
fàn zuì xīn lǐ xué
  • criminal psychology
  1. 殷周时期的犯罪心理学思想初探

    A preliminary study of criminal psychology in Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties

  2. 中国犯罪心理学测试技术应用理论

    Criminal psychology test technology application theory in China

  3. 关于犯罪心理学教学方法的研究

    The Research on the Teaching Method of Crime Psychology

  4. 西方现代犯罪心理学思想评析

    A comment on the western modern criminal psychological thought

  5. 论犯罪心理学理论与实践的结合

    On the Conjugation of Guilty Mind Theory with Application

  6. 对犯罪心理学研究取向的思考

    Thoughts on the Research of Criminal Psychology Orientation

  7. 宋代理学家的犯罪心理学思想研究

    A tentative research on thoughts of criminal psychology in idealist philosophy of Song Dynasty

  8. 犯罪心理学教学改革创新研究

    Studies on Education Reform of Criminal Psychology

  9. 对于“越轨犯规行为”的科学分析和有效转化,犯罪心理学领域提出了著名的社会标签理论。

    Social label theory in crime psychology can help scientifically analyze the behavior of aberration .

  10. 他精通犯罪心理学。

    He is proficient in crime psychology .

  11. 第三部分用犯罪心理学的理论对校园暴力的典型案例进行分析。

    The third part uses the theories of criminal psychology to analyze typical cases of campus violence .

  12. 对暴力犯罪心理学的研究目前主要集中在暴力犯的攻击性人格、人格障碍等方面。

    The currently researches of violent crime psychology focus on aggressive personality , personality disorders , and so on .

  13. 因此,犯罪心理学研究怎样适应信息化社会的发展成为一个全新的课题。

    Therefore , it is a new problem how the criminal psychology research suits the development of the information society .

  14. 作为学科概念的犯罪心理学和作为犯罪心理学最基本概念的犯罪心理必须明确。

    We must be clear about the criminal psychology between being a subject concept and being the basic guilty mind .

  15. 所以加强不同于刑法学的犯罪心理学的研究,有着极其重要的意义。

    So it is of great significance to strengthen the research of criminal psychology that is different from criminal jurisprudence .

  16. 犯罪心理学的研究对象受学科发展状况、研究目的和学科话语霸权的影响。

    The object of criminal psychology is affected by the development of academic research and academic purposes and hegemonic discourse .

  17. 科学、适当的犯罪心理学教学方法是提高该学科教学质量的关键。

    Scientific , proper teaching method of crime psychology is the key to improve the teaching quality of this subject .

  18. 因此,犯罪心理学实际上是一门研究犯罪人心理的学科。

    Therefore , the subject of criminal psychology is in fact a study of the " mind of the criminal " .

  19. 我大多是在法庭上见他,我在犯罪心理学杂志发表过一篇关于他的文�

    Well , I saw him mainly in court . I wrote an article about him in the Journal of Criminal Psychology .

  20. 就犯罪心理学理论而言,以罗大华教授为代表的犯罪心理结构论影响最大。

    In the field of crime psychology , the theory criminal psychological structure advanced by professor Luo Dahua , is most well known .

  21. 改革犯罪心理学教学内容和方法的目的:一是要培养学生必要的法学专业基础知识和实践技能;

    Purpose of reform of criminal psychology courses content the method : to train necessary law science basic knowledge and practical ability first ;

  22. 本文从犯罪学、犯罪心理学的角度,对罪犯的人格障碍、性心理障碍以及智力水平缺陷进行了深刻剖析。

    This article analyzes deeply the personality barrier , sex psychology barrier and deficiency of intellect from the perspective of criminology and criminal psychology .

  23. 本文结合犯罪心理学的研究体系,首先从犯罪心理结构方面对恐怖主义犯罪进行解读。

    Combining of the research system of Criminal Psychology , this article gave explanations to the Crime of Terrorism from the aspect of Structure of Criminal Mind .

  24. 文章对中西方犯罪心理学研究的历史与现状作了简要的介绍,并进一步指出了犯罪心理学研究的信息化趋势。

    The essay does a brief introduction about the history and current situation at home and abroad . and indicate the information trend of criminal psychology research .

  25. 同时,计算机网络技术的发展也引起了犯罪心理学研究方法以及犯罪心理预测、预防技术的深刻变革。

    Meanwhile , the development of the technology brings deep revolution in the field of research method of crime mentality , mental calculation , including privation technology of crime .

  26. 在刑事一体化背景下,犯罪心理学的研究应以行为人承担刑事责任的心理基础为核心。

    Under the background of the ' unification in the criminal law ' , study of criminal psychology focuses on the psychological foundation which the actor shall be responsible for .

  27. 研究犯罪心理学的根本目的是为了揭示犯罪原因,进行犯罪预测、预防和控制,其狭义和广义之争并不妨碍这一目的的实现。

    The fundamental purpose of studying criminal psychology is to reveal the causes of crime , predict , prevent and control the crimes , which is realized regardless of the disputes .

  28. 马保力在警校学过犯罪心理学,学员在课堂上被告知,应该以怀疑的眼光看待同性恋者,因为他们更有可能从事犯罪行为。

    At the police academy , Mr Ma took courses on criminal psychology where cadets were told that gay people should be viewed suspiciously because they were more likely to commit crimes .

  29. 犯罪心理学是以犯罪学和心理学为基础的理论研究和实践应用性学科,它不仅受到心理学和犯罪学基本观点的影响,而且还受到有关犯罪的规范&刑法学的影响。

    Criminal psychology , which based on criminology and psychology , is an academic and applied subject , and it will be affected by basic viewpoints of psychology , criminology and criminal law .

  30. 犯罪心理学的研究,需要明确它的学科性质是偏向于社会科学的中间科学和带有浓厚人文色彩的边缘科学。

    It needs to define that the nature of the research of criminal psychology is closer to the intermediate science of social science and the brink science with a strong color of humanity .