
  1. 她宣扬了健康生活的好处。

    She preached about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle .

  2. 如果我们缺乏健康生活所必需的空气,那是因为我们已经让空气中充满了化学物质,削弱了植物的再生能力。

    If we lack the air necessary for a healthy life , it is because we have filled it with chemicals and undercut the ability of plants to regenerate it .

  3. 集体锻炼是提高身体素质、维持健康生活方式最有效的途径之一。

    Group exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve physical fitness and sustain a healthy lifestyle .

  4. 医生又笑了,回答说:"我们会尽力的,你也应该为你儿子的健康生活祈祷。"

    The doctor smiled again and replied , " We will do our best and you should also pray for your son 's healthy life . "

  5. MAYCI汽车香水为你创造的是一种全新的自然、健康生活方式,让您享受纯净绿色科技带来的浪漫生活情趣和高雅温馨的生活品位。

    MAYCI car perfume is for you to create a new natural , healthy way of life , allowing you to enjoy the pure taste and elegant warmly living quality of life .

  6. 积极运动是保持健康生活的最佳方式之一。

    Being more active is one of the best ways to stay healthy .

  7. 一旦你养成了新的健康生活习惯,那么以前的不好的生活习惯就自然的被取代了。

    As you develop new healthy habits , they will begin to replace bad habits .

  8. 法国华人的健康生活

    Healthy Life of French Chinese

  9. 即使按着这个理论运作,人们无非也就是多过上几年的健康生活。

    Even if we run with this theory , the people can just live no more than a few years'health life .

  10. 应用迁移的基本知识,分析了数字印刷油墨和食品接触包装材料在食品中的迁移及其研究现状,发现食品中的迁移已影响到人们的健康生活。

    Based on the basic knowledge of migration , the developments in the migration of digital-printing inks and food-contacted packaging materials in foodstuff in recent years are analyzed .

  11. 本文从研究生自身、中国传统文化以及社会环境方面对问题产生的原因做出分析,并对研究生健康生活方式的构建提出了有效的措施。

    In this paper an analysis from the Graduate itself , the traditional Chinese culture and social environment causes problems , and graduate healthy lifestyle to build effective measures .

  12. 在世卫组织内外开发技能并建设能力,促进有助于男性和妇女过上健康生活并从卫生保健工作中获益的政策和规划;

    Develop skills and build capacity , within and outside WHO , to promote policies and programmes that help women and men to lead healthy lives and benefit from health care services ;

  13. 我国居民被各种环境噪声困扰,特别是哈尔滨正处于快速发展期,噪声污染必然会对人民健康生活、城市经济发展带来影响,所以噪声污染是一项不可忽视环境问题。

    Resident in our country disturbed by all sorts of environmental noise , and Harbin is rapidly developing , which noise pollution will affect the healthy of people and the develop of economic .

  14. 超过20年的研究导致了国家第一医学杂志强烈推荐每个美国人吃一粒多种维生素片作为健康生活的一部分。

    More than 20 years of research led to a major recommendation in one of the country 's premier medical journals suggesting that every American take a multivitamin as part of a healthy lifestyle .

  15. 金碧卫浴每款新产品,极尽创新意念,追求完美,融入欧美风格,倡导健康生活观念。

    Bluish green bathroom of gold each new product , fulfil the creative idea to read aloud very much , pursue perfect , melt into the Euro-American style , initiate the healthy living idea .

  16. 现有众多的国外相关调查研究发现,目前的建筑室内空气质量普遍存在问题,室内空气品质的优劣直接关系到人类的健康生活和社会发展。

    Existing number of foreign-related investigation found that the current widespread problem of indoor air quality , indoor air quality is directly related to the merits of the health of human life and social development .

  17. 为了揭开能快乐健康生活的秘密,我们不但要观察身心已处于最佳状态的人的心理特征,我们还要观察那些功能失调的。

    In order to uncover the secrets to living a happyand healthy life , we must examine the effects of psychological characteristicsnot just within samples of people who are functioning optimally , but also thosewith dysfunction .

  18. 社会转型带来的紊乱和阵痛等。文明健康生活方式与消极颓废生活方式区别的标准在于是否有利于人的全面自由发展,是否与社会生产力水平相适应。

    A healthy life style , however , is to be formed which should be helpful for the free and all round development of humanity corresponding to the developmental level of social productive forces at present .

  19. [方法]职工填写健康生活方式综合评估问卷,利用健康危险度软件进行分析,计算每一职工发生几种慢性病的危险分数,并比较不同职别之间差异。

    [ Method ] The employees completed the " Comprehensive Questionaire on Healthy Life Style " and the result was analyzed through health risk assessment software to calculate the combined risk of several chronic diseases of each employee .

  20. 在此基础上,对干预组患者进行社区干预,包括健康生活方式的教育和干预(如戒烟、戒酒、膳食合理、起居规律、适量运动、控制体重等)。

    On this basis , the intervention group patients on the community intervention , including lifestyle education and intervention ( such as smoking , drinking , diet and reasonable accommodation laws , regular exercise , weight control , etc. ) .

  21. 伍德说,有时候公司会对有不良生活习惯的员工进行小小的惩罚,比如对烟民采取每月罚款10到30美元,以此来鼓励那些有健康生活方式的员工。

    In some cases , such as with smokers , Wood said a few companies have attached a " surcharge " of between $ 10 to $ 30 on monthly premiums as a kind of penalty to encourage a healthier lifestyle .

  22. 作者除了介绍了现代医学所倡导的健康生活方式外,还指出中医的治未病同样重视健康生活方式。

    In addition to introduced a healthy lifestyle of modern medicine advocated , the author introduced the theory of " preventive treatment of disease " . The author point out that theory of " preventive treatment of disease " concern the healthy lifestyles either .

  23. 十五年前,他创立了只有50人的贝斯卡软件公司。在贝斯卡公司,员工待遇优厚,一周只需工作40小时,不必熬夜。该公司企业氛围良好,员工健康生活,有机会拓宽视野。

    At Basecamp , the 50-person software company he helped found about 15 years ago , the benefits support a culture that urges employees to work reasonable hours ( 40 a week is encouraged ) , sleep more , stay healthy and expand their horizons .

  24. 环境问题也是公共问题,政府作为公众利益的维护者,投入资金到环保项目,减少了环境污染、改善了生态环境,为公众健康生活提供了有效的保障。

    The environmental problem is a public problem also , government , as the defender of public interest , invests funds to environmental projects , in order to reduce the environmental pollution and improve the ecological environment and provide effective protection for healthy life of the public .

  25. 最新医学研究证实了较为健康的生活方式的好处。

    Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle .

  26. 除此之外,它可能会改变患者家属的健康和生活。

    And beyond that , it might transform the health and lives of that patient 's family .

  27. 你想继续健康的生活。

    You will want to continue to focus on positive choices .

  28. 如果你真的想过一种健康的生活方式,那么和那些能给你提供适当情感支持的人在一起是非常重要的。

    If you 're serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle , it 's extremely important to surround yourself with people who 'll provide you with the proper emotional support .

  29. 也就是说,大多数糖尿病病例是由不健康的生活方式引起的。

    That is to say , most cases of diabetes result from the unhealthy life style .

  30. 跟吃太多宿舍食品和运动太少而长胖的大学新生一样,很多整天待在格子间的员工都过着很不健康的生活。他们饮食不规律,经常在下午或者深夜吃很多高热量的零食。

    Like college freshmen eating habits and indulge in too much late-afternoon or late-night high-fat snacking .