middle of the nineteenth century .

  7. 世纪中叶标志着俄国历史的转折点。

    The middle decades of the 19th century marked a watershed in Russia 's history . 19

  8. 前列腺中叶异常增生,表现为息肉样肿物,突入膀胱腔内

    Hyperplasia median lobe of the prostate produces a polypoid mass that protrudes in the bladder lumen .

  9. 这个短语在19世纪中叶开始广泛使用,用来指代“年轻没经验或行事莽撞的时期”。

    The phrase became popular only from the middle of the 19th century , coming to mean " a period of youthful inexperience or indiscretion . " The metaphor .

  10. 到本世纪中叶,全面建成现代化高质量国家综合立体交通网,拥有世界一流的交通基础设施体系。其中提出“全国123出行交通圈”和“全球123快货物流圈”两个概念。

    By the middle of the century , a modern , high-quality and comprehensive national transport network will be built in an all-round way , with a world-class transport infrastructure system .

  11. 太极拳太极拳自17世纪中叶发源于河南省温县以来,习练者遍布全国各地,不限年龄、不限民族。太极拳最核心的动作是“八法五步”常规招式以及“推手”(两人之间双手的徒手对抗)。

    Tai chi 's basic movements center on wubu ( five steps ) and bafa ( eight techniques ) with a series of routines , exercises and tuishou ( hand-pushing skills , performed with a counterpart ) .

  12. 超临界CO2萃取万寿菊花中叶黄素的工艺优化

    Optimization of extracting technique of lutein from marigold flower by supercritical CO_2 extraction

  13. 按Higgins和Anderson方法加以改良,作肝左叶和肝中叶切除(约占全肝的68%)。

    The left and middle lobe of liver were resected with improved Higgins and Anderson 's method .

  14. 通过对13个大豆品种的生长分析,根据Fourier级数,描述了冠层中叶量的垂直分布及其几何性状。株型可分为三类。

    Perpendicular distribution and geometric figure of leaf frush weight ( LFW ) in the canopy were described by growth analysis of 13 cultivars of soybean with the basis of Fourier-progression .

  15. 改良Madigan术切除前列腺中叶增生经尿道前列腺汽化切除治疗前列腺增生

    Modified Madigan 's prostatectomy was used to treat the prostatic middle lobe hyperplasia

  16. 体外循环建立前取右肺中叶少许肺组织,福尔马林固定,石蜡包埋,SP法免疫组织化学染色,并进行灰度扫描。

    The specimens were taken from middle lobe of the right lung before cardiopulmonary bypass and were fixed by formaldehyde solution , paraffin embedding and stained by SP immunohistochemical technique and usual analysis .

  17. 标本取自右肺中叶,切片H-E染色作病理检查,采用Northern印迹法检测标本中NHE-1mRNA的表达。

    The lung biopsies were obtained from the middle lobe of the right during the operation . Northern blot were used to examine the NHE-1m RNA expression .

  18. Dowling导演对美国20世纪中叶的这两个伟大的编剧有着独到的感悟和理解。

    Dowling has this instinctive understanding of the mid-20th-Century American world these two giants encompassed .

  19. 方法兔肝脏左中叶注射VX2肿瘤组织混悬液,建立肝脏肿瘤模型。

    Methods The hepatocarcinoma animal models were established by implantation of VX_2 tumor tissue masses into the left-middle lobe of liver in rabbits .

  20. 所有品种的核型特征各不相同,乔木大叶型品种的核型为较对称的2A类型,而灌木中叶型的品种为较不对称的2B类型。

    According to chromosome classification , karyotypes of those with tree form and large leaf were more symmetric , belonging to 2A type , and those with shrub form and smaller leaf were less symmetric , belonging to 2B type .

  21. 奥曼(Aumann)在权威的《帕尔格雷夫大辞典》中的《博弈论》条中对这门学科的历史,它在八十年代中叶以前的发展成果作了精辟的介绍。继博弈论的开创者冯。

    Aumann gave incisive introductions to development results before middle period of 1980s and to history of the subject in 《 Game theory 》 of authoritative 《 Webster dictionary 》 .

  22. 其中周围型肺癌(T1N0~1M0)31例,支气管扩张症3例,右肺中叶不张并脓肿1例。

    The pathological diagnosis included 31 cases of peripheral lung cancer ( T_1N_0-1M_0 ), 3 cases of bronchiectasis , and 1 case of atelectasis combined with pulmonary abscess .

  23. 20世纪中叶兴起的默会知识论把phronesis视为一种自主、独立的知识形态,从认识论上激活了亚里士多德的实践哲学传统,对理论的知识传统形成了挑战。

    The theory of tacit knowledge arised in mid-20th century takes phronesis as an independent and autonomous mode of knowledge , thus challenged the theoretical tradition of knowledge and revitalized the Aristotelian tradition of practical philosophy .

  24. 结果:左、右肺上叶支气管及右肺中叶支气管的内径分别为5.2±0.6mm、5.1±0.9mm和4.0±0.6mm。段支气管内径为2.3~2.6mm。

    Results : The internal diameters of the left and right superior and right middle lobar bronchi are 5.2 ± 0.6 mm , 5.1 ± 0.9 mm and 4.0 ± 0.6 mm respectively .

  25. 英国天文学家J.R.海德曾经使用这些数据计算哈雷彗星的运行轨道,他发现,彗星运行轨道角度呈变小趋势:在汉代,角度为1700,到19世纪中叶,则减至1610。

    R. Hind , a British astronomer , once usedthese continuous data to calculate the orbit of Halley 's Comet , and discovered that the angle of the orbit showed a narrowing trend.In the Han Dynasty , it was 170 degrees , but it nar-rowed down t0 161 degrees in the mid-9th century .

  26. 非定常环境中叶栅总压恢复系数的数值研究

    Numerical Investigation of Total-Pressure Recovery Coefficient of Cascade in Unsteady Environment

  27. 患家族性中叶硬化综合征的三兄弟出现睾丸上升

    Testicle Transplantation Ascended testis in three brothers with Pelizaeus Merzbacher syndrome

  28. 从19世纪中叶开始,企业之间的合作便开始形成。

    From mid-19th century , cooperation among enterprises has taken shape .

  29. 国外乡村旅游始于19世纪中叶的法国。

    The agritourism abroad began in France in middle 19th century .

  30. 85例右肺中叶病变术后临床病理分析

    Postoperative clinical and pathologic analyses in 85 cases with the right