
fàn zuì xínɡ wéi
  • crime;criminality;commission of offence;criminal act;job
  1. 政府对犯罪行为并非日渐手软。

    The government is not becoming soft on crime .

  2. 该犯罪行为没有政治动机。

    The crime was not politically motivated

  3. 法官将这些犯罪行为描述为“令人作呕、说不出口”。

    The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable

  4. 这不光是情节重大的犯罪行为,还是一种严重的背信行为。

    This was a serious breach of trust quite apart from the gravity of any offence

  5. 英国的《消费者保护法》规定销售不安全物品属刑事犯罪行为。

    In Britain the Consumer Protection Act makes it a criminal offence to sell goods that are unsafe .

  6. 犯罪行为猖獗。

    Crime was rampant .

  7. 警察正在与城里的犯罪行为作斗争。

    The police are waging war against crime in the city .

  8. 窝藏罪犯是犯罪行为。

    It 's an offence to harbour the criminals .

  9. 杀人是一种残暴的犯罪行为。

    Murder is a brutal crime .

  10. 消极的激情是消极情绪的积累,是形成大学生激情犯罪行为的催化剂。

    The negative intense emotion is the University student 's catalyst of the intense emotional criminal offence .

  11. 据联邦调查局称,在2013年的美国,像这样的犯罪行为大约占所有入室盗窃的三分之二。

    According to the FBI , crimes like these accounted roughly two-thirds of all household burglaries in the US in 2013 .

  12. 正当防卫不属于犯罪行为。

    Justifiable defense is the act being exempted from crimes .

  13. 他试图掩盖和粉饰其犯罪行为的嚣张气焰是不可原谅的。

    The blatancy of his attempt to whitewash the crime was unforgivable .

  14. 重复诽谤是一种犯罪行为。

    Repetition of a libel is an offence .

  15. 在我们所谓文明社会中日益增多的犯罪行为

    rising crime in our so-called civilized societies

  16. 同时,修正案将谋杀等严重犯罪行为的刑事责任年龄降低至12岁。刑法修正案规定,

    The amendment also lowers the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 12 for severe crimes such as murder .

  17. 从另一方面来看,有一种观点认为城市设计已不再停留在使用金属钢钉等简单粗暴的形式,而且这些精巧微妙的设计元素在阻止犯罪行为或反社会行为方面很有价值。

    On the other hand , there 's also the view that urban design has moved on from crude deterrents12 like metal spikes13 , and that more subtle design elements can be valuable in discouraging criminal or anti-social behavior .

  18. 一个专家解释为什么ChenJia被指控更严重的犯罪行为。

    An expert explains why Chen Jia was charged with the more serious offence .

  19. 目的探讨直接和间接攻击行为量表(DIAS)的信效度及在国内的应用价值,为预防儿童青少年暴力犯罪行为的发生提供依据。

    Objective To explore the reliability and validity of Direct and Indirect Aggression Scale ( DIAS ) and its value of use in China .

  20. 因此,除非明确要求依据特殊的法令进行定罪,否则使用§1B1.3中“相关犯罪行为”的标准。

    Accordingly , the " relevant conduct " criteria of § 1B1.3 are to be used , unless conviction under a specific statute is expressly required .

  21. 犯罪行为特征之经验性、智能性、变态性&犯罪行为特征的心理分析

    The experience , intelligence and abnormality , characteristics of criminal offence

  22. 不同的性格及社会控制力导致了他们的犯罪行为。

    Different personalities and social control result in their criminal behavior .

  23. 这一观点动摇了整个传统犯罪行为理论的根基。

    This view shakes the foundation of traditional criminal law theory .

  24. 用暴力威胁他人是犯罪行为。

    It is a criminal offence to threaten someone with violence .

  25. 任何地方都可能发生犯罪行为,尤其是在赌场。

    Crime can take place anywhere , especially a gambling den .

  26. 即使是在朋友之间,表现得无趣几乎也是犯罪行为。

    Even among friends , being dull is almost criminal .

  27. 换言之:他们想打开边境,想要更多犯罪行为。

    In other words , they want open borders and more crime .

  28. 家庭社会资本与青少年犯罪行为关系探究

    Analysis of Relationship between Family Social Capital and Behavior of Juvenile Crimes

  29. 要更多的数据那就要更多的犯罪行为。

    To get more data , you need more crimes .

  30. 根据瑞典的法律,它是一种犯罪行为。

    It 's a Swedish deal I 'm working on .