
fàn zuì wèn tí
  • crime problem
  1. 浅析街头诈骗犯罪问题

    Brief Analysis on the Street Bilk Crime Problem

  2. 圣保罗犯罪问题严重

    Sao Paulo has a serious crime problem

  3. 我们正促使议会顺利通过解决青少年犯罪问题的一项新策略。

    We are now piloting through Parliament a new strategy to tackle youth crime .

  4. 我国加入WTO后,经济犯罪问题将更加突出。

    It is predicted that economic crimes will increase after China 's entry into WTO .

  5. 城市犯罪问题专家詹姆斯威尔逊(jameswilson)则认为,最近犯罪率的下降可由积极的文化转变来解释。

    Urban crime expert James Wilson suggests instead that the recent drop-off in crime is explained by positive cultural changes .

  6. GeneSpafford,Purdue大学的计算机教授,安全和犯罪问题顾问

    Gene Spafford , CS professor at Purdue and consultant on issues of security and cybercrime

  7. 美国医院运营商“社区卫生系统公司”(CommunityHealthSystems)表示,中国黑客窃取了它的大约450万患者的私人信息。这是同类攻击中迄今遭窃账户数量最大的,将进一步加剧美中两国在网络犯罪问题上的长期紧张。

    Community Health Systems , the US hospital operator , said that Chinese hackers have stolen private information about 4.5m of its patients , the largest number of accounts compromised in such an attack , adding to long-running tensions between the two nations over cyber crime .

  8. 青少年犯罪问题原因是复杂的、多变的、互动的。

    The reasons for them are complicated , flexible and cohesive .

  9. 铁路运输中若干犯罪问题研究

    Researches on the Various Crimes Committed in Connection with Railway Transportation

  10. 足球犯罪问题近年来在我国日益凸现出来。

    The problems of football crimes have arisen increasingly in China .

  11. 从文化冲突的视角解读农民工犯罪问题

    An Analysis of the Peasant-worker Crime through the Cultural Conflict Theory

  12. 第四章为抢劫罪共同犯罪问题研究。

    Chapter III for the common crime of robbery and research .

  13. 公司、企业内部人犯罪问题初探

    To Probe the " Insider Crime " in Companies or Enterprises

  14. 第三、高级干部职务犯罪问题突出;

    Thirdly , high class staff crime of duty is outstanding ;

  15. 对性贿赂犯罪问题的立法理论探讨

    Legislative Theory Discussion of The Question of Crime of Sexual Bribery

  16. 没新线索他们如何解决犯罪问题?

    How do they solve the crimes with no new leads ?

  17. 单位实施自然人犯罪问题之探讨

    A Discussion on the Crime by A Natural Person in An Institution

  18. 流动人口违法犯罪问题及对策思考

    Thoughts on Problems of Floating Population 's Crime Commitment and the Countermeasures

  19. 四是论述了受贿罪的共同犯罪问题。

    The forth question is the joint crime of bribery .

  20. 城市流动人口犯罪问题浅析

    Simple Analysis of the Question about Urban Floating Population Crime

  21. 青少年犯罪问题已经引起社会的广泛关注。

    The question has already caused the extensive concern of the society .

  22. 我国西部少数民族聚居地区恐怖主义犯罪问题研究

    The Problems of Terrorism Crime in Western Ethnic Minority Communities in China

  23. 利用先行为人的先行行为实施犯罪问题的研究

    On the Crime Committed by Using the Act of the First Person

  24. 今天的社论就城市犯罪问题批评了市长。

    Today 's editorial criticizes the mayor for city 's crime problems .

  25. 农民工犯罪问题已日益引起社会的关注。

    Crime problems of migrant workers have increasingly attracted attention .

  26. 四是诱发青少年犯罪问题。

    Fourth , it is induced by the problem of juvenile delinquency .

  27. 重新犯罪问题是犯罪学领域古老而长青的问题。

    Recidivism is criminology field old and evergreen problem .

  28. 高校职务犯罪问题研究

    A Study of In-service Crimes in Colleges and Universities

  29. 关于中国当代黑恶犯罪问题的思考

    Thought on Crime of Mafia-evil force Now in China

  30. 我国入世后的涉外犯罪问题研究

    A Study on Crime Related to Foreign Affairs after the Entrance into WTO