
fàn zuì yù fánɡ
  • crime prevention;prevention of crime
  1. 应该有用于落实当地犯罪预防计划的专项资金。

    There should be ring-fenced funding for local crime prevention initiatives .

  2. 论中国社会转型期的犯罪预防

    On the Crime Prevention at the Social Turning Period in China

  3. 加入WTO农村犯罪预防与控制之我见

    My Comment on Crime 's Prevention and Control in Countryside after Joining the WTO

  4. 犯罪预防中的技术预防与观念预防

    Prevention of Technology and Prevention of Idea in Prevention of Crime

  5. 应注意犯罪预防的可能性与现实性的界限。

    The probability and reality of crime prevention shall be distinguished .

  6. 超前性从总体上影响犯罪预防的整体思路;

    Advanced nature affects the whole thinking of crime prevention ;

  7. 取务犯罪预防法律制度之立法建议

    Legislative Proposals to the Legal System of Post Crime Prevention

  8. 检察机关职务犯罪预防工作研究

    On the Work of Procuratorial Organs to Prevent Official Crimes

  9. 职务犯罪预防的刑事政策意义

    On the Criminal Policy Value of the Prevention of the Official Crimes

  10. 完善立法与加强教育:构建未成年人犯罪预防体系的着力点

    Preventing Juvenile Delinquency Requires Further Perfecting Legislation and Strengthening Education

  11. 基于犯罪预防的城市规划研究与启示

    Research and Enlightenment about Urban Planning Based on Preventing Crimes

  12. 化解挫折与大学生犯罪预防

    Dissolve the frustrate commit crime with university student to prevent

  13. 犯罪预防在与犯罪的冲突中展开其发展过程。

    Crime prevention proceeds in the conflict with crime commission .

  14. 论西部开发中的环境犯罪预防

    On the Precautions of Environmental Crime in the Western Development

  15. 我国犯罪预防模式的选择与辨析

    On the selection and analysis of the criminal prevention model in our country

  16. 生存哲学视野下的青少年犯罪预防

    On Juvenile Delinquency from the Perspective of Survival Philosophy

  17. 在犯罪预防中,警察的作用既是重要的,又是有限的。

    In crime prevention , police plays a very important but limited role .

  18. 治权与职务犯罪预防

    On Administering Power and the Prevention of Official Crimes

  19. 城市社会公共安全市场的制度安排&以社区治安与犯罪预防为例

    The Institutional Arrangement of Metropolis Society Public Security Market

  20. 发挥审判职能作用做好青少年犯罪预防与矫治

    Exert judicial function , do well in prevention and correction of juvenile delinquency

  21. 青少年犯罪预防与待遇及公众参与国际讨论会

    International Seminar on the Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency and Community Participation

  22. 和谐社会构建中未成年人犯罪预防机制探析

    On the Construction of the Preventive Mechanism in Juvenile Delinquency in the Harmonious Society

  23. 中国社会目前正处于转型的关键时期,社会转型对犯罪预防提出了新的挑战。

    C hina is in the transformational period , which challenges the crime prevention .

  24. 论高薪养廉与职务犯罪预防

    On " Highe Salary , More Rightness " and Prevention of the Post Crime

  25. 学校犯罪预防教育透视

    Perspective on Education of Crime Prevention at School

  26. 这三大方面的内容反映了王守仁犯罪预防思想的主要特性。

    These three aspects reflect the main features of Wang Shou-ren crime prevention ideas .

  27. 其次,考察国外大学生犯罪预防的经验。

    Experience in college students ' crime prevention .

  28. 构建未成年人法律体系与犯罪预防

    Constructing Legal System for Juvenile and Crime Prevention

  29. 浅议社区警务中的犯罪预防

    A Discussion about Crime Prevention in Community Policing

  30. 论社会整合机制社会控制机制变迁影响下的社区犯罪预防

    The Community Crime Prevention with the Impact of the Change of Social Control System